• Sudip Mondal 2001
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  • Member since 2016

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Hi All,
I have a requirement where I need to send value from one VF page to another. I have digged out a few examples but none of them helped serving my needs.
Here goes the requirements in details:
I have used the <apex:repeat> tag to display the search results and whenever one of the returned result is clicked, the ID of the record should be transferred to a different visualforce page. Below is the code segment.
<apex:repeat var="u" value="{!usr}" >
						<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4  col-xs-12  col-sm-6 resultItem" style="margin-top: 1%;overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;display: inline-block;" onclick='cloneDetails("{!u.id}");'>
                           <a href="{!$Page.CloneThisUser}?Id={!u.Id}&q={!users}" class="list-group-item centerRow screenWidth" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;width:100%;">
                           <span class="itemTitle">{!u.Name}</span><br/>
                           {!IF(u.UserRole.Name != '', u.UserRole.Name, '')}<br/>
                           {!IF(u.isActive, 'Active', 'Inactive')}
I have created a JS function cloneDetails(id) that will do the sending to another page job.

The controllers of both the pages are different and merging them would be a big headache and hence we cannot take that as a solution. :(
Hi Team,
I need your help in getting a doubt clearified.
I have got to write a test class for trigger and the corresponding handler class. I have written the test class and the test coverage is 100% - trigger and 89% - Handler class.
But when I am runnign the test class, its failing. Saying 1/2 methods passed. I had to cover negetive scenario aswell because it was a catch portion which I needed to cover thus created a knowing error in the negetive test method. 
Kindly lemme know if passing of the test classes is as important as covering the classes and triggers for successful deployment? In other words, I need atleast 75% coverage and a passes test clas for successful deployment.
Hello All,
I have a code fragment for my org which is as shown below:
List<FRLS_Round__c> leadRounds = [SELECT Contact__c, Lead__c FROM FRLS_Round__c WHERE Lead__c = :((Lead)Trigger.new[0]).Id];
As per my understanding, FRLS_Round__c is a custom object(since its appended with a __c) which is having fields such as "Contact__c,Lead__c" containing values as thee record ID.

So, I went ahead and tried searching for the Custom Object named "FRLS Round" but did not get any clue of what it is referring to. I searched in Google to find out some info about hidden objects but the list that I received had no information about this.
Here's is the link: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_list.htm

On further research around the web, I found the object FRLS_Round__c being referred by many programmers at different times:
1. https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=906F0000000AcEuIAK
2. http://pastebin.com/0Mg8F7G8

So, on seeing the above examples I thought the object in question to be a standard one as its being used by others aswell but appending the object name with __c is what is causing confusion.

Requesting details for the object: "FRLS_Round__c"

Many thanks in anticipation.

Hi All,
I have a requirement where I need to send value from one VF page to another. I have digged out a few examples but none of them helped serving my needs.
Here goes the requirements in details:
I have used the <apex:repeat> tag to display the search results and whenever one of the returned result is clicked, the ID of the record should be transferred to a different visualforce page. Below is the code segment.
<apex:repeat var="u" value="{!usr}" >
						<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4  col-xs-12  col-sm-6 resultItem" style="margin-top: 1%;overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;display: inline-block;" onclick='cloneDetails("{!u.id}");'>
                           <a href="{!$Page.CloneThisUser}?Id={!u.Id}&q={!users}" class="list-group-item centerRow screenWidth" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;width:100%;">
                           <span class="itemTitle">{!u.Name}</span><br/>
                           {!IF(u.UserRole.Name != '', u.UserRole.Name, '')}<br/>
                           {!IF(u.isActive, 'Active', 'Inactive')}
I have created a JS function cloneDetails(id) that will do the sending to another page job.

The controllers of both the pages are different and merging them would be a big headache and hence we cannot take that as a solution. :(
Hi Team,
I need your help in getting a doubt clearified.
I have got to write a test class for trigger and the corresponding handler class. I have written the test class and the test coverage is 100% - trigger and 89% - Handler class.
But when I am runnign the test class, its failing. Saying 1/2 methods passed. I had to cover negetive scenario aswell because it was a catch portion which I needed to cover thus created a knowing error in the negetive test method. 
Kindly lemme know if passing of the test classes is as important as covering the classes and triggers for successful deployment? In other words, I need atleast 75% coverage and a passes test clas for successful deployment.