• venkat pvr
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I am getting the following error while creating a salesforce hybrid mobile app in windows7 os

C:\Users\venkat\AppData\Roaming\npm>forcedroid create
Enter your application type (native, hybrid_remote, or hybrid_local): native
Enter your application name: napp
Enter the target directory of your app: E:\Venkateswar\forcedroid_work\pvrapphyb
Enter the target Android API version number for your application (at least 21 (L
ollipop)): 17
Target API must be at least 21
Enter the target Android API version number for your application (at least 21 (L
ollipop)): 21
Enter the package name for your app (com.mycompany.my_app): com.pvr.napp
Do you want to use SmartStore or SmartSync in your app? [yes/NO] ('No' by defaul
t) no
The "android" utility does not exist at E:\Venkateswar\spftwares_android\android
-sdk\tools;\tools\android.bat.  Make sure you've properly installed the Android

any one please help how to resolve this problem

Hi Guys,

I am newbie in sf hybrid mobile app development. I am trying to develop a very basic hybrid_remote app. I installed forcedroid using npm. then i installed cordova using npm. 

But when i try to  create a new app using npm, i am getting the followinig error.
C:\Users\gssranar>forcedroid create
Enter your application type (native, hybrid_remote, or hybrid_local): hyb
Enter your application name: hbd
Enter the target directory of your app: hbd
Enter the package name for your app (com.mycompany.my_app): com.hbd.com
Enter the start page for your app (only applicable for hybrid_remote apps
Creating a new cordova project.
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory 'C:\Users\gssranar\hbd\hbd'

Can someone please help me with this?