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hi guys  i cant enable the customer portal i was getting this error 
'You can't enable or activate portals because your org has encrypted standard fields. Ask your Salesforce administrator about disabling encryption, or use a Community instead.'.

here i had disabled all the standard fields which i had encrypted . still i am facing same issue do any one know the solution 

As i had read this from the resource document .'You can’t use the Data Import Wizard to perform matching using master-detail relationships or update records that contain encrypted fields. You can use it to add new records, however'.
but when i was trying to update the records they are getting encrypted .... can any one suggest me with a better solution 

trigger amountnegative on test1__c (after insert, after update) 
set<id> stid= new set<id>();
list <opportunity>opp= new list<opportunity>();
 for(test1__c t:[select id , name ,amount__c, trantortest__oppo__r.id from test1__c ])
  if(t.amount__c < 0)
  for(opportunity op: [select id, name, status__c,trantortest__Knightdate__c, (select id, name from test__r) from opportunity where ID IN : stid ])
  update opp;
    list<test1__c> t12= new list<test1__c>();
    for(test1__c t:trigger.new)
I am getting this error execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.ListException: Duplicate id in list: 00628000004R54cAAC: Trigger.trantortest.amountnegative: line 19, column 1
when i had checked  my debug logs
this lines are  getting executed repetedly 8 13 17
hi guys , i have a question i do have 2 objects one is account and other one is payment . here i want to calculate every month payments how can i achive this 
 **hi guys . i am getting blob as response   when i am using notes and attachments   its working fine its getting attached  now i  just want to display in next tab or next vf page** .
hi guys  i cant enable the customer portal i was getting this error 
'You can't enable or activate portals because your org has encrypted standard fields. Ask your Salesforce administrator about disabling encryption, or use a Community instead.'.

here i had disabled all the standard fields which i had encrypted . still i am facing same issue do any one know the solution 
trigger act as Rollupsumary functionality(sum,count,min,max) for lookup Relationship between two object with bestpractices
How to make a batch apex run recursively ,i mean when ever we run a batch apex once it is finished ,it does not run again automatically,
so can someone help me about,how to run it continuously,

Below is my sample batch apex

public class BatchLeadDelete implements database.Batchable<sobject>
    list<lead> llist=new list<lead>();
    public string query='select id,name,Phone from lead';
    public string flag='12345';
    public database.querylocator start(database.BatchableContext bc){
       return database.getQueryLocator(query); 
    public void execute(database.BatchableContext bc,list<lead> le){
        for(lead l:le){

      delete llist;             
    public void finish(database.BatchableContext bc){

calling the above class with below code

BatchLeadDelete l=new BatchLeadDelete();
Hi all ,
I am trying to implemnt the codde from below link to test the prevention of avoiding duplicates from accounts.
However while saving the vf page i get an error. what wrong I am doing?
Thanks inadvance
Hello, I'm a bit new to Salesforce development. But I've managed to piece together some code that creates an editable table. However, I'm now trying to integrate a responsive cell. Specifically, I would like the "Membership Fee" column to respond to the selection of any of the five inputCheckboxes. If a box is selected, I want the Membership Fee to increment by a specific value, and for that value to be displayed in the Membership Fee column.

Is this possible? How would I go about doing this?
<apex:page standardController="account">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton action="{!Save}" value="Save"/>
            <apex:variable var="sr" value="{!0}"/>
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!account.contacts}" var="contact" rows="8">
                <apex:column headerValue="Membership Number"><apex:variable var="sr" value="{!sr + 1}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Reserved"><apex:inputCheckbox /></apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Shared"><apex:inputCheckbox /></apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Nights & Weekends"><apex:inputCheckbox /></apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Small Office"><apex:inputCheckbox /></apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Large Office"><apex:inputCheckbox /></apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Membership Fee"><apex:inputText /></apex:column> %make this automatically update based on click of inputCheckbox
                <apex:column headerValue="Start Date"><apex:inputText /></apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="End Date"><apex:inputText /></apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Comments"><apex:inputText /></apex:column>