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HI I have implemented a coommand button with disabled="{!disablebutton}" 
where in disablebutton is a variable of boolean type.

Now i want the same functionality to be implemented over a HTML <button>
Please help me out in finding the solution...
  • December 15, 2016
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I am trying to create a salesforce 1 button(which can be done via Action), my requirement is to create an event from task .

Setup - Customize - Task- Buttons and Actions - Create a New Action - but how do i pass the id of the task if i need to get information from the task and update the event edit page
  • December 01, 2016
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I am trying to trim a value of a picklist field and store it in another field via formula .

For example:

Picklist value "ABC-EDF-Item1"



  • September 16, 2016
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Hello All,

I am trying to design a console where the first block of it contains a custom object "Store" something similar to Account. I want a list of Associates(custom object similar to contacts) in the same section of the block. 

Could anyone give me the idea for a vf page of the list of associates on the store object:

I have the following code and the error:
<apex:page standardController="Store__C">
<apex:pageBlock title="Hello {!$User.FirstName} {!$User.LastName}!">
We are viewing the Associates for this <b>{!Store.name}</b> Store.
<apex:pageBlock title="Associates">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Store_c.Associates}" var="Ass.">
<apex:column value="{!con.Name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!con.Lastname}"/>
<apex:column value="{!con.Phone}"/>

and getting the error : Error: Unknown property 'Store__cStandardController.Store

Thank you
I am trying to create a salesforce 1 button(which can be done via Action), my requirement is to create an event from task .

Setup - Customize - Task- Buttons and Actions - Create a New Action - but how do i pass the id of the task if i need to get information from the task and update the event edit page
  • December 01, 2016
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I need to create a custom button for Account related list Event, as "Create New Event". so when this button clicks it opens a new event page with
prepopulated values of 2 custom fields of Account.
So for Salesforce Classic, I have a created a custom button and passing Account custom field values in URL parameters. And Voila it worked !
But now I need same functionality for Salesforce1. So I am trying to create a VF page and assigning it as publisher action.
But I dont know what I am doing wrong.

My VF page for publisher action is :

<apex:page action="{!URLFOR($Action.Event.Edit,null,['Event.what_id'='Account.ID',

It gives me an error:

Visualforce Error
Invalid parameter for function URLFOR
Error is in expression '{!URLFOR($Action.Event.Edit,null,['Event.what_id'='Account', '00N23000000M5yK'='Account.Declining_Account__c', '00N23000000M5yU'='Account.Targeted_for_Recovery__c'],false )}' in component <apex:page> in page eventcreatenewaccountfields

Please guide me through.

Thanks in Advance !


I am trying to trim a value of a picklist field and store it in another field via formula .

For example:

Picklist value "ABC-EDF-Item1"



  • September 16, 2016
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