• Martina Pastorkova
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  • Member since 2017

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Use Salesforce Connect to link an External Object with Salesforce Users

The mobile phones being tracked by an external application are used by specific users in your Salesforce instance. Create an indirect lookup relationship between the 'Phone' External Object and the 'User' standard object.
  • Create an OData 2.0 external data source with 'Mobile Devices' as the label, 'Mobile_Devices' as the name, and this URL: https://phone-odata-demo.herokuapp.com/devices.svc/. Note: If you have completed the previous challenge in this module ('Setting up Salesforce Connect'), the External Data Source should already exist in your Developer Edition.
  • Add a new 'Phone UUID' custom field on the User standard object with the resulting API name of 'Phone_UUID__c'. The field should be of type 'Text' and marked as 'Unique' and 'External ID'.
  • Change the 'UUID' field on the 'Phone__x' external object to be an indirect lookup relationship to the 'User' standard object. Use the 'Phone_UUID__c' field as the matching key for this indirect lookup relationship.
  • Update any existing User record in your Developer Edition instance to have a value of '0000123442' for the 'Phone_UUID__c' field.
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The User standard object does not have a custom field with the API name 'Phone_UUID__c'

Anybody could help me to pass this one, please? I am not sure what User standard object is supposed to be, as I can not see any. Unless, this challenge was/should be updated.
I was trying to do the challenge for this module Sell the Salesforce Way and this error keeps coming up:

The 'High-Revenue Leads' list view does not appear to be filtered by annual revenue that’s greater than or equal to 500,000.

 User-added image

I have used this filter but also 

User-added image

but I can not pass this challenge. Could this be due to Advanced Currency is enabled in my org?

Thank you very much.

I have a problem with "Create a Forecasting Reports" Trailhead:
The following error ocurrs even I have done everything correctly:

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: CKIGBGTA. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: FORBIDDEN: The report type Forecasting_Details__c is invalid, is undeployed, or is based on an entity you do not have access to.

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Any idea why I can not pass the module?

Thank you.
I was trying to do the challenge for this module Sell the Salesforce Way and this error keeps coming up:

The 'High-Revenue Leads' list view does not appear to be filtered by annual revenue that’s greater than or equal to 500,000.

 User-added image

I have used this filter but also 

User-added image

but I can not pass this challenge. Could this be due to Advanced Currency is enabled in my org?

Thank you very much.
Just tried to install the package to my trailhead playground and got these errors:

`ERROR: Installation errors:
1) (Property_Favorite__c.Property__c) There is already a Child Relationship named Favorites on Property., Details: Property_Favorite__c.Property__c: There is already a Child Relationship named Favorites on Property.
2) (Property_Favorite__c.User__c) There is already a Child Relationship named Favorites on User., Details: Property_Favorite__c.User__c: There is already a Child Relationship named Favorites on User.
3) (Property_Favorite__c.All) In field: columns - no CustomField named Property_Favorite__c.Property__c found, Details: Property_Favorite__c.All: In field: columns - no CustomField named Property_Favorite__c.Property__c found.
Do I have to uninstall DreamHouse package already installed in trailhead playground?
Create the package version - Step 5
Error Attempt to create unlocked pkg step 5
Following Error:
ERROR:  An unexpected error occurred. Please contact Salesforce Support and provide the following error code: 1394095453-59495 (-1373703285).

Anyone know what this is?
DevHub set up; Packaging2 Beta enabled in DevHub; and I have an active GitHub account.
When i do this stage in the trailhead : on SFDX commande line programme, i am connected to my devhub and the command : sfdx force:package2:version:create --directory force-app --wait 10 to create the package version, which associates the metadata with the package.
i have this return :
ERROR :insufficient access rights on cross-reference id: 0HoB00000008Ohn.
I was trying to do the challenge for this module Sell the Salesforce Way and this error keeps coming up:

The 'High-Revenue Leads' list view does not appear to be filtered by annual revenue that’s greater than or equal to 500,000.

 User-added image

I have used this filter but also 

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but I can not pass this challenge. Could this be due to Advanced Currency is enabled in my org?

Thank you very much.

I have a problem with "Create a Forecasting Reports" Trailhead:
The following error ocurrs even I have done everything correctly:

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: CKIGBGTA. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: FORBIDDEN: The report type Forecasting_Details__c is invalid, is undeployed, or is based on an entity you do not have access to.

User-added image

Any idea why I can not pass the module?

Thank you.
I'm on the Quick Start: Einstein Prediction Builder module and have followed the steps and created an account to get the Einstein Prediction Builder Developer Edition, however after verifying my email and loggin on, I can't find the prediction builder tool in setup as it says you would on Trailhead. Where can I use a version and play around with the tool?
 Hi all,

i added for my challenge a contact as contact role as described in the challenge (see text below), but when I let the system check if the task is completed correctly.I always get the error: 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'John Smith' contact role for 'Greendot Media' could not be found.​

I don´t understand what I am doing wrong here - while solving the task I followed the description and rechecked with the documentation but I can not find an error.

I would really appreciate help. Thanks.

Your VP just connected you to a new contact, but the contact works with two different companies. To pass this challenge, relate the new contact to the two different accounts. Then, add yourself to the account team. In order to complete this challenge, you need to have Contacts to Multiple Accounts and Account Teams enabled. The Related Contacts and Account Teams related lists must be on the Account page layout. The Related Accounts related list must be on the Contact page layout.

Create an account with the Account Name 'Acme Corporation'.
Create an account with the Account Name 'Greendot Media'.
Create a contact with First Name = 'John', Last Name = 'Smith'. In the Account Name field, enter 'Acme Corporation'.
From the Greendot Media account record, use the Related Contacts related list to add a relationship with John Smith.
Add yourself to the account team for the 'Acme Corporation' account with the Team Role of 'Account Manager'.
Hello Community,

I'm having an issue with this particular challenge below: 

Write an Apex trigger that fires before records are inserted and ensures that the ShippingState field has the same value as the BillingState field.
Create an Apex class named AccountTriggerHandler that contains a public static method called CreateAccounts to accept the List of Account objects.
For each Account record, before saving, ensure that the ShippingState field has the same value as the BillingState field.
Write an Apex trigger named AccountTrigger that fires before records are inserted.
The Apex trigger must call the AccountTriggerHandler.CreateAccounts() method with the collection of new records.
Create a test class named AccountTriggerTest that inserts 200 Account records with a BillingState of CA. After the insert, test to ensure that all 200 records have a ShippingState of CA.
Before verifying this challenge, run your test class at least once using the Developer Console Run All feature.

This is my Challenge Error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Trigger 'AccountTrigger' does not appear to be calling the AccountTriggerHandler class correctly or using isBefore or isInsert content variables.

These are my codings below :
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AccountTrigger - Trigger On Account Object
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P.S. I'm pretty new to the developing with Apex so I'm learning and growing so the help is appreciated community. 
I'm following the example shown on Peter Knolle's post here: https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/developer-relations/2015/03/lightning-component-framework-custom-events.html

When creating the contactSearch Component, I'm getting the following error:

"Failed to save undefined: No CONTROLLER named apex://mynamespace.ContactSearchController found: Source"

I'm not sure what I've missing - any thoughts?