• LeighAnn Graham
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I am getting the error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Discount_Percent__c]: [Discount_Percent__c]

Throughout this module I've been using Discount Percentage, not Discount Percent, but when I made an opportunity for Edge Communications - 1 year contract it required me to add a discount percent manually. I'm not sure what is wrong or what to do. Please help!
I keep getting the error message: The process did not set the correct Type value on submitting for approval.

I noticed that when I try creating a field update and need to enter a field to update, Account Type isn't an option for me to choose from from the standard fields. I'm not sure if this may be the problem and I don't know what to do to fix it. Please help!!
I am at the end of the Implement the Flow with a Web Tab unit, but I am unable to finish it as I cannot configure the tab to display surveys. The instructions say to enter and select Tabs from the quick find box and then to click New in the Custom Object Related list, but that list is not appearing for me. The only tabs that are appearing are Custom Object, Web, Visualforce, Lightning component, and Lightning Page.

I tried configuring the tab under Custom Objects, but I can't select Customer Satisfaction Surveys as the object. Please help!!
I am at the end of the Implement the Flow with a Web Tab unit, but I am unable to finish it as I cannot configure the tab to display surveys. The instructions say to enter and select Tabs from the quick find box and then to click New in the Custom Object Related list, but that list is not appearing for me. The only tabs that are appearing are Custom Object, Web, Visualforce, Lightning component, and Lightning Page.

I tried configuring the tab under Custom Objects, but I can't select Customer Satisfaction Surveys as the object. Please help!!
I keep getting the error message: The process did not set the correct Type value on submitting for approval.

I noticed that when I try creating a field update and need to enter a field to update, Account Type isn't an option for me to choose from from the standard fields. I'm not sure if this may be the problem and I don't know what to do to fix it. Please help!!
I am not able to complete the che challenge "Set Up and Manage Shield Platform Encryption". Everytime it shows "The Case Description field does not appear to be encrypted. Make sure you have records with data in this field." Although I encrypted the Case description filed. Anyone have any idea how to get rid of it. Please help me. I am stucked in this step for two days.