• Jordan Schleider
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I am a consultant and more of my integrations are using Salesforce. I have signed up for the Dev edition and have started to play around. I would like to know if it is possible to use Salesforce for my company use. Are there limitations? can the Dev version just stop? Will I lose my data?
The idea would be to run my company on the Dev edition and use it for a sandbox. I just do not want to switch over from my current CRM unless I have some sort of SLA or guidelines of service. Is there a DOC stating these questions?
I am a consultant and more of my integrations are using Salesforce. I have signed up for the Dev edition and have started to play around. I would like to know if it is possible to use Salesforce for my company use. Are there limitations? can the Dev version just stop? Will I lose my data?
The idea would be to run my company on the Dev edition and use it for a sandbox. I just do not want to switch over from my current CRM unless I have some sort of SLA or guidelines of service. Is there a DOC stating these questions?