• Lawrence Mishkin
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- I believe that I am properly doing this challenge: Make the Open Activities related list the first one you see on account record detail pages.  But I keep getting this error message on the challenge :Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  The "Open Activities" related list does not appear to the first one on the Account record details page.  
  • Can someone please give me a detailed step by step navigation to complete this task so that I can see what I am doing wrong? The open opportunities is the first tab under account details, so I am not at all sure if I am doing this wrong or if it is a glitch...
I am working on my personalization challenge and did the personalization correctly and the open activities appears as instructed as the first tab under the accout details page but I am getting an error message for the challenge say the the open activities tab does not appear to be first.  Is there anything I am missing or is this a glitch?
I am working on my personalization challenge and did the personalization correctly and the open activities appears as instructed as the first tab under the accout details page but I am getting an error message for the challenge say the the open activities tab does not appear to be first.  Is there anything I am missing or is this a glitch?