• Ivor Jenkins 2
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Hi I am currently setting up single sign on for our sandbox environments. We have successfully done this in production. However  in the sandboxes the user profiles are being overwritten by the azzure  user role. Is there a way to prevent this?
I have two custom components, Visitor_Hospitality_Form__c and Visitors__c... their is a master-detail relationship between the forms and the visitors.
I have created a Visualforce Compnent, a controller and a visualforce page to show all the related visitors on the visitors form page but it isn't showing any items in the table
Here is the controller
global with sharing class VHF_VisitorsListController {
    global string VHFID {get;set;}
    global List<Visitors__c> existingVisitors {get;set;}
    public VHF_VisitorsListController() {
        existingVisitors = new list<Visitors__c>();
        existingVisitors = [SELECT NAME,Arriving_by_Taxi__c,Email__c,Is_Director__c,Is_WiFi_Required__c,Job_Title__c,Lunch_Required__c,
                           FROM Visitors__c  WHERE     Visitor_Hospitality_Form__c = :VHFID];
Here is the component:
<apex:component access="global" controller="VHF_VisitorsListController">
    <apex:attribute name="VHFIDValue" type="String" description="This is the Id of the VHF" assignTo="{!VHFID}" access="global" />
    <table class="table">
                <th>Job Title</th>
            <apex:repeat value="{!existingVisitors}" var="vis">