• Raghutrailblazer
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I have nested bundle in which product display shows in different order this makes end users little confusing at QLE confiuration page. There is an article from salesforce to make sorting more predictable but that's only for without nested bundels so any one of you implemented from below article for nested bunldes do help me. thanks

How to control publish now or later article permission such that he should be able to publish an article if is an author(based on createdBy).  I'm using createdBy filed in the validation rule to check the same but it couldn't fire while publishing. anyone please provide your inputs?
Greetings, I've created my external object for the Data Integration Specalist Superbadge and have configured my external ID as seen below, however, the challenge seems to not pass, indicating that the indirect lookup was not properly created. Here's how I set up the projectRef__c field, which was what I used to push data from the external object into the project object in Salesforce. Are there any steps, I need to take. Hope it helps.
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