• Yunus Kalam
  • 10 Points
  • Member since 2015
  • Salesforce Consultant
  • Nadcoms

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Hi All,

We need to integrate our Salesforce org with an external system, and we need to call a class of external system from Salesforce in some scenario i have an API of the external system but don't know where and how to start because i am new in API integration, please help or give me suggestions!!!
Thank you
I am new to Sage Pay. I have received a customer requirement where we have replaced their legacy system to salesforce implementation and for payments module we have integrated salesfroce with SagePay and using it since a year. Now we have to implement 3D secure Sage Pay transactions for which we have got ACS url in response of transaction
{"statusCode":"2007","statusDetail":"Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL to complete the 3DS Transaction","transactionId":"49670F00-0DA0-C26F-FF2F-32D07728E08F","acsUrl":"https://test.sagepay.com/mpitools/accesscontroler?action=pareq …","paReq":"eJxVkt1uwjAMhe/3FKgP0PwVKMgEMWAaEp0Y7AW61BrVaClpWmBPv6S0Y9z52NYX+zgwvWSHXo26TI/5xGM+9abyCT72GnGxQ1VplBBhWcZf2EuTiccpC0aUjkaUDemQCT4Q1JOwmW3xJKEFScvxGZBOWoJW+zg3EmJ1el69yYCGfcGBtBIy1KuF7Ac0EIM+DYZiFAYhkFsa8jhD+V5ZQJWtMS6WNeamXKdZajAB0pRBHavc6KsM+QBIJ6DSB7k3phgTcj6f/dMNcrAQbCC+OvrVNxDXB+Q+56ZyUWm5lzSRYcX09hBtfz65LtggUvVLTfTSzBWdAHEdkMQGJXeuCM56jI+5GIshkCYPceYGkoxTSu3WNwWFe2T2UPqfAmu/xlx1O3UK8FIcczu9tA7+xZBgqeTOHWoTX3vRZmUfdykg92Xmr+4EylhXmXO/iRwvtWZxQUUDdAKI6yXtYUn7B2z08Dd+ARAvvW4=","status":"3DAuth"}

 as per the documentation  http://sagepay2013stg.prod.acquia-sites.com/content/using-3-d-secure
I have added this code in Vf page according to this, the above documentation
 <apex:page standardStylesheets="false" showHeader="False" sidebar="false" applyHtmlTag="true" CONTROLler="Test3DsecureCtrl" docType="html-5.0" id="pgId" >
 <form id="browserpost" method="POST" action="{!acsUrl}"> 
 <input type="hidden" name="PaReq" value="{!PaReq}"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="TermUrl" value="{!communitiesUrl}"/>
   <input type="hidden" name="MD" value="{!MDValue}"/>
  <input type="submit" name="Click Me" onClick="sendform()" id="btnid"/>
  <script> function sendform() { 
  alert('{!acsUrl}' ); 

but this not working out, its not navigating me to any screen seems like its not compatible to vf
Any help or suggestions would be appericiated i am quite stuck on it.
I have created a custom button on Opportunity. The custom button has following javascript code. When the user clicks on the button, the email should be sent. And it is working fine. But i want to send email conditionally like if(Stage = "Provisional - Awaiting Deposit") then this custom button should send an email.
Any suggestion would be helpful.
(function() {
sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
var message = new sforce.SingleEmailMessage();
message.targetObjectId = "{!Opportunity.ContactId__c}";
message.templateId = "00X7E000000EF6w";
message.whatId = "{!Opportunity.Id}";
message.saveAsActivity = true;
var result = sforce.connection.sendEmail([message]);
  if(result[0].success == 'true') {
     alert("Email has sent succesfully...");
  } else {

Thank you,
Yunus Kalam
I have created a custom button on Opportunity. The custom button has following javascript code. When the user clicks on the button the email should be sent. and it is working fine. But I am not able to see the fields which is bind on template. How can i show or generate opportunity fields on email ?
Any suggestion would be helpful.
Thank you in Advance,
Yunus Kalam
(function() {
sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
var message = new sforce.SingleEmailMessage();
message.targetObjectId = "{!Opportunity.ContactId__c}";
message.templateId = "00X7E000000EF6w";
message.saveAsActivity = true;
var result = sforce.connection.sendEmail([message]);
  if(result[0].success == 'true') {
     alert("Email has sent succesfully...");
  } else {

Does anyone know about pandaDoc functionalities and pandaDoc custom trigger, we are using pandaDoc to send opportunity quotes, and we want to update some fields when the document status mark as completed. 
There is not much in details on their documentation, or maybe I am not able to understand. 
Can anyone help me on it? , here is the link to documentation.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Yunus Kalam
Its me Yunus Kalam. I have a task i want to change login pages dynamically there are multi login pages which i need to change dynamicaly with contact users in salesforce community. Can anyone help me and giving me suggestions or any good blog to help me and teach me well .
Thank you...
Hi All,

We need to integrate our Salesforce org with an external system, and we need to call a class of external system from Salesforce in some scenario i have an API of the external system but don't know where and how to start because i am new in API integration, please help or give me suggestions!!!
Thank you
I have created a custom button on Opportunity. The custom button has following javascript code. When the user clicks on the button the email should be sent. and it is working fine. But I am not able to see the fields which is bind on template. How can i show or generate opportunity fields on email ?
Any suggestion would be helpful.
Thank you in Advance,
Yunus Kalam
(function() {
sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
var message = new sforce.SingleEmailMessage();
message.targetObjectId = "{!Opportunity.ContactId__c}";
message.templateId = "00X7E000000EF6w";
message.saveAsActivity = true;
var result = sforce.connection.sendEmail([message]);
  if(result[0].success == 'true') {
     alert("Email has sent succesfully...");
  } else {

I am receiving the following error in the Creating Global Quick Actions Trailhead module challenge - "The global quick action was not created or it was not named 'New Detailed Account' "

Have read the previous posts and suggestions to fix, but my Global Actions are identical to the correct responses and the Publisher Layouts are displayed.  When I go into Chatter and Home on one of the Apps, I still do not see the New Detailed Account action listed in the feed though.  Is there some other setting I need to fix that will enable this to display BESIDES the Global Page Layout??
User-added imageUser-added image
User-added image

Currently my case object has 40 fields for history tracking.
(we have already increased the limit from 20 to 40).

Please let me know whether we can further increase the limit?

  • May 15, 2015
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I have made a website using the free domain of site.com and I have used the default SiteLogin functionality.

As soon as I login, I want my user session to start unless I logout. While I am in my session, I want my respective Customer Portal username to be available as a global variable which can be used across all Visualforce pages. Is this possible?


I have made multiple Customer Portal users through SiteRegister visualforce page, but no matter which user logs in, current user is the default user and administrator of the force.com account. 


Can you please provide me a code through which after a user logs in, his session is maintained across all visualforce pages till he logs out. While he is logged in, the current user is the user who is logged and not the user of force.com developer account.


Pls. help!

  • June 30, 2013
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I have a VF Page where the constructor access a get method which queries a list of Accounts for display in a PageBlockTable.


If the list gets loaded, the page displays correctly with the table of Accounts.


However, if no Accounts are loaded from the query, the page is blank. What I want to do is redirect to a different page with a message saying No Accounts are available with a button to return back to another page. 


I haven't been able to figure how to add this redirect though. 


I have a PageReference method which is set correctly, and the constructor reads



public class AccountList { public AccountList() { EligibleAccts = getEligibleAccts(); if (getEligibleAccts().isEmpty()) { NoEligibleAccts(); } system.debug('EligibleAccts size is '+EligibleAccts.size()); }


public Account[] getEligibleAccts()


  EligibleAccts = [QUERY];
return EligibleAccts;

} public Pagereference NoEligibleAccts() { PageReference PR = new PageReference('/apex/NoEligibleAccts'); PR.setRedirect(true); }




<apex:page Controller="AccountList" sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="true"

 <apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:CommandButton action="{!TRStatusSet}" value="Set Transfer Status"/>
<apex:CommandButton action="{!Cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!EligibleAccts}" var="acc" >

....PageBlockTable columns







So, this doesn't work. The page loads as a blank white page.


So I'm not sure of the best method for doing this, and none of my attempts have worked. I suspect this is due to my lack of understanding of JavaScript, which I am learning slowly. Maybe an answer to this will help.


So, should I

1) Try to use an 'action' process on the <apex:page> that could redirect, if I can create a conditional statement at that point in the code

2) Tweak my constructor method to make the above process work?

3) Adapt the link that calls the page - currently I'm just using a URL for the Custom Link. I believe I've seen an OnClick JavaScript syntax before which can direct the user to a different page, but can I access the controller's getEligibleAccts method to check for a result before I set which VF Page to sned the user???


Any help is appreciated