• Deepthi B
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I completed the creating custom objects chanllenge and when I try to see the object "trails" i creat. I don't know where to find it. I didn't see it under creat new or on the tab. Have no clue now. 

I am creating a VF page, i heard some where we can group the feilds and add it to the VF page at a time. 

Can any one help me in that.

Hi all,
Can any one explain the difference between Lookup and Master Detail Relationship in salesforce?
I am in the process of completing the Create a Guest Administrator and deactivate it challenge however within my developer org I have no option on profile other than 'Standar Platform User'. 

How do I assign a System Administrator Profile?

I have a picklist with 5 values and i want to turn one of them to unavailable (imposible to choose) for all users
how can i do it?

i have a pincode field  write only on number  limit six only how it is posible between  500000 to 900000
I was strucked while working in the 'Build the Suggestion Box App' within the 'Adding Business Logic' module. I am getting the following error. 
Could anyone help me out?
There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: NAVPVMVU. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 1094941785-5118 (903104941) 

Thanks In Advance,

hi this is ajay, why we use rollupsummary feilds only in master objects?what is the reason?explain in detail?and also in what scenario we use this?
Working on trailhead challenge.  Trying nested if statement in formula  basically > or equal to 25=early   between 25 and 75 =middle  >75 late
here is my formula  keep getting error

IF( Percent_Complete__c  <= 25), "Early",
 IF( AND ( Percent_Complete__c >25, Percent_Complete__c  <= 75),"Middle",
 IF( Percent_Complete__c >75,"Late"))) 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Contact zip code doesn't match account zip code: []

Unsure how to fix
I have one CustomObject(Mobile) i want to update the Amount record,but amount  all records 5000 .I want to change one Amount record is =10000 How to change the record?

I have two object name is mobile__c and shutdown__c both object have connection to one field bachno_c 
and there are two typs of record mobile1 and mobile2 in the field call module__c 
so for that if record is mobile1 and in shutdown__c we have one field shutdown_type if i put if stop value it will change to start 
for the record mobile2 it will not change anything how to write trigger for that???
  • January 19, 2016
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​I am on unit "Using the Report Builder" https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead/reports_dashboards/reports_dashboards_getting_started and getting this error while trying to complete the challenge:User-added image

​This is my criteria:

User-added image

​Any help would be greatly appreciated.

we are small company and just started our first steps with Salesforce. I'd like to create public group and put all (yeah every three users) to that group. However as an admin I cannot see that option at setup-manage users? Is there a licensing situation or why that is not possible?

We have a cheapes Sales Cloud but I do not know is it SalesforceIQ Starter or Salesforce Prof? Does it make a difference?
what is the @future annotation? what is the use of @future annotation explain briefly

I have created a user and assingned the user to system administartor as per the challenge but it shows an error "challenge not completed user not assingned to system admin " what might be the issue??Please help...

I keep getting the below error message when I try to create a new lead

Please help?

Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger MergeLeadOnCreatingWebtoLead caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: MergeLeadOnCreatingWebtoLead: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.QueryException: No such column 'Address' on entity 'Lead'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.: Trigger.MergeLeadOnCreatingWebtoLead: line 45, column 1
I am preparing for salesforce developer I certification and ran into a question:
A Developer wants to create a custom object to track Customer Invoices.
How should Invoices and Accounts be related to relate that all invoices are visible to everyone with access to the Account?
Of course it’s going to be a master detail relationship
There are two options:
The Invoice should have master detail relationship to the Account
 The Account should have master detail relationship to the Invoice.I want to know what is the difference between the two. They both look similar.
Can someone please help
I completed the creating custom objects chanllenge and when I try to see the object "trails" i creat. I don't know where to find it. I didn't see it under creat new or on the tab. Have no clue now. 
i have three fieldson a form,- start date , end date , due date . All these three fields are present on a  form component .
When I open the Lightning app i need to see these fields with default values.

default values  are

start date  is todays date

end date is todays date +30  days

due date is  start date +1 day

please help me

while I am taking Challange, I have completed the task to inactive user with "System Administrator" profile. But when I submit my Challange its throwing error "The user's profile was not set to System Administrator"
Requirment is:
I have two objects one is A and another one is B .
A is a standard object 
B is a custom object.
In b i created one field name x which is picklist value.
a and b have lookup relation from b to a.
when in b object create new given the x value after save that record that x value automatically populated in a object record.
how can i slove this req . please help me.

I am creating a VF page, i heard some where we can group the feilds and add it to the VF page at a time. 

Can any one help me in that.

Hi all,
Can any one explain the difference between Lookup and Master Detail Relationship in salesforce?

"There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: MANAGER_NOT_DEFINED, Manager undefined.: [] "
  • January 11, 2016
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can i schedule normal apex from schedule class ?

  • January 11, 2016
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