• Barbara Edwards
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I'm (very) new to Salesforce. I'm using it with a nonprofit. We don't have Leads (most common example I found online), we have Members. My Setup does not have a Build > Leads(Members) > Fields option. I can see something similar to what other users have described by going to Platform Tools > Objects and Fields > Picklist Value Sets (or going through Object Manager to Fields & Relationships). Both lead me to the picklist I want.

I created a new picklist. It did not have an option to select which record types to apply to, but did have a box to apply to all record types. I selected it. Saved and applied. Still doesn't show for any member in that picklist category.

My picklist still doesn't show. I have set it as the default value and unset it. Neither works. 

Any other suggestions?
I'm (very) new to Salesforce. I'm using it with a nonprofit. We don't have Leads (most common example I found online), we have Members. My Setup does not have a Build > Leads(Members) > Fields option. I can see something similar to what other users have described by going to Platform Tools > Objects and Fields > Picklist Value Sets (or going through Object Manager to Fields & Relationships). Both lead me to the picklist I want.

I created a new picklist. It did not have an option to select which record types to apply to, but did have a box to apply to all record types. I selected it. Saved and applied. Still doesn't show for any member in that picklist category.

My picklist still doesn't show. I have set it as the default value and unset it. Neither works. 

Any other suggestions?