• Madhav Goyal
  • 5 Points
  • Member since 2016
  • SoftAppsPro Technologies B. V.

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Can we replicate the ability to select multiple Files from computer and mass upload the Files? Using a Custom Button on Visualforce Page. 

Madhav G.
Hi There,

I am working on an Integration, while making a callout I am getting the below exception: 
System.CalloutException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Can you please help me out why am I receiving this error and how can this be fixed?

Thanks in Advance.
I am using access token in header.... The postman return the expected response ...
But when i am replacing access token with refresh token it returns invalid session id error.

Please help me out. Its a bit urgent.

Scenario: There's one picklist (Every 1 hour, Every 2 hours, and so on to Every 24 Hours) , two bottons(Start Job and Abort Job) in Lightning Component.
When Start Job botton is clicked, the schedule job starts, the job is scheduled based on the value of picklist.
And when Abort Job Botton is clicked, the schedule job aborts. 

I have done this and it is working good, but the issue arises, if i schedule job say to "Every 24 hours"(ie. now its 12-09-2017 10:30:00 .So, the next schedule time of the job will be 13-09-2017 10:30:00) and then abort the job and again schedule it to "Every 1 hour"(ie., now its 12-09-2017 10:40:00. So, the next schedule time of the job will be 12-09-2017 11:40:00), I queried and checked, it shows the next scheduled time to 13-09-2017 10:30:00 although i have abort that job, and next scheduled time should be 12-09-2017 11:30:00.

I read somewhere that salesforce do not abort the job immediately, it takes some time to abort the job.

Please help me out to resolve the issue, to immediately abort the scheduled job on button click and start the new scheduled job.

Thanks in advance
Madhav G.

I want to know the various type of extension in salesforce, as i digged in and got the list of all Attchment.ContentType (below) but I'm not able to get the corresponding file Extenion to it.

Here is the list of ContentType:
  • application/html
  • application/java-archive
  • application/javascript
  • application/msword
  • application/octet-stream
  • application/octet-stream;type=unknown
  • application/opx
  • application/pdf
  • application/postscript
  • application/rtf
  • application/vnd.google-apps.document
  • application/vnd.google-apps.drawing
  • application/vnd.google-apps.form
  • application/vnd.google-apps.presentation
  • application/vnd.google-apps.script
  • application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet
  • application/vnd.ms-excel
  • application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12
  • application/vnd.ms-infopath
  • application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
  • application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12
  • application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12
  • application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
  • application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
  • application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template
  • application/vnd.visio
  • application/x-gzip
  • application/x-java-source
  • application/x-javascript
  • application/x-shockwave-flash
  • application/x-sql
  • application/x-zip-compressed
  • application/xhtml+xml
  • application/xml
  • application/zip
  • audio/mp4
  • audio/mpeg
  • audio/x-aac
  • audio/x-ms-wma
  • audio/x-ms-wmv
  • audio/x-wav
  • image/bmp
  • image/gif
  • image/jpeg
  • image/png
  • image/svg+xml
  • image/tiff
  • image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
  • image/vnd.dwg
  • image/x-photoshop
  • message/rfc822
  • text/css
  • text/csv
  • text/html
  • text/plain
  • text/rtf
  • text/snote
  • text/stypi
  • text/webviewhtml
  • text/x-c
  • text/x-c++
  • text/xml
  • video/mp4
  • video/mpeg
  • video/quicktime
  • video/x-m4v
  • video/x-ms-asf
  • video/x-msvideo
Thanks in advance.

Can we replicate the ability to select multiple Files from computer and mass upload the Files? Using a Custom Button on Visualforce Page. 

Madhav G.
I am using access token in header.... The postman return the expected response ...
But when i am replacing access token with refresh token it returns invalid session id error.

Please help me out. Its a bit urgent.
It would be wonderful if the REST API documentation was a little more clear about the use of refresh_token or access_token in authenticated calls to the REST API.  There are a couple of blogs out there that touch on how to hit the API via Postman but the information contained in those is either conflicting or stale.  It would be best if the Trailhead modules better called out how to use tools other than the Workbench, which obfuscate the header creation and therefore don't help developers learn how to use this.  I struggled for a couple of hours yesterday and finally got the API working, only to wake up this morning and receive the INVALID_SESSION_ID error message on attempting the same invocation that succeeded hours before.  My connected app has OAUTH settings enabled that would seem to allow the use of the refresh token but maybe Postman doesn't send that in the header by default.  What recourse do developers have in this case if they haven't purchased premier support?

OAuth policies
Permitted UsersAll users may self-authorizeIP RelaxationRelax IP restrictions
UsageView OAuth UsageRefresh Token Policy:Refresh token is valid until revoked
Single LogoutSingle Logout disabled  
This application has permission to:Perform requests on your behalf at any time  
This application has permission to:Full access  
This application has permission to:Provide access to your data via the Web  
This application has permission to:Access and manage your data
Hi All,

I have created 'New Action' on Custom object 'class__C' and assign custom VF page in Action type. I need to handle Quick Action's Save button event in my custom visualforce page. The page pops up as a modal containing save button.
How to handle 'Save' button event of modal pop up in lightning experience?? 

User-added image

I am calling one rest api in salesforce. Following is the deatil code:

 HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
                req.setHeader('Authorization', authorizationHeader);
                Http http = new Http();
                HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);

In above code lo[0].Comapny__c value is " Test Example " . In this name there is space between Test and Example. When My code execute for this example it is given me blank response body.

I am passing like "TestExample" it is working. Actually when space came at that time "%20" should pass in that url. 

I know how to do in .net , PHP, JAva ( line encodeURI("Test Example)"). 

How can i do this in Salesforce? Please help me.
I have been using the SF SOAP API for integrating and fetching the CRM documents into our app. I have referenced the latest WSDL into our app. Our application is in .NET and I have been using SOQL queries of SalesForce to successfully integrate. Recently we are trying to get the Chatter data into our app for the user to view and post messages. I have few questions regarding the same.

1.       I was able to get all chatter feeds of the entire company by fetching all records from “FeedItem” object. But I want to only fetch the feeds that are shown in “What I follow” in SF. I could not see a direct way or object which will provide me these feeds. So I wrote the following query to fetch and filter the same.

select Id,Body,ContentDescription,ContentFileName,CreatedDate,Title,Type,CreatedBy.FirstName,CreatedBy.LastName from FeedItem
where (ParentId ='<USERID that is logged in>' OR
ParentId in (SELECT ParentId FROM EntitySubscription WHERE SubscriberId = '<USERID that is logged in>' LIMIT 1000) OR
ParentId in (SELECT CollaborationGroupId FROM CollaborationGroupMember WHERE MemberId = '<USERID that is logged in>'))  order by CreatedDate DESC
Please note the that I could not write the subquery with “OR” statement directly as shown above because it gave me some error so I looped “EntitySubscription” and “CollaborationGroupMember” separately and just added the Ids in query.
I am not sure if this is the correct way to fetch everything from chatter feeds that are shown in “What I follow”. Can you please confirm if this is the correct way or is there some other object which will directly give me feeds.

2.       Another issue is with feeds with Type=”TrackedChange”. This includes the files that user is following. Suppose if there is any change in the file I see the following msg in SF chatter “Chocolate Price List 7-18-2014 — Beth Beasley uploaded a new version of this file.”. But when I access via the API I don’t get this description in “FeedItem.Body”. I tried other properties of FeedItem also, but I could not get this description anywhere. I even tried to loop the records in FeedItem. FeedTrackedChanges but could not get the description anywhere. Can you help me where I can get this?

3.       The FeedItem query above runs well for a user with admin permissions in SF. But when I run the same query for non-admin user, it gives me the following error “MALFORMED_QUERY: Implementation restriction: FeedItem requires a filter by Id”. I am sure this is because of some permission in SF that we need to grant the user so that FeedItems can be fetched via API, because its running for admin user. And even the error suggests that some RIGHT is missing.
Can you guide what RIGHT I need to assign to the user in SF so that I can fetch all Feeds from chatter?