• Preeti Khanna 10
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Hi All, My Requirement is as below- To do mass transfer ownership of five (account, Opportunity, location, asset, contact) objects using one visual force page. I need to create page in such a way that user will input from user and touser and based on user input field ,batch job will filter the records for diferent objects like account,contacts,location,asset.(Currently updated batch job for one objects-accounts) I am implementing the logic currently for one object i.e. Account but need to implement for all the objects. At a time batch job should run for 10 0 records as integration will give error while updating the records. I have created a batch job to update Account Owner but I am facing issue while creating visual force page. Kindly help. 
I am new to salesforce and need your help urgently.
 I have an object A having field say Opportunity.
 In object B,I have an field of lookupfield of opportunity field from object A and one qty field in object B
 I can have multiple records in object B for one opportunity.
like in record 1  - Opp1   qty 2
in record 2 -        Opp1   qty 3
in record 3 -        Opp1   qty 4
in record 4 -         Opp2 qty 5 then in total field of object B for opp2 total to be displayed as 5.
In object B in total field i want to display total count as (2+3+4)  whenever field is updated for Opp1 .
Count should be updated whenever qty is inserted/updated/deleted in object B
I have a field opportunity which is lookupfield and quotaqty on object A.
We can have multiple records for a particular opportunity field on object B which is child of object A.
I want if in object A say quota is 10 then system will sum all the qty field of object B for a particular opportunity in different records of object B.
IF sum of qty exceeds quotaqty field of object A then system should give error message that quantity exceeds 10(quotaqty field).
Hi All,

Need your help as I am new to salesforce.

I have a ObjectA in which I have a field user ,start date,end date and count field .I need to update the count field based on below criteria from asset object.

(To display no. of assets from asset object -criteria is created by user from asset object(based on owner field)  should match with user of object A and installationdate of asset object should be between startdate,eend date of target object and asset status should be installed.
User will enter in target object -user name,start date,end date and based on that count field should get updated from assets object.If any assets is deleted then it should be updated accordingly.

Thanks in advance!


I have a custom Object in which I have  a field user and added a field to display no. of assets(for count) created by user in asset object where status is installed.
Like if I have 5 assets created by user A whose status is installed then in custom object field it should be updated as 5.If any of the asset is deleted/updated then it should updated. the count as well.
Same way if user B has 3 assets whose status is installed then for User B in custom object in count field it should show as 3.

Request you to help on priority as I am new to salesforce.
I want to create a visualforce page for the below requirement-
Suppose I have a parent account Account A and its child accounts are AccountA11,Account A22,Account A23,Account A24.
Supoose I have created quote for child A11 and Child A22.then I want to display the quoteno. of the last quote created for parent Account A.
i.e. if last created quote for parent account A was for child A11 and quote number was Quote1 then on visualfroce page system should display as
Quote1 -Account A11.
Also I need to display the list of all the previous quotes as well for parent account A of all the child accounts.

I am new to salesforce and I have tried the same but I am not getting any solution.
I need to update incremental code in a custom field on accounts so that if user changes the Type from Prospect to customer then no. should be incremented by 1.For e.g got accountA it will be say C1 and for account 2 it will be C2 and for account3 it will be C3 whenever user chnages the type from Prospect to Customer.It will pick the last no. of previous record and then it will increment.Code will be unique for each account as we need to use the same code for integration purpose.

Please help.
I want to update Opportunity Competitor Picklist which is a combobox whenever my account is created where type = Competitor.Account name should be updated in ComboBox picklist.
I have created a record type in accounts object with filter as Type=Competitor.
I want once user creates an object under record type = Competitor in accounts object then that record will be added as a picklist under Opprtiunities->Competitors which is a standard picklist for competitors.
I have created an object A and it has multiple record types
.I want to store the seclected record type name in object A when user creates a new record .Can it be done using trigger while creating a record or in some other way.I dont want to use visualforce page here.Kindly help on the same.
I want it as we are creating a single master for different things instead of creating separate objects and we are handling through record types so we need record type name for each record to identify this particular record belongs to which object.
Hi All,

I am stuck on one issue.
We need to calculate total of 3 picklist fieldsfor which user will enter values on visualforce page and total needs to be displayed on visualforce page once user enters value in fields on visualforce page.Kindly help asap.
I have created 3 fields say Amount1,Amount2 and Amount3 in an object.User will input the same on visualforce page and its sum should be displayed in total field on the visualforce page.
Hi All, My Requirement is as below- To do mass transfer ownership of five (account, Opportunity, location, asset, contact) objects using one visual force page. I need to create page in such a way that user will input from user and touser and based on user input field ,batch job will filter the records for diferent objects like account,contacts,location,asset.(Currently updated batch job for one objects-accounts) I am implementing the logic currently for one object i.e. Account but need to implement for all the objects. At a time batch job should run for 10 0 records as integration will give error while updating the records. I have created a batch job to update Account Owner but I am facing issue while creating visual force page. Kindly help. 
I am new to salesforce and need your help urgently.
 I have an object A having field say Opportunity.
 In object B,I have an field of lookupfield of opportunity field from object A and one qty field in object B
 I can have multiple records in object B for one opportunity.
like in record 1  - Opp1   qty 2
in record 2 -        Opp1   qty 3
in record 3 -        Opp1   qty 4
in record 4 -         Opp2 qty 5 then in total field of object B for opp2 total to be displayed as 5.
In object B in total field i want to display total count as (2+3+4)  whenever field is updated for Opp1 .
Count should be updated whenever qty is inserted/updated/deleted in object B
Hi All,

Need your help as I am new to salesforce.

I have a ObjectA in which I have a field user ,start date,end date and count field .I need to update the count field based on below criteria from asset object.

(To display no. of assets from asset object -criteria is created by user from asset object(based on owner field)  should match with user of object A and installationdate of asset object should be between startdate,eend date of target object and asset status should be installed.
User will enter in target object -user name,start date,end date and based on that count field should get updated from assets object.If any assets is deleted then it should be updated accordingly.

Thanks in advance!


I have a custom Object in which I have  a field user and added a field to display no. of assets(for count) created by user in asset object where status is installed.
Like if I have 5 assets created by user A whose status is installed then in custom object field it should be updated as 5.If any of the asset is deleted/updated then it should updated. the count as well.
Same way if user B has 3 assets whose status is installed then for User B in custom object in count field it should show as 3.

Request you to help on priority as I am new to salesforce.
I need to update incremental code in a custom field on accounts so that if user changes the Type from Prospect to customer then no. should be incremented by 1.For e.g got accountA it will be say C1 and for account 2 it will be C2 and for account3 it will be C3 whenever user chnages the type from Prospect to Customer.It will pick the last no. of previous record and then it will increment.Code will be unique for each account as we need to use the same code for integration purpose.

Please help.
I have created an object A and it has multiple record types
.I want to store the seclected record type name in object A when user creates a new record .Can it be done using trigger while creating a record or in some other way.I dont want to use visualforce page here.Kindly help on the same.
I want it as we are creating a single master for different things instead of creating separate objects and we are handling through record types so we need record type name for each record to identify this particular record belongs to which object.
Hi All,

I am stuck on one issue.
We need to calculate total of 3 picklist fieldsfor which user will enter values on visualforce page and total needs to be displayed on visualforce page once user enters value in fields on visualforce page.Kindly help asap.
I have created 3 fields say Amount1,Amount2 and Amount3 in an object.User will input the same on visualforce page and its sum should be displayed in total field on the visualforce page.