• Chris Ronnie
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  • Member since 2016
  • Technology Manager
  • LW Reid

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I have an idea where I want to show the days sales in Google Maps. 

I have an order object that tracks all sales. On this object I have a Lat and Long for the billing address.

I have experimented with a hard coded Google Maps HTML file, and have a working proof of concept. I am not sure how to turn this into a report/dashboard/apex/visualforce page and so I am seeking some advice. 

What I think I want to do is:
1. Read long and lat from daily sales report
2. iterate over these values and populate an apex page

The values that need to be iterated over are

{location: new google.maps.LatLng(LATGOESHERE,LONGGOESHERE), weight: 10},

Does anyone have some advice or experience on this kind of work?

I currently have a Variable being set on a webpage (Not a SFDC one, this is Magento) that contains the customers GUID

<script type="text/javascript"> var globalUserEmail = "0039000000YqYcdAAF"; </script>

I also have live agent setup, and a prechat window being fired. At the moment, the customer needs to enter an email address in this prechat field.

Would it be possible to pass the GUID from the page variable to the prechat window?
So I have build a custom chat page that gets the agents photo. When I say built.... I mean borrowed from here https://systemdebug.wordpress.com/2015/05/17/live-agent-rest-api-connectapi/

What I want to do now is also get the agents name. 

The current Apex Class is
public without sharing class Chatwindowcontroller {
	public static String getPhoto(String userId)
		ConnectApi.Photo p = ConnectApi.ChatterUsers.getPhoto(Network.getNetworkId(), userId);
		return p.smallPhotoUrl;

How do I extend this to also get the agents name. When I then have it how do I use it in my Visualforce page?
So I have build a custom chat page that gets the agents photo. When I say built.... I mean borrowed from here https://systemdebug.wordpress.com/2015/05/17/live-agent-rest-api-connectapi/

What I want to do now is also get the agents name. 

The current Apex Class is
public without sharing class Chatwindowcontroller {
	public static String getPhoto(String userId)
		ConnectApi.Photo p = ConnectApi.ChatterUsers.getPhoto(Network.getNetworkId(), userId);
		return p.smallPhotoUrl;

How do I extend this to also get the agents name. When I then have it how do I use it in my Visualforce page?