• Jeremy Snow 1
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I've read through all the threads on this subject, and believe I did everything right. The correct values were added to Account Type. I get the following error every time:

User-added image

I've set the criteria to be Type=Prospect, and employees>500. Here is my overall setup:

User-added image

For the submission, I set the type field to update to Pending and have it locked:

User-added image

The approval is set to type Customer, and unlocked:

User-added image

And for the rejection, I have it set to type Prospect, and set to unlock:

User-added image

I'm at my wits end about this. Is there something I did wrong? Thanks in advance.

I've read through all the threads on this subject, and believe I did everything right. The correct values were added to Account Type. I get the following error every time:

User-added image

I've set the criteria to be Type=Prospect, and employees>500. Here is my overall setup:

User-added image

For the submission, I set the type field to update to Pending and have it locked:

User-added image

The approval is set to type Customer, and unlocked:

User-added image

And for the rejection, I have it set to type Prospect, and set to unlock:

User-added image

I'm at my wits end about this. Is there something I did wrong? Thanks in advance.

I am also receiving this error and it appears there is no fix. 
Project custom object records should only be seen by the owner of the record and users above the owner on the role hierarchy. However, for some Project records, the Training Coordinator must also have Read Only visibility to the Project record.

Create a custom picklist field on the Project object called “Priority” with the following values: High, Medium, and Low. Then create a criteria-based Sharing Rule for Project records where the Priority = High to share those records with the Training Coordinator role.