• Reddeiah R 3
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I keep getting the following error message, even after trying in 3 new playgrounds: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Some billing state names do not meet data quality standards, or the data import was unsuccessful.

I followed all of the instructions:
1. Installed unmanaged package in the new playground
2. Added Residential picklist type to Accounts
3. Cleaned up Account list:
a. Removed "Household" from Account name (this wasn't specified, but it didn't seem necessary)
b. Removed duplicate records
c. Changed accounts in ALL CAPS to only cap first letter of first and last name
d. Changed state name to 3 letter State code
e. Saved as .CSV file
4. Imported list using Import Wizard

I received an email confirming the import was successful with 11 rows processed and I see the accounts when I search up accounts in the playground. 

Thanks in advance for any help!
can anyone help me solving the Second step for Lightning Component Framework Specialist super badge.. I struck in that badge.

Hi all, I am so close to finishing this process automation badge but am stuck in one area in Step 7.

I've built out my process builder as follows

User-added image
User-added image
User-added image

And my date formula as follows

Case(MOD(Date__c-DATE(1900,1,7),7),0,"Sunday",1,"Monday",2,"Tuesday",3,"Wednesday",4,"Thursday",5, "Friday",6,"Saturday", "")

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  The Robot Setup Day of the Week formula does not seem to be working properly. The Day of the Week should not fall on Saturday or Sunday. 

It works nicely but doesn't seem to pass, what could be up.

the challenge is as follows :

Create a camping component that contains a campingHeader and a campingList component.
1.The campingList component contains an ordered list of camping supplies that include Bug Spray, Bear Repellant, and Goat Food.
2.The campingHeader component contains an H1 heading style with a font size of 18 points and displays 'Camping List'.

so i made a lightening application named "camping.app" having code :

<aura:application >

where lightening component "campingHeader.cmp" having code :

<aura:component >
    <h1> Camping List </h1>

for I have "campingHeader.css" having code :

h1.THIS {
    font-size: 18px;

and lightening component "campingList.cmp" having code :

<aura:component >
       <li>Bug Spray</li>
       <li>Bear Repellant</li>
       <li>Goat Food</li>      

when i preview the application it is working nice; but when checking the challenge it says :
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'camping' Lightning Component does not include either the campingHeader or campingList component."

please help me know where I m doing wrong. Thanx waiting for your reply
Challenge - Create a form to enter new items and display the list of items entered. To make our camping list look more appealing, change the campingHeader component to use the SLDS. Similar to the unit, style the Camping List H1 inside the slds-page-header. Modify the campingList component to contain an input form and an iteration of campingListItem components for displaying the items entered.
The component requires an attribute named items with the type of an array of camping item custom objects.
The component requires an attribute named newItem of type Camping_Item__c with default quantity and price values of 0.
The component displays the Name, Quantity, Price, and Packed form fields with the appropriate input component types and values from the newItem attribute.
The JavaScript controller checks to ensure that the Name, Quantity and Price values submitted are not null.
If the form is valid, the JavaScript controller pushes the newItem onto the array of existing items, triggers the notification that the items value provider has changed, and resets the newItem value provider with a blank sObjectType of Camping_Item__c.

My answer - 
<aura:component >
<aura:attribute name="items" type="Camping_Item__c[]"/>
<aura:attribute name="newitem" type="Camping_Item__c[]"  default="{ 'sobjectType': 'Camping_Item__c',
                   'Quantity__c'=0, 'Price__c'=0}"/>
        <ui:inputText value="{!v.newitem.name}"/>
        <ui:inputCheckbox value="{!v.newitem.Packed__c}"/>
        <ui:inputCurrency value="{!v.newitem.Price__c}"/>
        <ui:inputNumber value="{!v.newitem.Quantity__c}"/>

Error -

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The campingList component isn't iterating the array of 'items' and creating 'campingListItem' components.

Please share the correct solution.
The challenge (aka "Hello Kitty"):
Upload a specified zip file as a static resource. The zip will have directories with images and you have to display a specific image on a Visualforce page.The page must be named 'ShowImage'.
This file must be uploaded as a Static Resource named 'vfimagetest'.
The page must have a Visualforce apex:image tag that displays the 'kitten1.jpg' image from the 'cats' directory of the static resource.

I have uploaded vfimagetest and made it public. I unzipped the file (maybe my first mistake) and can see the kitten1.jpg file. My code is:
  <apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.vfimagetest,'images/kitten1.jpg')}" width="50" height="50"/>
The code saves; however, I cannot see the file. I know that I am missing something simple. If someone can assist, I can start my self flogging in earnest. Thanks. 
This is my code:
public class AccountHandler {

    public static Account insertNewAccount(String name){
            Account acc = new Account();
            acc.Name = name ; 
            insert acc ; 
            return acc;
        }catch (DmlException e) {
           System.debug('A DML exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
           return null; 