• Olga Loza
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Error in "Maintain Your Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Certification" unit in "Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Certification Maintenance (Spring '17" module: 
It says "Test Send in Email Studio allows you enter up to five email addresses to send a test email." should be seven instead of five. 
In my opinion, there are problems with fist two challenge questions in "Getting Started with Pardot" module:
  1. The first Challenge question is asking for information that is not included in the module.
    The question asks about "type of information needed to convert a visitor to a prospect." The correct answer is Email but this is not provided until the next module. All this page says is "Prospect: An anonymous visitor that has converted and is now identified" This can mean FL Name as well as Email but only Email is a correct answer.
  2. Second question is asking for information that is not included in the module.
    Question 2 asks about "what does lead nurturing entail?" The correct answer is "Emails sent at specific intervals to an audience built from specific criteria" but the definition  provided above states that the criteria does not matter "Sending targeted messages at specific intervals based on a prospect's actions and whether or not they’ve met certain qualifying criteria."
    Either the challenge question answer is inaccurate or the instruction needs fine tuning.
I have earned 9 badges but when I go to My Profile it only shows 5. Copare the two screen shots:
9 Badges showing in the NavBar


5 Badges showing in Profile

What gives?...
I want to tracks the number of times and the last time an email was opened. I can see it in the HTML Email Status related list of the persons page. However, when I run an HTML Email Status report the Mass Emails seem to be excluded. Did anyone else come across this?

I need to export a report as a CSV to an FTP site or email it on a daily or weekly basis.


I have a Report.  I need to get the report out of Salesforce somehow into CSV format.


Ideally, this would be scheduled.

I'm a developer so I can do developer stuff.  However, I don't know APEX and I don't know VisualForce.  I can get someone to do that stuff if we need to.


  • July 26, 2011
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