• Sarvesh Prajapati
  • 45 Points
  • Member since 2016

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Can anyone please explain me how to use <apex:iInputHidden> with an example. I'm unable to understand working of this tag.


Is there any way to include standard objects into custom apps.


I have created web-to-case. When I'm hitting submit button, data is not captured by cases object.
Can anyone please help me on this.


I have created 2 objects as Job Application and Candidate, and defined a field candidate on Job Application as relationship. Now I want to display the data from both job application and candidate. Please tell me how I can achieve this. I have written below code, but its not working.

VF Page
<apex:page standardController="Job_Application__c" extensions="extension1">


public class extension1 {
    Candidate__c cand = new Candidate__c();
    Job_Application__c jbap;
    public extension1(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

    public string getAppCandDet()
        cand=[select First_Name__c, Last_Name__c from Candidate__c where Id =:jbap.id];
        return 'Job Application:'+'   Candidate - First Name'+cand.First_Name__c+'  '+cand.Last_Name__c;

I have created a visual force page. There are two objects Job Application and Candidate.
I'm displaying the name of Job Application in VF Page. When a name is clicked it should display candidate's first name, but its not displaying. Here is the code I have written.

VF Page
<apex:page controller="D_Controller">
 <apex:form >
  <apex:datalist value="{!JA}" var="item"> 
    <apex:commandLink action="{!JAclicked}" rerender="CandidateDetails">
      <apex:outputtext value="{!item.Name__c}" />
     <apex:param name="id" value="{!item.id}" assignTo="{!selectedCandidate}"/>
 <apex:outputPanel id="CandidateDetails">
  <apex:repeat value="{!CandidateInfo}" var="item">
   <p>Custom Control Demo "{!item.First_Name__c}" </p>

public class D_Controller 
 public id selectedCandidate{get;set;}
 public list<Candidate__c> CandidateInfo{get;set;}
 public list<Job_Application__c> getJA()
   return [select Name__c, Position__c, Candidate__c from Job_Application__c limit 5];
 public void JAclicked()
  CandidateInfo = [select First_Name__c, Last_Name__c from Candidate__c where ID = :selectedCandidate] ;

Please let me know hwat should I modify

open execute anonymous window is disabled in developer console. Due to this I'm unable to write and execute any apex code.
Please let me know how I can enable it.


How to delete assigned users from salesforce.com developer edition.


I have connected my eclipse with force.com. Now I need more information about working in eclipse. Can you please guide me on the same.

I have built a recruitement application in salesforce.com, can I connect this application with eclipse. Can I work on this application through eclipse. If so, please let me know how I can work on the same.


I have installed eclipse in my machine and installed force.com IDE in it. However when I tried to access it from Window/Perspective/Open Perspective/ Other, force.com is not showing in the list. Hence I'm unable to work with force.com. Please suggest your views.


I have downloaded eclipse-jee-mars-2-win32-x86_64.zip file and when I'm running 'eclipse' file its showing below error. Can you please let me know how I can install and run eclipse.

User-added image

I'm unable to delete a visualforce page. Please let me what could be the problem.


I have created a VF page as below:

<apex:page standardController="Job_Application__c">
     <apex:pageBlock title="{!Job_Application__c.Name__c}">
         <apex:outputPanel id="CandidateDetails">
             <apex:detail subject="{!Currentpage.parameters.cid}" relatedList="false" title="false"/>
     <apex:pageBlock title="Candidate">
             <apex:datalist value="{!Job_Application__c.Candidate__c}" var="Cand">

Error: Unknown property 'Job_Application__cStandardController.Currentpage'
Error: Unknown property 'String.First_Name__c'

Please let me know what is wrong here.

I have created some objects such as Position, Candidate, Job Application.
But these objects are not appearing in 'quick find/Build/Customize' on left side of force.com.
Any reason?
Getting error in vf as ''Reviews' is not a valid child relationship name for entity Review'.
what is the meaning of 'lukesXWing.shield              = new DeflectorShield()'

Is there any way to include standard objects into custom apps.


I have created web-to-case. When I'm hitting submit button, data is not captured by cases object.
Can anyone please help me on this.


I have created 2 objects as Job Application and Candidate, and defined a field candidate on Job Application as relationship. Now I want to display the data from both job application and candidate. Please tell me how I can achieve this. I have written below code, but its not working.

VF Page
<apex:page standardController="Job_Application__c" extensions="extension1">


public class extension1 {
    Candidate__c cand = new Candidate__c();
    Job_Application__c jbap;
    public extension1(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

    public string getAppCandDet()
        cand=[select First_Name__c, Last_Name__c from Candidate__c where Id =:jbap.id];
        return 'Job Application:'+'   Candidate - First Name'+cand.First_Name__c+'  '+cand.Last_Name__c;

I have created a visual force page. There are two objects Job Application and Candidate.
I'm displaying the name of Job Application in VF Page. When a name is clicked it should display candidate's first name, but its not displaying. Here is the code I have written.

VF Page
<apex:page controller="D_Controller">
 <apex:form >
  <apex:datalist value="{!JA}" var="item"> 
    <apex:commandLink action="{!JAclicked}" rerender="CandidateDetails">
      <apex:outputtext value="{!item.Name__c}" />
     <apex:param name="id" value="{!item.id}" assignTo="{!selectedCandidate}"/>
 <apex:outputPanel id="CandidateDetails">
  <apex:repeat value="{!CandidateInfo}" var="item">
   <p>Custom Control Demo "{!item.First_Name__c}" </p>

public class D_Controller 
 public id selectedCandidate{get;set;}
 public list<Candidate__c> CandidateInfo{get;set;}
 public list<Job_Application__c> getJA()
   return [select Name__c, Position__c, Candidate__c from Job_Application__c limit 5];
 public void JAclicked()
  CandidateInfo = [select First_Name__c, Last_Name__c from Candidate__c where ID = :selectedCandidate] ;

Please let me know hwat should I modify

open execute anonymous window is disabled in developer console. Due to this I'm unable to write and execute any apex code.
Please let me know how I can enable it.


I have connected my eclipse with force.com. Now I need more information about working in eclipse. Can you please guide me on the same.

I have built a recruitement application in salesforce.com, can I connect this application with eclipse. Can I work on this application through eclipse. If so, please let me know how I can work on the same.


I have installed eclipse in my machine and installed force.com IDE in it. However when I tried to access it from Window/Perspective/Open Perspective/ Other, force.com is not showing in the list. Hence I'm unable to work with force.com. Please suggest your views.
