• Jagadesh
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Hi All,

I have an issue with respect to integration between third party and salesforce.
Here the 3rd party requests salesforce for infomation on cases by calling a webservice class which has a couple of queries in it.The issue here is ,when the request comes for the first time the time taken for the response is way too long and results in timed out error at the 3rd party.The interesting part is for the second and the subsequent requests,the response time is very less when compared to the first one.

Can any1 suggest solutions or possible cause for this scenario?

Hi All,

I have a requirement where in i need to display a different URL to the user,not the URL that he is actually being redirected to.Here we are using sites.

For example,when the user clicks on a particular image he is being redirected to a page whose original URL is
https://xyz.com/myVfPage?x=test ;test2

I need to show the end user ,the URL as https://xyz.com/someRandomText.
This i need to achieve using JS.Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

HI All,

Im facing some issue where i need to avoid SOQL query in for loop.My code is:
for(Case casex:cases)
            if(casex.Account == null )
               List accounts = [SELECT id from Account c WHERE c.Accounts_Reference_Code__c =:casex.Accounts_Reference_Code__c AND c.Accounts_Ledger__c = :casex.Origin];
               if(accounts.size() < 1)
                   casex.Description = 'No Account Found'; 
               else if(accounts.size() > 1)
                   casex.Description = 'Multiple Accounts Found'; 
                   casex.AccountId = accounts[0].id;

I need to remove SOQL query from the for Loop.Any help is greatly appreciated.

I am working on a VF page which should show all the values from a field of a related record.This field is a formula(text) which gets its data from an object's record name.

Now i have to display all the values from this formula field(in all records in the org) ,and have to show an pink circle(image) above the value that the corresponding record(record in context) has in its related records and grey circle(image) above all the other remaining values.

The values that needs to be displayed might be increased in future(since it is getting its data from the name of an objects' record).So This needs to be done dynamically.

Any help would be really appreciated.


I have a requirement where in im using Fieldsets.Here using fieldsets i have constructed the query and the database.query(query) working (conRec in the given code) fine,Now i would want to know the data that is returned,(i.e.,the data in each field of the fieldset ).
Could someone help me here. My code is as follows:

Global class DataValidationNew{
    Webservice static boolean dataValidate(Id conId){
    String Query='SELECT ';
    List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fieldList=SObjectType.Contact.FieldSets.test_field_set.getFields();
     for(Schema.FieldSetMember f : fieldList) {
       Query = Query+f.getFieldPath() +','; 
        Query=Query+'Id from Contact where id=:conId';
        Contact conRec=Database.query(Query);
        System.debug('contact record'+conRec);
        return true;
I need to know whether a new version of an existing Entitlement process count as a seperate Entitlement process with respect to The Org wide limits.

Let us say i have 1000 Entitlement processes in my  org.Now if i try to create a new version for any of the existing entitlement process,will i be able to do so.. Or will get an error since the org wide Entitlement process limit is 1000.

Thanks in advance,
Hi everyone,

I have a requirement where in i need to edit the milestones of the entitlement process associated with a case directly from the detail page of the case.

Any suggestions on how to work with this.

Hi ,

I have a requirement like the following:
I need to create an entitlement record for every incoming case via email to case and assign the created entitlement record to that corresponding case
Im looking to use before trigger for cases.

Can anyone please help me with the code,


Im trying to automatically submit an  opportunity record to approval (for both insertion and updation) using Process builder.

The criteria is as follws:Probability % equals 15 or Probability % equals75 or Probability % equals 95. 
I want this to fire when
a) the probability is changed to any of the above mentioned values 
b)the record is inserted with matching probability

I dont want to set the check box "Do you want to execute the actions only when specified changes are made to the record?
(similar to Edited and subsequently meet criteria) in Process builder because if the previous probability was 15 % and if i have updated it to 75% the process wont fire since the record has met the criteria previously..

Please suggest.


Hi ,

Im generating Web to Lead for my organisation and i have observed that even the Phone number and Mobile fields are accepting Text as input.
Can we perform some kind of validation on the input provided in the fields .

Thanks in advance.

I have a requirement where in im using Fieldsets.Here using fieldsets i have constructed the query and the database.query(query) working (conRec in the given code) fine,Now i would want to know the data that is returned,(i.e.,the data in each field of the fieldset ).
Could someone help me here. My code is as follows:

Global class DataValidationNew{
    Webservice static boolean dataValidate(Id conId){
    String Query='SELECT ';
    List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fieldList=SObjectType.Contact.FieldSets.test_field_set.getFields();
     for(Schema.FieldSetMember f : fieldList) {
       Query = Query+f.getFieldPath() +','; 
        Query=Query+'Id from Contact where id=:conId';
        Contact conRec=Database.query(Query);
        System.debug('contact record'+conRec);
        return true;
Hi ,

I have a requirement like the following:
I need to create an entitlement record for every incoming case via email to case and assign the created entitlement record to that corresponding case
Im looking to use before trigger for cases.

Can anyone please help me with the code,


Im trying to automatically submit an  opportunity record to approval (for both insertion and updation) using Process builder.

The criteria is as follws:Probability % equals 15 or Probability % equals75 or Probability % equals 95. 
I want this to fire when
a) the probability is changed to any of the above mentioned values 
b)the record is inserted with matching probability

I dont want to set the check box "Do you want to execute the actions only when specified changes are made to the record?
(similar to Edited and subsequently meet criteria) in Process builder because if the previous probability was 15 % and if i have updated it to 75% the process wont fire since the record has met the criteria previously..

Please suggest.

