• Maurice Lopes
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  • Member since 2015

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Good Afternoon,

I need to create a trigger for the following requirement.

Add a trigger to Salesforce that automatically converts Account Email address to lower case & updates the Customer ID field with that email address.  Account Email and Customer ID fields are both located on the account page layout (Person Account).

Thank you

Good Afternoon,

I need to create a trigger for the following requirement.

Add a trigger to Salesforce that automatically converts Account Email address to lower case & updates the Customer ID field with that email address.  Account Email and Customer ID fields are both located on the account page layout (Person Account).

Thank you




  I created a trigger to check the Billingstate. In below trigger if user enter ALABAMA it will update as AL. 


  What if user enter Alabama or alabama how to convert this into upper case please suggest. 


trigger Update_Account_BillTO_ShipTO_State on Account (Before Insert, Before Update)
  for (Account a : Trigger.new) 
     if ( a.BillingState == 'ALABAMA' ) 
         a.BillingState = 'AL';

