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I have reffred the few links and followed the process to use the jquery tablesort plugin in visualforce page for pabeblock table sorting.
But those are not working.Please provide me inputs how to implimnet the pagination for pageblocktable from clientside and it is kind of urjency delievery.

Need help on creating an apex trigger. This trigger will need to notify me via email when a Lead with a certain picklist value is deleted from Salesforce from our users. Here are the core details: 

Lead Record  Type: Lead MF
Picklist API: Lead Source
Picklist Value: BODY Meters

so, if the Lead Record Type is Lead MF and the Picklist Lead Source with the picklist value BODY Meters is selected and a user deletes this lead, I want the ability to receive an email of the Lead being deleted. 



I was wondering if it would be possible to fool SPAM bots with a hidden html field.  I have acreated a number field called "Validation" and I put an assignment rule as if the value is greater than zero that it will be marked as SPAM and won't fill employees mailboxes with emails telling them a Lead has been created.  In your experience, would the bots still fill this out or would this not be worth reconfiguring our website?

Is it possible to edit a custom email template before I send it? For instance, I have a custom email template that uses HTML, when I close a case I want to use this template but I want to have the ability to edit the template prior to sending it to the salesforce contact. I can't see any option to do this - is there a setting I'm missing?

how can i write a trigger to change the first letter capital for  existing  first name and last name on the Contact standard object.


Any help will be appreicable.




I am trying to put Printable View option on a VF page and I am using PrintUrl attribute in Apex:sectionheader tag. my code is similar to this. but if I click on the Printable View the popup window is not coming in the same format as we get for standard pages. Is there any working around or am I missing something. Please help me. Thanks in advance.




<apex:sectionHeader title="Page Title" printUrl="/apex/SamplePage?Id={!companyId}"/>

Is it possible to use a trigger to automate the creation of Campaign Member Status? For example, when a campaign of certain type is created, I would like to automatically add 'Show', 'No show' i nthe list of Campaign Member Status. Is it possible?

