• Nicholas Milevsky
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I'm a beginner with Visualforce, so please excuse my stupidity.

I'm pulling my hair out trying to get output text to render when there is more than one condition.  If it's just one, there's no problem.  However, the second I want to use OR or AND (and I've tried it 50 different ways), it will not work for me.  I'm just trying to render something in the email if the opportunity stage is either "Verbal" or "Closed Won".  I'm not using any custom controller as it didn't seem necessary.  This is what the code currently looks like:

<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!(relatedTo.StageName =='Verbal' || relatedTo.StageName =='Closed Won')}">
Block of verbage.
</ apex:outputPanel>

I have tried it with OR() as well.  I've tried having the "!" on both relatedTo segments, and many others.  I've looked all over for the answer, and none of the fixes seem to work for me.

Thank you!

I'm a beginner with Visualforce, so please excuse my stupidity.

I'm pulling my hair out trying to get output text to render when there is more than one condition.  If it's just one, there's no problem.  However, the second I want to use OR or AND (and I've tried it 50 different ways), it will not work for me.  I'm just trying to render something in the email if the opportunity stage is either "Verbal" or "Closed Won".  I'm not using any custom controller as it didn't seem necessary.  This is what the code currently looks like:

<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!(relatedTo.StageName =='Verbal' || relatedTo.StageName =='Closed Won')}">
Block of verbage.
</ apex:outputPanel>

I have tried it with OR() as well.  I've tried having the "!" on both relatedTo segments, and many others.  I've looked all over for the answer, and none of the fixes seem to work for me.

Thank you!