• Maxi S
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We are sending an email to customer via ''Send an Email' button under activity history from Quote object.
Question: How can we store replies from the customer in activity history?
  • February 28, 2018
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Need help on below report scenario.

I am having one summry report which dispays all leads summarize by lead source (showing all leads). Now, I put a filter on the report and dispalying records which are sales qualified and lead status with 'Contacted - Working'. 

I want to calculate a percentage for every lead source. (Percentage between all leads and leads dispalye after my filter criteria).

e.g.Consider that we have two lead sources:
1) Telemarketing (Total recods: 10) (Records after filter: 5) --> Percentage for this lead source should be 50%
2) Weblead (Total Records: 10) (Records after filter: 4) --> Percentage for this lead source should be 40%

How can I achieve this percentage calulation?
  • September 05, 2016
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We have a requirement to use TFS as a middleware source control system to move our code from SAnbox to Production. Need help to setup a connection from ANT to TFS(Team foundation Server).
1) Please assist me how to fetch data from oracle to salesforce using Lighting connect.     
2) How to generate server URL while configuring Lighting Component using point & click functionality (External Data Sources)? 
  • August 12, 2015
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How can I handle below validation scenario via Apex code?
Scenario: I have defined two text area fields in my object and want user to prevent from entering duplicate sentences (For case - Insensitivity)
Text area 1: My name is Maxi. 
Text Area 2: mY naMe Is maXi.

Result: It should throw an error.
Can someone please help here.
Thanks in advance.
I have a picklist in my vf page with below values.
1 bhk
2 bhk
3 bhk

Scenario: If I am selecting 1 bhk from pichlist then all images of 1 bhk should get displayed in my vf page.
(I have a field in my object to check whether flat is 1 bhk/2bhk/3bhk with respective images of flats).

How to develop this scenario vf page?
I want to display only two images in one row.  

Using my code all images are displayed in a single row.

VF Page :

<apex:page standardController="Flat__c" extensions="displayImageExtension">
height: 400px;
width:  400px;

<apex:repeat value="{!file}" var="p">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2" style="width:100%;" id="theGrid">
<apex:image id="theImage" url="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!p.Id}" width="100" height="100" />
I have developed inline vf page in which there are group of images. 
How to enlarge a particular image on mouse events (Like onclick, mouseover etc.) ??
1) Created one custom object
2) Addded one image file under Notes & Attachment related list
3) Want to display this image in visual force page
1.     Create Object call Flats and create fields as follow:
-     Name
-     Flat Types (Pick list) (1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK)
-     Rent (Currency)
-     Acquirable Date (Date)
-     Furnishing (Pick list) (Furnished/Semi Furnished/Unfurnished)

2.     Create Object call Enquiry and fields are as follow:
-     Enquiry Name
-     First Name
-     Last Name
-     Email
-     Phone Number
-     Rental Price(Currency)
-     Furnishing (Pick list) (Furnished/Semi Furnished/Unfurnished)
-     Flat Types (Pick list) (1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK)
3.     Create Junction object Matched Result: Auto Number as ID, Name of Enquiry and Name of Apartment.

Task to do:
1.     On Creation of new enquiry, Create Matched Result record. I.e. insert record in junction object whenever new Enquiry and Flats data matched. To creating new record match Rent, Furnishing and Flat Types fields from both the object.
2.     For Every new Enquiry first delete existing records from Junction object.

How can I handle below validation scenario via Apex code?
Scenario: I have defined two text area fields in my object and want user to prevent from entering duplicate sentences (For case - Insensitivity)
Text area 1: My name is Maxi. 
Text Area 2: mY naMe Is maXi.

Result: It should throw an error.
Can someone please help here.
Thanks in advance.
I want to display only two images in one row.  

Using my code all images are displayed in a single row.

VF Page :

<apex:page standardController="Flat__c" extensions="displayImageExtension">
height: 400px;
width:  400px;

<apex:repeat value="{!file}" var="p">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2" style="width:100%;" id="theGrid">
<apex:image id="theImage" url="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!p.Id}" width="100" height="100" />
I have developed inline vf page in which there are group of images. 
How to enlarge a particular image on mouse events (Like onclick, mouseover etc.) ??
1) Created one custom object
2) Addded one image file under Notes & Attachment related list
3) Want to display this image in visual force page
1.     Create Object call Flats and create fields as follow:
-     Name
-     Flat Types (Pick list) (1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK)
-     Rent (Currency)
-     Acquirable Date (Date)
-     Furnishing (Pick list) (Furnished/Semi Furnished/Unfurnished)

2.     Create Object call Enquiry and fields are as follow:
-     Enquiry Name
-     First Name
-     Last Name
-     Email
-     Phone Number
-     Rental Price(Currency)
-     Furnishing (Pick list) (Furnished/Semi Furnished/Unfurnished)
-     Flat Types (Pick list) (1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK)
3.     Create Junction object Matched Result: Auto Number as ID, Name of Enquiry and Name of Apartment.

Task to do:
1.     On Creation of new enquiry, Create Matched Result record. I.e. insert record in junction object whenever new Enquiry and Flats data matched. To creating new record match Rent, Furnishing and Flat Types fields from both the object.
2.     For Every new Enquiry first delete existing records from Junction object.

Hi all,


I implemented a method to upload an Attachment to Amazon S3 but I'm having this issue : AWS authentication requires a valid Date or x-amz-date header


Any help is appreciated.


Attachment attachment = [Select Id, ContentType, Body, BodyLength from Attachment limit 1];
      //Set<Id> ids = new Map<Id,Attachment>(attachments).keySet();
      AWSKeys credentials = new AWSKeys('Keys');
      S3.AmazonS3 as3 = new S3.AmazonS3(credentials.key,credentials.secret);
      Datetime now = DateTime.now();
      String formattednow = now.formatGmt('yyyy-MM-dd')+'T'+now.formatGmt('HH:mm:ss')+'.'+now.formatGMT('SSS')+'Z';
      String stringtosign = 'PUT \n\n';
      stringtosign += attachment.ContentType + '\n';
      stringtosign += formattednow + '\n';
      stringtosign += '/mybucket/' + attachment.Id;
      Blob mac = Crypto.generateMac('HMacSHA1', blob.valueof(stringtosign),blob.valueof(as3.secret)); 
      String signature = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(mac);
      HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); 
     //Set HTTPRequest Method
     //Set HTTPRequest header properties
     req.setHeader('content-type', attachment.ContentType);
     req.setHeader('Date', formattednow);
     req.setHeader('Authorization', 'AWS ' + as3.key + ':' + signature);
      try {
            Http http = new Http();
           //Execute web service call here      
           HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
   } catch(System.CalloutException e) {
      System.debug('===================EXCEPTION ' + e.getMessage() + e.getStackTraceString());


  • December 12, 2012
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