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I need to perform round robin logic for Task Creation. I have a queue "ABC" and it have 5 users. So If i create 9 tasks by bulk insert, 

user 1 - Task 1
User 2 - task 2 
User 3 - Task 3, 
User 4 - Task 4,
User 5 - Task 5,
User 1- Task 6,
User 2 - Task 7,
User 3- Task 8,
User 4 - Task 9.

I need the above logic needs to implement. and If I again insert 3 Task in Bulk Insert,
User 5 - Task 1,
User 1 - Task 2,
User 2 - Task 3



I have two custom picklists in a Lead Object(Location__c and Program__c) and Program__c will be displayed based on the Location__c(Field Dependency i have set). I have one registration VF page. In that page i need to populate the same logic.
can anyone help me to complete this logic?


My scenario, While uploading a bulk accounts records, If the email or phone matched with Existing account means, I need to update(most recent lastmodified) account record. 

i having 6 existing accounts with an email 'test@abc.com'. now i am inserting bulk accounts and in the sheet one record have an email 'test@abc.com. So how to retrive the most recent modified record to update?

Hi Folks,

I am creating a dataset by combining two existing datasets. I successfully created the dataset using Edgemart and Augment Transformations. But In the Resulting dataset the combined the values are not showing(Please see the below Screenshot). 

User-added image

Is anyone is familiar with Wave with JSON ? 



I need to perform round robin logic for Task Creation. I have a queue "ABC" and it have 5 users. So If i create 9 tasks by bulk insert, 

user 1 - Task 1
User 2 - task 2 
User 3 - Task 3, 
User 4 - Task 4,
User 5 - Task 5,
User 1- Task 6,
User 2 - Task 7,
User 3- Task 8,
User 4 - Task 9.

I need the above logic needs to implement. and If I again insert 3 Task in Bulk Insert,
User 5 - Task 1,
User 1 - Task 2,
User 2 - Task 3

My scenario, While uploading a bulk accounts records, If the email or phone matched with Existing account means, I need to update(most recent lastmodified) account record. 

i having 6 existing accounts with an email 'test@abc.com'. now i am inserting bulk accounts and in the sheet one record have an email 'test@abc.com. So how to retrive the most recent modified record to update?
I have written a validation rule but it is not working.Please help.

(ISCHANGED(Date_of_Birth__c)) &&($User.ProfileId<>'00e90000001TW6p')

DOB cannot be change other than system admin.