• tamilselvan c
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Have any done lwc integration with open CTI I am facing some issues in tracking end call from open cti
Anyone done ordering rows by drag and drop using lwc components. If yes can you please help.
Component implemented with lightning:isUrlAddressable is not working in mobile. It worked fine in Sandbox both desktop and mobile. In Production it is working fine in desktop. But not working in mobile.
Getting attached error.User-added image
Hi All,
Unable to create .xlsx file from VF Page. I checked in google. all are available for creating .xls file . If i change the MIME Type to work with .xlsx file  contenttype="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" , it is throwing corrupted file error.
Could you please help on this.
Hi All,

I need to create Excel Sheet which contains all Profiles and Object Permissions. For that purpose i need to access profile and object level permission in apex class for generating .csv file. 
Could you please help me in this.

I know we can create single slide pptx from Saleforce using VF Page Content Type attribute.

Is there any way to create multi slide pptx from VF Page.

Could you please anyone help on this if you know any way of doing this.
Component implemented with lightning:isUrlAddressable is not working in mobile. It worked fine in Sandbox both desktop and mobile. In Production it is working fine in desktop. But not working in mobile.
Getting attached error.User-added image
Need help in displaying List<String> in VF Page. Even with below code nothing displaying except h1 html text.

VF Page Code:
<apex:page controller="SObjectsListPageController">
    <h1>List Of sObjects</h1>
    <apex:repeat value="{!sObjectsList}" var="listStr" id="theRepeat">
        <apex:outputText value="{!listStr}" id="theValue"/><br/>

public class SObjectsListPageController {
    public List<String> sObjectsList {get; set;}
    public List<Schema.SObjectType> sObjTypeList = new List<Schema.SObjectType>();

    public void getsObjectsList (){
        Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> objMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
        sObjTypeList = objMap.values();
        String str;
        for(Schema.SObjectType scs : sObjTypeList){
            str = scs.getDescribe().getName();


I have a strange issue with an approval process. 
In some cases user don't receive notification of records they have to approve and the approbation doesn't apper in the approvals historic. However, if we go to the record and approve it, it will be approved.

I thought about role of profile issues but the issue appears sometimes with the same user. e.g. : I submit something for approval and then log as the user that need to approve and it will work. I do it again with another record and it doesn't work.

Do you have any ideas where the issue can come from?

I have 2 custom Objects (A and B).  On object A recoreds there is a formula value that gets copied to all of the child records (B).  There can be multiple records of A that have the same value in this field.  What I am trying to do, is from a record of object A, get a query that shows me all records of object B that share this field value , regardless of what record A they are related to.
Hi everyone,

There is a flow beteween Salesforce and our ERP.
I deleted a field on salesforce which disrupts the flow. I restored this field but the flow is still broken.
How can I restore this flow please,

private static testmethod void oobbatchtest(){
    OOBDashboardBatch rs=new OOBDashboardBatch();