• rajesh26
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Some of the users in prod are able to edit the profiles and permission sets and update the settings, i see they dont have "
Manage Profiles and Permission Sets" system permission enabled but still the users are able to edit profile. I dont understand what other setting will give users access to edit profiles. Please suggest
hello All
  we have IP address whitelisted in network level and we don’t have any ip ranges whitelisted in profile level. We didnot whitelist the range to But still Salesforce admin is able to login to Salesforce with IP which is not whitelisted in network level. Can someone please help what am I missing
Hello All
  We have a situation, where some users are able to self assign permission sets. Can i know how to stop that, how to stop users from assigning permission sets to themselves.

When you click on user recrod and  you can see permission set assignment related list and when you click on edit assignment, one can see all the list of permission sets. may i know how to remove that button ?

Any help appreciated.
Hello All
  We are implementing SSO newly to our Org using SAML, i have couple of questions
Please help me with them

1. I have sso enabled but still able to login using username and paswword ? do i need to remove or any additional settings ?
2. Since SSO is enabled, i did remove all the Ip restrictions in Org Level and Profile level, but we have managed packages whose ip are also whitlisted, what happens to those appexchange products ?
3. How to make some user SSO enabled and some users non-sso ?
Hello All
  I have requirement, how to send an custom email alert when user with particular profile tries to login to salesforce. I thought of writing a process builder/trigger but they would not fire becuase last login field is not taking as user record update so process builder and trigger are not firing. Is there any other way to achieve this ?
Hello All
  Can someone please help me understand what is email service fucntion in salesforce. How to update AttachmentOption,AuthorizationFailureAction setting in salesforce
Hello All
  I have quick question, all our users are getting chatter notifications from the user who is no longer with the company. How and where to update the chatter notification sender to generic user. I did check the chatter notifcation setting where it show sender name and sender email blank but still when we add new members to groups or add updates to group it still show he name of the person who is nolonger with us. Please suggest
Hello All

  Can someone help me in calculating the number of days for the target date to be populated excluding weekends and public holidays

For Instance, if the prority is in the case object is high, then the target date should be populated with +2 days from the case created date but should exclude weekends and public holidays.

I wrote the formula for excluding weekend but not able to figure how to add holidays to it. Here is the formula i wrote how to exclude weekends and add +2 days for created date

CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE( [Case].LastModifiedDate ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 
0, [Case].LastModifiedDate + 0 + 1,  
4, [Case].LastModifiedDate +  0+ 1, 
5, [Case].LastModifiedDate + 2 + 1,  
6, [Case].LastModifiedDate + 1 + 1, 
[Case].LastModifiedDate + 1 

Thanks in Advance
Hello All

   Do anyone know is there a way to mass upload photo of user to user object in salesforce. I know we can do using DataLoader with batch size 1. Is there any other way.
hello All

 I am new to salesforce 1. I have business requirement can please guide me 

1. How to ebanle salesforce mobile app for users ?
2. How to have ip restriction for salesforce mobile app users
3. How to make some users to have salesfroce mobile app access and others should not

Hello Group
  I have quick question. We have an installed managed package from appExchange. Currently as a admin i am manually manageing the lisences. Is there a way we can provision users that they can add themselves to the package on demand.

Thanks in advance
Hello Guys
 I have quick question on release notes, whenever salesforce gives the new releases what all items which we need to verify regarding enhancements or conflicts with existing and what is the best practise to verify them, so we can to communicate with the developement teams and management. Thanks in advance.
Hello All
  I need a small information. I have a custom VF page for the case created. I have a workflow (Email Alert). Now i want to add the VF page hyper link in my email template. Is this possible ???

Hello All
 I need a small information. We have standard salesforce objects cases and contacts. In contacts we have 3 record types, in contacts we have self lookup, so one record type can have the lookup to contact again. All the contact record types have cases as a related list. In cases we have two lookup fields to contact object. If i select two different contacts in two contact fields in case object. Do the two contacts have the same case in their related list ???

Hello All
  I have quick quesiton, any help is appreciated. I have some contacts created by administrator and we have some external users who can edit the contacts created ny system administrator, instead of giving OWD(Public Read/Write) setting to contact object is there other way to achieve.

Thanks in advance
Hello All
I have quick question. when i make the lookup field in the child object as readonly then the lookup filed is not populated automatically, can someone suggest how to make the lookup field (Should be read only) and should populate the value from parent
    i try to deploy my changes using change set to new sandbox but am bot able to see the new sandbox when i click on upload. Can someone help me out how and where to enable in setting? I tried to look in deployment setting
Hello All
  I need a small information. I have field named as ZYZ. And this ZYZ field is the controlling field for another field AAA(field dependencies). Now i want to make ZYZ field (controlling field in field dependency) read only. Is that possible. I tried to make that readonly in pagelayout level and field level. But still am able to edit. Can someone please suggest me?
  I made changes for some of the standard fields. I know that we cannot deploy the standard fields using change sets. Can someone suggest me a solution. How to deploy the standard field changes (Picklist)


   I need some suggestion, My requiremnet is need to update certian custom fields in standard object. But dont know where all other places(validation/triggers/apex classes/reports/dashboards) that field is been used. May i know is there a way to do a meta search to identify where all that field is been used.

Thanks in advance
Hello All

  Can someone help me in calculating the number of days for the target date to be populated excluding weekends and public holidays

For Instance, if the prority is in the case object is high, then the target date should be populated with +2 days from the case created date but should exclude weekends and public holidays.

I wrote the formula for excluding weekend but not able to figure how to add holidays to it. Here is the formula i wrote how to exclude weekends and add +2 days for created date

CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE( [Case].LastModifiedDate ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 
0, [Case].LastModifiedDate + 0 + 1,  
4, [Case].LastModifiedDate +  0+ 1, 
5, [Case].LastModifiedDate + 2 + 1,  
6, [Case].LastModifiedDate + 1 + 1, 
[Case].LastModifiedDate + 1 

Thanks in Advance
Some of the users in prod are able to edit the profiles and permission sets and update the settings, i see they dont have "
Manage Profiles and Permission Sets" system permission enabled but still the users are able to edit profile. I dont understand what other setting will give users access to edit profiles. Please suggest
hello All
  we have IP address whitelisted in network level and we don’t have any ip ranges whitelisted in profile level. We didnot whitelist the range to But still Salesforce admin is able to login to Salesforce with IP which is not whitelisted in network level. Can someone please help what am I missing
Hello All
  We have a situation, where some users are able to self assign permission sets. Can i know how to stop that, how to stop users from assigning permission sets to themselves.

When you click on user recrod and  you can see permission set assignment related list and when you click on edit assignment, one can see all the list of permission sets. may i know how to remove that button ?

Any help appreciated.
Hello All
  We are implementing SSO newly to our Org using SAML, i have couple of questions
Please help me with them

1. I have sso enabled but still able to login using username and paswword ? do i need to remove or any additional settings ?
2. Since SSO is enabled, i did remove all the Ip restrictions in Org Level and Profile level, but we have managed packages whose ip are also whitlisted, what happens to those appexchange products ?
3. How to make some user SSO enabled and some users non-sso ?
Hello All

  Can someone help me in calculating the number of days for the target date to be populated excluding weekends and public holidays

For Instance, if the prority is in the case object is high, then the target date should be populated with +2 days from the case created date but should exclude weekends and public holidays.

I wrote the formula for excluding weekend but not able to figure how to add holidays to it. Here is the formula i wrote how to exclude weekends and add +2 days for created date

CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE( [Case].LastModifiedDate ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 
0, [Case].LastModifiedDate + 0 + 1,  
4, [Case].LastModifiedDate +  0+ 1, 
5, [Case].LastModifiedDate + 2 + 1,  
6, [Case].LastModifiedDate + 1 + 1, 
[Case].LastModifiedDate + 1 

Thanks in Advance
hello All

 I am new to salesforce 1. I have business requirement can please guide me 

1. How to ebanle salesforce mobile app for users ?
2. How to have ip restriction for salesforce mobile app users
3. How to make some users to have salesfroce mobile app access and others should not

Hello Group
  I have quick question. We have an installed managed package from appExchange. Currently as a admin i am manually manageing the lisences. Is there a way we can provision users that they can add themselves to the package on demand.

Thanks in advance
Hello All
 I need a small information. We have standard salesforce objects cases and contacts. In contacts we have 3 record types, in contacts we have self lookup, so one record type can have the lookup to contact again. All the contact record types have cases as a related list. In cases we have two lookup fields to contact object. If i select two different contacts in two contact fields in case object. Do the two contacts have the same case in their related list ???

Hello All
I have quick question. when i make the lookup field in the child object as readonly then the lookup filed is not populated automatically, can someone suggest how to make the lookup field (Should be read only) and should populate the value from parent
  I made changes for some of the standard fields. I know that we cannot deploy the standard fields using change sets. Can someone suggest me a solution. How to deploy the standard field changes (Picklist)


   I need some suggestion, My requiremnet is need to update certian custom fields in standard object. But dont know where all other places(validation/triggers/apex classes/reports/dashboards) that field is been used. May i know is there a way to do a meta search to identify where all that field is been used.

Thanks in advance
Hello All

   I am new to SFDC. I got a requirement please let me know the possible solution. Here is the req:
I have a custom obj and have MD with the accounts obj and lookup with the contacts obj. When i select a particluar account then it should show only the contacts releated to that account in my custom obj. How can i achieve this ?