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 In account we need to add a validtion on email domain field which is in email format eg. sudhir@gmail.com

 Field name is Email_Domain__c

 if any of the mail contains “gmail.com”, “hotmail.com”, “yahoo.com”, “gmx.de”, “googledomain.com”, “mail.ru”, “web.de”, “live.com”, “aol.com”, “gmx.net”, “yandex.ru”, “me.com”, “msn.com”, “comcast.com”, “hushmail.com”, “yahoo.de”, “hotmail.co.uk”, “lavabit.com”, “sbcglobal.net”, “safe-mail.net”, “ymail.com”, “yahoo.co.uk”

It should through message saying personal email cannot be entered.


Hello All,

I have a following query: 

SELECT name,ParentId FROM Attachment WHERE name like 'Spon%' AND ParentId IN (SELECT ID FROM Opportunity where SponsorLetterAgreedUpon__c=false) 

this query is working is expected but I have to add the "SponsorLetterAgreedUpon__c"(type checkbox) field at the start of select statement i.e.

SELECT name,ParentId,SponsorLetterAgreedUpon__c FROM Attachment WHERE name like 'Spon%' AND ParentId IN (SELECT ID FROM Opportunity where SponsorLetterAgreedUpon__c=false) 

like this.In order to check the value but if I use "Opportunity.SponsorLetterAgreedUpon__c"  then it throws an error that I mentioned in the heading.
The reason that I am adding this field is because I have to run a cleanup job using data loader and I must add this field in the select statement in order to know the value in column.
 Can I someone tell me what I've missed?
 I am not actually getting the Relationship between Opportunity and Attachment.
 Ideally below query should've worked:
 SELECT name,ParentId,Attachment.Opportunity__r.SponsorLetterAgreedUpon__c FROM Attachment WHERE name like 'Spon%' AND ParentId IN (SELECT ID FROM Opportunity where SponsorLetterAgreedUpon__c=false) 
 Let me know with you reply
Hi guys,

I want to integrate the sql database to salesforce application,as i am new to salesforce i am not aware of this please suggest me how to achieve this requirement.

I am not able to import records due to a failed import of a text value into a (target) picklist field when using the Data Wizard. Getting this error:

Error received from salesforce.com.  Fields [Vehicle_Make__c].  Status code [INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST].  Message [bad value for restricted picklist field: Opel].

I verified and even reformatted the source column for Vehicle Make as text. Still getting error. Seems to only be failing on 4 records that prevent the entire source to be imported. 

Aby ideas ?