• Timothy Smith
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When a Vacation_Package__c is created if Package_Type = 'Select,  set the Balance_Type to 'Nights' and set Sales_Company__c to 'Upgrade Sales'.  Upgrade Sales is an Account Record, this is a lookup field.

I am wondering why my SOQL search in the test class does not show any rows.  WHen I do a system.debug I can see that records are created, but my SOQL is not getting results.
trigger SelectVacationPackage on Vacation_Package__c (before insert, before update) {
List<Vacation_Package__c> PackagesToUpdate = new List<Vacation_Package__c>();
    List<Vacation_Package__c> WorkingPackages = [SELECT Id, Package_Type__c, Sales_Company__c, Package_Status__c
 FROM Vacation_Package__c WHERE Id In :Trigger.New];
    for(Vacation_Package__c vp: WorkingPackages){        
            if(vp.Package_Type__c == 'Select' && vp.Package_Status__c != 'Canceled'){
    for (Vacation_Package__c vsp : PackagesToUpdate){
        vsp.Sales_Company__c = [Select ID from Account WHERE Name = 'Upgrade Sales'].id;
        vsp.Balance_Type__c = 'Nights';

        upsert PackagesToUpdate;      
private class SelectVacationPackageTest {
private static testMethod void SelectVacations(){
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
        newAcc.Name = 'Upgrade Sales';
    	insert newAcc;
        Product2 newProd = new Product2();
        newProd.Name = 'Testing';
    	newProd.Family = 'Sub-Type';
        newProd.Select_Package_Sub_Type__c = True;
        insert newProd;
  List<Vacation_Package__c> packList = new List<Vacation_Package__c>();

        Vacation_Package__c vacPac = new Vacation_Package__c();
        vacPac.Service_Charge_Frequency__c = 'Annual';
        vacPac.Service_Charge_Start_Date__c = Date.today().addMonths(1).toStartofMonth();
        vacPac.Package_Type__c = 'Select';
        vacPac.Package_Status__c = 'Draft';
        vacPac.Household__c = newAcc.id;
        vacPac.Sale_Date__c = Date.today().addMonths(1).toStartofMonth();
        vacPac.Package_Sub_Type__c = newProd.Id;
        Vacation_Package__c vacPac1 = new Vacation_Package__c();
        vacPac1.Service_Charge_Frequency__c = 'Annual';
        vacPac1.Service_Charge_Start_Date__c = Date.today().addMonths(1).toStartofMonth();
        vacPac1.Package_Type__c = 'Full';
        vacPac1.Package_Status__c = 'Draft';
        vacPac1.Household__c = newAcc.id;
        vacPac1.Sale_Date__c = Date.today().addMonths(1).toStartofMonth();    
        vacPac1.Package_Sub_Type__c = newProd.Id;

    System.debug('vacPac' + vacPac);
    System.debug('vacPac1' + vacPac1);
  //both debugs show new records as expected
        upsert packList;
    Account testAcc = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id=:vacPac.Id Limit 1];
    System.debug('Testing Acc' + test);
//No results for testAcc   

       //I am receiving the error here:

		System.assertEquals('Upgrade Sales', [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id=:vacPac.Id Limit 1].Name);  
		System.assertNotEquals('Upgrade Sales', [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id=:vacPac1.Id Limit 1].Name);        


When a Vacation_Package__c is created and the Package_Type__c is equal to 'Select',  then set Sales_Company__c field to 'Upgrade Sales'.  I have a trigger and test class here is my error.


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Please help me solve the reason for the two errors:

Line 8: Expression cannot be assigned
Line 17: Illegal assignment from List to Id
trigger SelectVacationPackage on Vacation_Package__c (after insert, after update) {
	List<Vacation_Package__c> PackagesToUpdate = new List<Vacation_Package__c>();
    List<Vacation_Package__c> WorkingPackages = [SELECT Id, Package_Type__c, Sales_Company__c, Package_Status__c 
												  FROM Vacation_Package__c WHERE Id In :Trigger.New];
    for(Vacation_Package__c vp: WorkingPackages){        
            if(vp.Package_Type__c = 'Select' && vp.Package_Status__c = 'Active'){

    for (Vacation_Package__c vsp : PackagesToUpdate){
        //Sales_Company__c is a Lookup field requiring an ID
        vsp.Sales_Company__c = [Select ID from Account WHERE Name = 'Upgrade Sales'];

    if(PackagesToUpdate.size() > 0){
        update PackagesToUpdate;       

Thank you
I have 
Opportunity  -> Appointment__c -> Task
I am creating a link from Task to Opportunity, the 'Text' of the Link will be the Opportunity Name.
Opportunity_Link__ on Task Object is a Lookup field to Opportunity.
Also, when creating the hyperlink am I accessing the Object, or ObjectId.  Process BUilder is on Appointment__c
FLow is on Task
Thank you
#Process Builder  #Formula Field  #Flow  #Automation

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Opportunity -> Appointment -> Task

On the Task Object I need to create a custom field 'Opportunity__c' that would as a value show the Opportunity's Name, and serve as a hyperlink back to the Opportunity.

I am having trouble setting up the Formula.
HYPERLINK(url, friendly_name [, target]) 

'friendly_name' - How do I set this variable to display the Opportunity.name?
'url' - this should lead back to the opportunity, its not working for me.

Thank you
Opportunity -> Appointment -> Task

On the Task object, I have an Opportunity_Name field showing the name of the Opportunity.  I need to make this Lookup field, a hyperlink leading back to the Opportunity.

Considering that not every Task is attached to an Appointment, I only want this field to show if it is connected to an Appointment (ie Task for Opportunity or other object, does not show this field)
Is this possible?

Opportunity -> Appointment__c -> Task

On the Task Object the request is to have the 'Related To' field which shows the Opportunity Name, to become a hyperlink to the Opportunity if the 'Related To' is an Opportunity Record.  Can this be done by editing the Task Layout in VSCode/Source Code, or am I forced to create a custom Lighting Component for one field change?  Thank you

User-added imageUser-added image

I have a request to change the value of the  'Related To' field into a hyperlink back to the specified record (Opportunity).

On the Opportunity I have Primary_Contact__c and Secondary_Contact__c. 

Contact has 3 phone numbers with 'Do Not Call' status field corresponding

phone_c    and phone__status__c
work_phone__c  and  work_phone_status
mobile_phone__c and mobile_phone_status

Anytime a Contact is Insert/Updated the Trigger will check any opportunity where this contact is associated.  Trigger will check both Primary_Contact and Secondary_Contact__c of Opportunity for a valid phone number.  If field is blank or status is "Do Not Call" this is considered a bad number.  For any Opportunity where a good number does not exist, close the opportunity.

I have the Trigger and Test running ok.  The test Opportunity should be closed.  System.debug at the end shows Opportunity was closed but AssertEquals does not agree.

trigger Contact_DNC_Opportunity on Contact (after insert, after update){


      List<Opportunity> OpportunitiesToClose = new List<Opportunity>();

    List<Opportunity> WorkingOpportunities = [SELECT StageName, Primary_Contact__c, Secondary_Contact__c,

                                              Primary_Contact__r.Phone_Status__c, Primary_Contact__r.Mobile_Phone_Status__c, Primary_Contact__r.Work_Phone_Status__c,

                                              Primary_Contact__r.Phone, Primary_Contact__r.Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c, Primary_Contact__r.Normalized_Work_Phone__c,                                          

                                              Secondary_Contact__r.Phone_Status__c, Secondary_Contact__r.Mobile_Phone_Status__c, Secondary_Contact__r.Work_Phone_Status__c,

                                              Secondary_Contact__r.Phone, Secondary_Contact__r.Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c, Secondary_Contact__r.Normalized_Work_Phone__c

                                              FROM Opportunity WHERE Primary_Contact__c In :Trigger.New OR Secondary_Contact__c In :Trigger.New


System.debug('Before Insertion' + WorkingOpportunities);
    for(Opportunity opp: WorkingOpportunities){
//Check Primary Contact phone numbers          

            if ((opp.Primary_Contact__r.Phone == Null) || (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c == Null) || (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Mobile_Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Normalized_Work_Phone__c == Null) || (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Work_Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Phone == Null) || (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c == Null) || (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Mobile_Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Normalized_Work_Phone__c == Null) || (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Work_Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')
                ) {


//Add opp to List if fits criteria





    for (Opportunity opp1 : opportunitiesToClose){

        opp1.StageName = 'Closed Lost';


    if(opportunitiesToClose.size() > 0){

        update opportunitiesToClose;
System.debug('After Insert' + opportunitiesToClose);  //This shows the "Closed Lost" change that is expected but the Assert.Equals statement in Test Class see 'Ready to Call/Schedule'



Test Class
private class ContactDNCOpportunityTest {
    private static testMethod void testCloseOpps(){
        //Create Account
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
            insert newAcc;  
       //Create Contacts
           List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact> {
        new Contact(FirstName='test1',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test1@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'),  //Has Phone Number - Do not call, Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test2',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test2@testing.com'), //Blank No Numbers  Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test3',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test3@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891',Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), // Has Work Number, Active, Close Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test4',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test4@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), //Has Phone Number, Active, Do not Close Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test5',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test5@testing.com', Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c = '1234567891', Mobile_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'), //Has mobile number, DNC, Close Opp      
        new Contact(FirstName='test6',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test6@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891', Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call') //Has Worknumber DNC is checked
            insert conList;
        List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>();
        Opportunity opptest1 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp1', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test1'].id);
        Opportunity opptest2 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp2', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test2'].id);
         Opportunity opptest3 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp3', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test3'].id);
         Opportunity opptest4 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp4', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test4'].id);
         Opportunity opptest5 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp5', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test5'].id);  
         Opportunity opptest6 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp6', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test6'].id);
         Opportunity opptest7 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp7', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today());                                            

         insert oppList;
            update conList;
         // Assert Statements
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest1.StageName); //This fails.  StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule'
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest2.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest3.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest4.StageName); 
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest5.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest6.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest7.StageName);


At the bottom in my Assertion statements, I am trying to reach the StageName of the Opportunity.  However I know that the variable ie (opptest1.StageName) is a reference before the insert and Stagename update.  How do I access that specific Opportunity after the Insert?


private class ContactDNCOpportunityTest {
    private static testMethod void testCloseOpps(){
        //Create Account
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
    		insert newAcc;  
       //Create Contacts
           List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact> {
		new Contact(FirstName='test1',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test1@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'),  //Has Phone Number - Do not call, Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test2',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test2@testing.com'), //Blank No Numbers  Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test3',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test3@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891',Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'), // Has Work Number, Active, Close Opp
		new Contact(FirstName='test4',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test4@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), //Has Phone Number, Active, Do not Close Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test5',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test5@testing.com', Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c = '1234567891', Mobile_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'), //Has mobile number, DNC, Close Opp      
        new Contact(FirstName='test6',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test6@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891', Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call') //Has Worknumber DNC is checked
            insert conList;
        List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>();
        Opportunity opptest1 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp1', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test1'].id);
        Opportunity opptest2 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp2', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test2'].id);
         Opportunity opptest3 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp3', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test3'].id);
         Opportunity opptest4 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp4', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test4'].id);
         Opportunity opptest5 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp5', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test5'].id);  
         Opportunity opptest6 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp6', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test6'].id);
         Opportunity opptest7 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp7', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today());                                            

		 insert oppList;
			update conList;
		 // Add your assert statements below here.
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE Primary_Contact Name = 'test1'].id);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest2.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest3.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest4.StageName); 
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest5.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest6.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest7.StageName);
Trigger will close Opportunity if no valid phone numbers exist.

Opportunity has Primary_Contact__c and Secondary_Contact__c

On Contact 3 phone fields to check:

On Contact 3 Phone Status Fields:  

After Insert/Update of a Contact, the Trigger will check all Opportunities associated with the Contact.  If there are no valid (meaning having a number and corresponding status is not equal to "Do Not Call"), then close the Opportunity.

I have created the Trigger and Test Class but I don't understand why the lines in the test class are not executing.

Thank you.

trigger Contact_DNC_Opportunity on Contact (after insert, after update){


      List<Opportunity> OpportunitiesToClose = new List<Opportunity>();

    List<Opportunity> WorkingOpportunities = [SELECT StageName, Primary_Contact__c, Secondary_Contact__c,

                                              Primary_Contact__r.Phone_Status__c, Primary_Contact__r.Mobile_Phone_Status__c, Primary_Contact__r.Work_Phone_Status__c,

                                              Primary_Contact__r.Phone, Primary_Contact__r.Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c, Primary_Contact__r.Normalized_Work_Phone__c,                                          

                                              Secondary_Contact__r.Phone_Status__c, Secondary_Contact__r.Mobile_Phone_Status__c, Secondary_Contact__r.Work_Phone_Status__c,

                                              Secondary_Contact__r.Phone, Secondary_Contact__r.Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c, Secondary_Contact__r.Normalized_Work_Phone__c

                                              FROM Opportunity WHERE Primary_Contact__c In :Trigger.New OR Secondary_Contact__c In :Trigger.New


    for(Opportunity opp: WorkingOpportunities){
//Check Primary Contact phone numbers          

            if ((opp.Primary_Contact__r.Phone == Null) || (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c == Null) || (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Mobile_Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Normalized_Work_Phone__c == Null) || (opp.Primary_Contact__r.Work_Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Phone == Null) || (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c == Null) || (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Mobile_Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')&&
                (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Normalized_Work_Phone__c == Null) || (opp.Secondary_Contact__r.Work_Phone_Status__c == 'Do Not Call')
                ) {


//Add opp to List if fits criteria





    for (Opportunity opp1 : opportunitiesToClose){

        opp1.StageName = 'Closed Lost';



    if(opportunitiesToClose.size() > 0){

        update opportunitiesToClose ;




Test Class:
private class ContactDNCOpportunityTest {
    private static testMethod void testCloseOpps(){
        //Create Account
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
    		insert newAcc;  
       //Create Contacts
           List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact> {
		new Contact(FirstName='test1',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test1@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'),  //Has Phone Number - Do not call, Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test2',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test2@testing.com'), //Blank No Numbers  Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test3',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test3@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891',Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), // Has Work Number, Active, Do Not Close Opp
		new Contact(FirstName='test4',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test4@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), //Has Phone Number, Active, Do not Close Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test5',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test5@testing.com', Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c = '1234567891', Mobile_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'), //Has mobile number, DNC, Close Opp      
        new Contact(FirstName='test6',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test6@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891', Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call') //Has Worknumber DNC is checked
            insert conList;
        Opportunity opptest1 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp1', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test1'].id);
            insert opptest1;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest1.StageName);
        Opportunity opptest2 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp2', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test2'].id);
            insert opptest2;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest2.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest3 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp3', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test3'].id);
            insert opptest3;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest3.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest4 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp4', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test4'].id);
            insert opptest4;
        System.assertNotEquals('Closed', opptest4.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest5 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp5', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test5'].id);  
            insert opptest5;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest5.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest6 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp6', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test6'].id);
            insert opptest6;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest6.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest7 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp7', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today());                                            
            insert opptest7;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest7.StageName);

User-added image​​​​​​​
Error:  Illegal Assignment from List to Id

on lines: 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64

Thank you
private class ContactDNCOpportunityTest {
    private static testMethod void testCloseOpps(){
        //Create Account
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
    		insert newAcc;  
       //Create Contacts
           List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact> {
		new Contact(FirstName='test1',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test1@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'),  //Has Phone Number - Do not call, Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test2',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test2@testing.com'), //Blank No Numbers  Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test3',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test3@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891',Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), // Has Work Number, Active, Do Not Close Opp
		new Contact(FirstName='test4',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test4@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), //Has Phone Number, Active, Do not Close Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test5',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test5@testing.com', Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c = '1234567891', Mobile_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'), //Has mobile number, DNC, Close Opp      
        new Contact(FirstName='test6',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test6@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891', Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call') //Has Worknumber DNC is checked
            insert conList;
        Opportunity opptest1 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp1', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test1']);
            insert opptest1;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest1.StageName);
        Opportunity opptest2 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp2', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test2']);
            insert opptest2;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest2.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest3 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp3', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test3']);
            insert opptest3;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest3.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest4 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp4', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test4']);
            insert opptest4;
        System.assertNotEquals('Closed', opptest4.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest5 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp5', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test5']);  
            insert opptest5;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest5.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest6 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp6', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test6']);
            insert opptest6;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest6.StageName);
         Opportunity opptest7 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp7', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today());                                            
            insert opptest7;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest7.StageName);

I am receiving some Illegal Assignment Errors.  Big question is why on the Phone number fields 'Data Type Phone Number' am I receiving the Illegal Assignment error from Integer to String?  My code is below, thank you in advance.
private class ContactDNCOpportunityTest {
    private static testMethod void testCloseOpps(){
        //Create Account
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
    		insert newAcc;  
       //Create Contacts
           List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact> {
		new Contact(FirstName='test1',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test1@testing.com', Phone = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'),  //Has Phone Number - Do not call, Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test2',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test2@testing.com'), //Blank No Numbers  Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test3',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test3@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = 1234567891,Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), // Has Work Number, Active, Do Not Close Opp
		new Contact(FirstName='test4',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test4@testing.com', Phone = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), //Has Phone Number, Active, Do not Close Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test5',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test5@testing.com', Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c = 1234567891, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'), //Has mobile number, DNC, Close Opp      
        new Contact(FirstName='test6',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test6@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = 1234567891, Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call') //Has Worknumber DNC is checked
            insert conList;
            Opportunity opptest1 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp1', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test1']);
            insert opptest1;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest1.StageName);
     		Opportunity opptest2 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp2', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test2']);
            insert opptest2;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest2.StageName);
     		Opportunity opptest3 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp3', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test3']);
            insert opptest3;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest3.StageName);
      		Opportunity opptest4 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp4', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test4']);
            insert opptest4;
        System.assertNotEquals('Closed', opptest4.StageName);
      		Opportunity opptest5 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp5', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test5']);
            insert opptest5;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest5.StageName);
      		Opportunity opptest6 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp6', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test6']);
            insert opptest6;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest6.StageName);
  			Opportunity opptest7 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp7', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today());    
            insert opptest7;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest7.StageName);


My Errors:
User-added image
In my test class the error is telling me that AccountId does not exist on Contact.  Is there another name I should be using?  Any other suggestions regarding my code are welcomed.  Thank you

private class ContactDNCOpportunityTest {
    private static testMethod void testCloseOpps(){
        //Create Account
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
    		insert newAcc;  
       //Create Contacts
           List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact> {
		new Contact(FirstName='test1',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test1@testing.com', Phone = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = True, Work_Phone_Status__c = False, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False),  //Has Phone Number DNC is Checked
        new Contact(FirstName='test2',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test2@testing.com', Phone_Status__c = False,Work_Phone_Status__c = False, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False), //Blank No Numbers
        new Contact(FirstName='test3',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test3@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = 1234567891,Phone_Status__c = False, Work_Phone_Status__c = False, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False), // Has Worknumber DNC not checked
		new Contact(FirstName='test4',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test4@testing.com', Phone = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = False, Work_Phone_Status__c = False, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False), //Has Phone Number DNC not checked
        new Contact(FirstName='test5',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test5@testing.com', Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c = 1234567891, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = True, Phone_Status__c = False,Work_Phone_Status__c = False), //Has mobile number DNC is checked        
        new Contact(FirstName='test6',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test6@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = False, Work_Phone_Status__c = True,Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False) //Has Worknumber DNC is checked
            insert conList;
            Opportunity opptest1 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp1', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test1']);
            insert opptest1;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest1.StageName);
     		Opportunity opptest2 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp2', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test2']);
            insert opptest2;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest2.StageName);
     		Opportunity opptest3 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp3', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test3']);
            insert opptest3;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest3.StageName);
      		Opportunity opptest4 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp4', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test4']);
            insert opptest4;
        System.assertNotEquals('Closed', opptest4.StageName);
      		Opportunity opptest5 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp5', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test5']);
            insert opptest5;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest5.StageName);
      		Opportunity opptest6 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp6', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test6']);
            insert opptest6;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest6.StageName);
  			Opportunity opptest7 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp7', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today());    
            insert opptest7;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest7.StageName);


I have no idea why I am receiving this.  Any assistance is appreciated.
private class ContactDNCTest {
    private static testMethod void testCloseOpps(){
        //Create Account
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
    		insert newAcc;  
       //Create Contacts
           List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact> {
		new Contact(FirstName='test1',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test1@testing.com', Phone = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = True, Work_Phone_Status__c = False, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False),  //Has Phone Number and Phone Status True
        new Contact(FirstName='test2',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test2@tetsing.com', Phone_Status__c = False,Work_Phone_Status__c = False, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False), //
        new Contact(FirstName='test3',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test3@tetsing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = 1234567891,Phone_Status__c = False, Work_Phone_Status__c = True, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False), 
		new Contact(FirstName='test4',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test4@tetsing.com', Phone = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = False, Work_Phone_Status__c = False, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False),
        new Contact(FirstName='test5',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test5@tetsing.com', Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c = 1234567891, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = True, Phone_Status__c = False,Work_Phone_Status__c = False),         
        new Contact(FirstName='test6',LastName='tester',AccoutId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test6@tetsing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = False, Work_Phone_Status__c = False,Mobile_Phone_Status__c = False)
            insert conList;
      //Create a List of Opportunities
        List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>{
			new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp1', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = ['test1'],
     		new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp2', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = ['test2'],
     		new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp3', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = ['test3'],
      		new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp4', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = ['test4'],
      		new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp5', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = ['test5'],
      		new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp7', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = ['test6'],
  			new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp8', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today()      

            insert oppList;       


When attemping to merge a ListView into Develop branch from Dev branch I am receiving this Error:
This file has an XML parsing error: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/force-app/main/default/objects/Task/listViews/Day_QAR_Last_Night_Reschedule_Queue.listView-meta.xml:

This same error repeats seven times

In VSCode:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListView xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
        <value>Reschedule Appointment</value>
        <value>Callback Later,Voice mail,Hang up,No Answer/No Contact,Voicemail Full</value>
        <value>QAR Queue</value>
    <label>Day QAR Last Night Reschedule Queue</label>
Any Ideas?
Thank you

When I run my test class the first few lines will execute but then the logs seem to show it stops executing for no reason.  I get the first two system.debugs so I know it is partially executing.

This Trigger will send an email message if an Account has 8 or more cases created within 7 days. Depending on the status of the four fields in the If/Else block will dictate the destination of the email. If the status is "Active" 1 email is sent to a set email address. If the status is "Implementation" then 2 emails are sent, addresses are grabbed from SOQL.
Any help is appreciated.
trigger CaseCountAlertTrigger on Case (before insert) {
List<String> emailAdds = new List<String>();                            // Holds '2' ToAddresses from Milestone1_project__c object
Set <Id> AcctIds = new Set <Id>();                                      //Holds Account Ids from this Case Trigger  
String messageToSend;                                                   //Email body sent in email (will be in HTML format)
Map < Id, String > accountIdEmailmessageMap = new Map < Id, String > (); // map of AccountId and Email body per Account/AccountId to be sent

List < AggregateResult > AggregateResultList = [SELECT AccountId, Account.Name name, COUNT(Id) co
                                                    FROM Case
                                                    WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:7 AND Id in :Trigger.New 
                                                    GROUP BY Account.Name, AccountId
                                                    HAVING COUNT(Id) >= 8

System.debug('AggregateResult:  ' + AggregateResultList);  // debugs:    'AggregateResult: ()'  --emtpy aggregate list
  System.debug('Trigger Results' + Trigger.new);           // This line will print the Case that comes in as Trigger.New, debugs as expected.

//  ******** It seems to exit here***************

for (AggregateResult aggr: AggregateResultList){
                       messageToSend = 'You are receiving this email alert due to an account ';
                       messageToSend += 'activity rule has exceeded 8 cases created within 5 business days.<br><br>';
                       messageToSend += 'Please, follow up with the account and provide guidance and assistance.<br><br>';
                       messageToSend += '<b>Account Name:  </b>' + aggr.get('name') + '<br> <br>';
                       messageToSend +=  'Thank you, <br>';
                       messageToSend +=  'Salesforce Team';

             //Crete Map of <AccountId, Message to serve as body in Email
             //                         for each accountId>       
                Id accId = (Id) aggr.get('AccountId');
                accountIdEmailmessageMap.put(accId, messageToSend);

            //Create List of AccountId's to grab email addresses
            // from child Object for 'Implementation Status 



    List < Case > caseList = [SELECT Id, AccountId, Account.Name, Account.Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c,
                              Account.Eyefinity_PM_Status__c, Account.OfficeMate_Status__c,
                              FROM Case
                              WHERE AccountId IN: AcctIds];

    // SOQL to grab the four status fields on Account to check status either 'Active' or 'Implementation'
    // also grab two email addresses for use in ifElse block
    List<Account> accList = [SELECT Id, Name, Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c, Eyefinity_PM_Status__c,
                                    Project_Imp_Status__c, OfficeMate_Status__c,(select Client_Advisor_Email__c,
                                                                                 from Projects__r) 

                             FROM Account
                             WHERE Id IN :AcctIds];

    List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstASingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
    List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstBSingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();

    for (Account al: accList) {

        if (al.Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c == 'Active' ||
            al.Eyefinity_PM_Status__c == 'Active' ||
            al.Project_Imp_Status__c == 'Active'  ||
            al.OfficeMate_Status__c == 'Active') {

               // String messageBody = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(al.accId);

                //Send Email to CustomerService if Active
                List<String> emailaddr = new List<String>();

                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                mail.setSenderDisplayName(' Support');
                mail.Subject = 'Notification:  Account Case activity rule exceeded';

            else if (al.Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c == 'Implementation' ||
                     al.Eyefinity_PM_Status__c == 'Implementation' ||
                     al.Project_Imp_Status__c == 'Implementation' ||
                     al.OfficeMate_Status__c == 'Implementation'){
                String messageBody1 = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);        

                System.debug('Accounts: ' + al);

               //Send email to Coordinator and Advisor if in Implementation

                for(Account a : accList)
                    for(Milestone1_Project__c p : a.Projects__r)

                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage amail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                amail.Subject = 'Notification:  Account Case activity rule exceeded';



    Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(lstASingleEmailMessage); 


Test Class:
private class TestCaseHandlerAlert {

  @testSetup static void setup(){
      List<Account> testAccounts = new List<Account>();

        Account a = new Account();
            a.name = 'AccountEHRImplement';
            a.RecordTypeId = '01230000000v58OAAQ';
            a.Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c = 'Implementation';
            a.Tax_Id__c = '123456789';

        //Insert Account
            insert testAccounts;

         //Create User:  THis user will fill required fields on the Milestone1_Project1 allowing for a an email address to populate
        User tuser = new User(  firstname = 'tuserFname',
                            lastName = 'tuserLastname',
                            email = 'test@tester.com',
                            Username = 'tuserleielkwl@test18278391.org',
                            EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1',
                            Alias ='Blah',
                            TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
                            LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',
                            LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
                            ProfileId =[Select Id From Profile Where Name='Eyefinity Managers'].id
        insert tuser;

      //Create Project
        Milestone1_Project__c project1 = new Milestone1_Project__c();
            project1.Customer_Account__c = [Select Id FROM Account Where Name ='AccountEHRImplement'].id;
            project1.Name = 'triggerProject';
            project1.Client_Advisor__c = [Select Id FROM User Where Username ='tuserleielkwl@test18278391.org'].id;
            project1.Resource_Coordinator__c = [Select Id FROM User Where Username ='tuserleielkwl@test18278391.org'].id;  
            project1.RecordTypeId = '01214000001RYp7AAG';    
                insert project1;

    @isTest static void AccountEHRImplement (){

          //Create and insert more than more than 8 cases  
            List<Case> casestoInsert = new List<Case>();     
        for (Integer i=1; i<10; i++){
            Case cas1 = new Case();
                cas1.RecordTypeId = '01214000001NcOYAA0';
                cas1.AccountId = [Select Id FROM Account Where name ='AccountEHRImplement'].id;
                cas1.Origin = 'Phone';
                cas1.Impact__c = 'Low';
                cas1.Severity__c = 'Minor';
                cas1.Type = 'Bridge';

            insert casesToInsert; 

        System.debug('Expected: 2, actual: ' + Limits.getEmailInvocations());  

User-added image​​​​​​​
Attempting to access the variables MIlestone1_Project__c has a Lookup relationship to Account with relationship name: `Projects__r'.
List<Account> accList = [SELECT Id, Name, EHR_Status__c, PM_Status__c,
                                    Project_Imp_Status__c, Other_Status__c,(select Client_Advisor_Email__c,
                                                                                 from Projects__r) 

                             FROM Account
                             WHERE Id IN :AcctIds];
List<String> emailAdds = new List<String>();
                 for (Account al: accList) {

Any help is greatly appreciated.
This email will send an email alert when an account has 8 cases open within 7 days.  The email is being sent, but multiple emails for the Same account are being sent.  What is wrong with my code that it is creating multiple emails for the same account?

trigger CaseHandlerCountAlert on Case (after insert, after update) {
    //Case trigger that will send email alert when 8 cases are created within 7 days.
    String messageToSend;
    List <String> ListOfMessages = new List <String>();
    Set <Id> AcctIds = new Set <Id>();
    String messageBody;
    List < AggregateResult > AggregateResultList = [SELECT AccountId, Account.Name name, COUNT(Id) co
                                                    FROM Case
                                                    WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:7 AND Id IN :Trigger.New
                                                    GROUP BY AccountId, Account.Name
                                                    HAVING COUNT(Id) >= 8
    Map < Id, String > accountIdEmailmessageMap = new Map < Id, String > ();
    for (AggregateResult aggr: AggregateResultList) {
        String messageToSend = 'Account name: ' + aggr.get('name') +
            ' has ' + (Integer) aggr.get('co') +
            ' cases opened in the last 8 days.';
        Id accId = (Id) aggr.get('AccountId');
        accountIdEmailmessageMap.put(accId, messageToSend);
    List < Case > caseList = [SELECT Id, AccountId, Account.Name, Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c,
                              FROM Case
                              WHERE AccountId IN: AcctIds];
    List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstASingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
    List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstBSingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
    for (Case cl: caseList) {
        if (cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c == 'Live - Closed Project' ||
            cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.PM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project' ||
            cl.Parent_Project_If_Applicable__r.RCM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project') {
                String messageBody = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);
                List<String> emailaddr = new List<String>();
                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                mail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';
                String messageBody1 = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);        
                List<String> emailAdds = new List<String>();
                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage amail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                amail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';
    Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(lstASingleEmailMessage);   
    Messaging.SendEmailResult[] rb = Messaging.sendEmail(lstBSingleEmailMessage);

My Trigger sends an email message when an Account has 8 cases created within 7 days. The Case object has a Lookup relationship to the Milestone1__project__c object has a relationship name Parent_Project_If_Applicable__r.

If any of these fields are equal to 'Live - Closed Project':
Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.PM_Implementation_Status__c Parent_Project_If_Applicable__r.RCM_Implementation_Status__c

Then the Email is sent to the address in the IF BLock. Any other value the email is sent through the Else Block.
Every test pass except setup. I am trying to create a user (preferably two) with email addresses. I found that the fields Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Resource_Coordinator_Email__c and Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Client_Advisor_Email__c are formula fields grabbing the email in a formula that looks like this Client_Advisor__r.Email and Resource_Coordinator_Email__c .
How do I add Insert the user so that I can test that the emails would go to the right destination?
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, CaseHandlerCountAlert: execution of AfterInsert

caused by: System.EmailException: SendEmail failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS, Email address is invalid: null: [toAddresses, null]

Trigger.CaseHandlerCountAlert: line 78, column 1: []

Test Class:
private class TestCaseHandlerAlert {

    @TestSetup static void setup(){
       //Create user to populate field Resource Coord. and Implementation Spec.

        Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; 
        User u = new User(Alias = 'testER', Email='standarduser@testorg.com', 
            EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US', 
            LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id, 
            TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='standarduser101@testorg.com');

        insert u;

       // Create and Insert 2 Accounts

        Account a = new Account();
        Account b = new Account();
            a.name = 'testacct21';
            b.name = 'testacct31';

 //Set Contact id to variables
 //  Id userIDToInsert = [select id from User Where username='standarduser101@testorg.com'].id;

  // Create Milestones

 //This Milestone will fire the If Block    
  Milestone1_Project__c project1 = new Milestone1_Project__c();
        project1.Name = 'triggertestLIVE';
        project1.RCM_Implementation_Status__c = 'LIVE - CLOSED PROJECT';
        project1.PM_Implementation_Status__c= 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';
        project1.Implementation_Status__c= 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';
        project1.Resource_Coordinator__c = u.Id;
        project1.Client_Advisor__c = u.Id;

 Milestone1_Project__c project = new Milestone1_Project__c();
        project.Name = 'triggertest21';
        project.RCM_Implementation_Status__c = 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';
        project.PM_Implementation_Status__c= 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';
        project.Implementation_Status__c= 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';
        project1.Resource_Coordinator__c = u.Id;
        project1.Client_Advisor__c = u.id;

     //Insert Account
    insert a;
    insert b;
    //Insert Project
    insert project;
    insert project1;

    //Create 10 Cases associated with Project

    List<Case> casesToInsert = new List<Case>();
    List<Case> casesToInsert1 = new List<Case>();

        for (Integer i=1; i<10; i++){

            Case c = new Case();
                c.AccountId = a.id;
                c.Origin = 'Phone';
                c.Impact__c = 'Low';
                c.Severity__c = 'Minor';
                c.Type = 'Bridge';
                c.Parent_Project_if_applicable__c = project1.id;


        for (Integer i=1; i<10; i++){  
        Case c1 = new Case();
        c1.AccountId = b.id;
        c1.Origin = 'Phone';
        c1.Impact__c = 'Low';
        c1.Severity__c = 'Minor';
        c1.Type = 'Bridge';
        c1.Parent_Project_if_applicable__c = project.id;


      insert casesToInsert; 
      insert casesToInsert1;


@isTest static void DontSendNotLimit (){
        // Do not send, not enough Cases need 8 
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct21' LIMIT 5];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();   

        insert insertCases;
        System.debug('Should be 0 emails sent: ' + Limits.getEmailInvocations());

@isTest static void SendElseBlock (){
        // Else BLock Fires - 2 emails sent 
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct21' LIMIT 8];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();   

        insert insertCases;
        System.debug('Should be 3: ' + Limits.getEmailInvocations());

@isTest static void SendRCMiFBlock (){
        // Fires the If BLock 1/3
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct31' LIMIT 8];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();  
        for(Case cas :testCases ){


        insert insertCases; 

    @isTest static void SendPMiFBlock (){
        // Fires the If BLock 2/3
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct31' LIMIT 8];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();  
        for(Case cas :testCases ){

                cas.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.PM_Implementation_Status__c = 'LIVE - CLOSED PROJECT';

        insert insertCases; 

    @isTest static void SendIMPiFBlock (){
        // Fires the If BLock 3/3
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct31' LIMIT 8];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();  
        for(Case cas :testCases ){
                cas.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_Status__c= 'LIVE - CLOSED PROJECT';

        insert insertCases; 


trigger CaseHandlerCountAlert on Case (after insert, after update) {

//Case trigger that will send email alert when 8 cases are created within 7 days.
String messageToSend;
List <String> ListOfMessages = new List <String>();
Set <Id> AcctIds = new Set <Id>();
String messageBody;

List < AggregateResult > AggregateResultList = [SELECT AccountId, Account.Name name, COUNT(Id) co
                                                FROM Case
                                                WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:7 AND Id IN :Trigger.New
                                                GROUP BY AccountId, Account.Name
                                                HAVING COUNT(Id) >= 8

Map < Id, String > accountIdEmailmessageMap = new Map < Id, String > ();

for (AggregateResult aggr: AggregateResultList) {
    String messageToSend = 'Account name: ' + aggr.get('name') +
        ' has ' + (Integer) aggr.get('co') +
        ' cases opened in the last 8 days.';
    Id accId = (Id) aggr.get('AccountId');
    accountIdEmailmessageMap.put(accId, messageToSend);

List < Case > caseList = [SELECT Id, AccountId, Account.Name, Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c,
                          FROM Case
                          WHERE AccountId IN: AcctIds];

List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstASingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstBSingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();

for (Case cl: caseList) {

    if (cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c == 'Live - Closed Project' ||
        cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.PM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project' ||
        cl.Parent_Project_If_Applicable__r.RCM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project') {

            String messageBody = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);

            List<String> emailaddr = new List<String>();

            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';

            String messageBody1 = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);        

            List<String> emailAdds = new List<String>();

            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage amail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            amail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';

Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(lstASingleEmailMessage);   
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] rb = 



I get 100% test coverage but receiving error on setup method:
`System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
(TestCasehandlerAlert.setup: line 17, column 1)`

The email address fields are formula fields. The formula fields are `Client_Advisor__r.Email` and `Resource_Coordinator__r.Email.` The trigger will send an email message if an account has 8 cases or more created within 7 days. If the value of any of three specified fields is "Live - Closed Project", the email is sent to a single email address. If any of the three fields is equal to "Live - Closed Project", the Else block is fired and email is sent to two other email addresses.
I am trying to create two types of projects; one will run through the IF statement, the other will run through the Else statement.
trigger CaseHandlerCountAlert on Case (after insert) {

//Case trigger that will send email alert when 8 cases are created within 7 days.
String messageToSend;
List <String> ListOfMessages = new List <String>();
Set <Id> AcctIds = new Set <Id>();
String messageBody;

List < AggregateResult > AggregateResultList = [SELECT AccountId, Account.Name name, COUNT(Id) co
                                                FROM Case
                                                WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:7 AND Id IN :Trigger.New
                                                GROUP BY AccountId, Account.Name
                                                HAVING COUNT(Id) >= 8

Map < Id, String > accountIdEmailmessageMap = new Map < Id, String > ();

for (AggregateResult aggr: AggregateResultList) {
    String messageToSend = 'Account name: ' + aggr.get('name') +
        ' has ' + (Integer) aggr.get('co') +
        ' cases opened in the last 8 days.';
    Id accId = (Id) aggr.get('AccountId');
    accountIdEmailmessageMap.put(accId, messageToSend);

List < Case > caseList = [SELECT Id, AccountId, Account.Name, Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c,
                          FROM Case
                          WHERE AccountId IN: AcctIds];

List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstASingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstBSingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();

for (Case cl: caseList) {

    if (cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c == 'Live - Closed Project' ||
        cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.PM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project' ||
        cl.Parent_Project_If_Applicable__r.RCM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project') {

            String messageBody = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);

            List<String> emailaddr = new List<String>();

            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';

            String messageBody = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);        

            List<String> emailAdds = new List<String>();

            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage amail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            amail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';
            System.debug('messageBody: ' + messageBody);
            System.debug('email message: ' + amail);

Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(lstASingleEmailMessage);
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] rb = 


Test Class:
private class TestCaseHandlerAlert {

    @isTest static void setup(){
        Account a = new Account();
        Account b = new Account();
            a.name = 'testacct21';
            b.name = 'testacct31';

  // Create Milestone

 Milestone1_Project__c project = new Milestone1_Project__c();
        project.Name = 'triggertest21';
        project.RCM_Implementation_Status__c = 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';
        project.PM_Implementation_Status__c= 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';
        project.Implementation_Status__c= 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';

  Milestone1_Project__c project1 = new Milestone1_Project__c();
        //project.RecordTypeId = '01214000001RYp2AAG';
        project1.Name = 'triggertest31';
        project1.RCM_Implementation_Status__c = 'LIVE - CLOSED PROJECT';
        project1.PM_Implementation_Status__c= 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';
        project1.Implementation_Status__c= 'RETURNED SOFTWARE';

     //Insert Account
    insert a;
    insert b;
    //Insert Project
    insert project;
    insert project1;

    //Create 10 Cases associated with Project

    List<Case> casesToInsert = new List<Case>();
    List<Case> casesToInsert1 = new List<Case>();

        for (Integer i=1; i<12; i++){  
        Case c1 = new Case();
        c1.AccountId = b.id;
        c1.Origin = 'Phone';
        c1.Impact__c = 'Low';
        c1.Severity__c = 'Minor';
        c1.Type = 'Bridge';
        c1.Parent_Project_if_applicable__c = project.id;


    for (Integer i=1; i<12; i++){

    Case c = new Case();
        c.AccountId = a.id;
        c.Origin = 'Phone';
        c.Impact__c = 'Low';
        c.Severity__c = 'Minor';
        c.Type = 'Bridge';
        c.Parent_Project_if_applicable__c = project1.id;


      insert casesToInsert; 
      insert casesToInsert1;


@isTest static void DontSendNotLimit (){
        // Do not send, not enough Cases need 8 
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct21' LIMIT 5];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();   

        insert insertCases;

@isTest static void SendElseBlock (){
        // Else BLock Fires - 2 emails sent 
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct21' LIMIT 8];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();   

        insert insertCases;

@isTest static void SendRCMiFBlock (){
        // Fires the If BLock 1/3
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct31' LIMIT 8];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();  
        for(Case cas :testCases ){


        insert insertCases; 

    @isTest static void SendPMiFBlock (){
        // Fires the If BLock 2/3
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct31' LIMIT 8];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();  
        for(Case cas :testCases ){

                cas.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.PM_Implementation_Status__c = 'LIVE - CLOSED PROJECT';

        insert insertCases; 

    @isTest static void SendIMPiFBlock (){
        // Fires the If BLock 3/3
        List<Case> testCases = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Account.Name='testacct31' LIMIT 8];
        List<Case> insertCases = new List<Case>();  
        for(Case cas :testCases ){
                cas.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_Status__c= 'LIVE - CLOSED PROJECT';

        insert insertCases; 


I am receiving the error:
Unexpected file found in package directory:
When I try to deploy a class that I have just created.  The file is saved in the /force-app/main/default/classes/Case_Trigger_Alert_Count.

I have also noticed that in the 'Problems' tab, I have the message:
The sourcepath ".../force-app/main/default/classes/Case_Trigger_Alert_Count" is not a valid source file path.  SourcePathInvalid [1,1]

The filename of the file I have just created and attempting to deploy is 'Case_Trigger_Alert_Count"
What am I missing to be able to deploy to my Sandbox?

Opportunity -> Appointment__c -> Task

On the Task Object the request is to have the 'Related To' field which shows the Opportunity Name, to become a hyperlink to the Opportunity if the 'Related To' is an Opportunity Record.  Can this be done by editing the Task Layout in VSCode/Source Code, or am I forced to create a custom Lighting Component for one field change?  Thank you

User-added imageUser-added image

I have a request to change the value of the  'Related To' field into a hyperlink back to the specified record (Opportunity).

At the bottom in my Assertion statements, I am trying to reach the StageName of the Opportunity.  However I know that the variable ie (opptest1.StageName) is a reference before the insert and Stagename update.  How do I access that specific Opportunity after the Insert?


private class ContactDNCOpportunityTest {
    private static testMethod void testCloseOpps(){
        //Create Account
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
    		insert newAcc;  
       //Create Contacts
           List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact> {
		new Contact(FirstName='test1',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test1@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'),  //Has Phone Number - Do not call, Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test2',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test2@testing.com'), //Blank No Numbers  Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test3',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test3@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891',Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'), // Has Work Number, Active, Close Opp
		new Contact(FirstName='test4',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test4@testing.com', Phone = '1234567891', Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), //Has Phone Number, Active, Do not Close Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test5',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test5@testing.com', Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c = '1234567891', Mobile_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'), //Has mobile number, DNC, Close Opp      
        new Contact(FirstName='test6',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test6@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = '1234567891', Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call') //Has Worknumber DNC is checked
            insert conList;
        List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>();
        Opportunity opptest1 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp1', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test1'].id);
        Opportunity opptest2 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp2', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test2'].id);
         Opportunity opptest3 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp3', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test3'].id);
         Opportunity opptest4 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp4', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test4'].id);
         Opportunity opptest5 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp5', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test5'].id);  
         Opportunity opptest6 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp6', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test6'].id);
         Opportunity opptest7 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp7', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today());                                            

		 insert oppList;
			update conList;
		 // Add your assert statements below here.
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE Primary_Contact Name = 'test1'].id);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest2.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest3.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest4.StageName); 
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest5.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest6.StageName);
         System.assertEquals('Closed Lost', opptest7.StageName);
I am receiving some Illegal Assignment Errors.  Big question is why on the Phone number fields 'Data Type Phone Number' am I receiving the Illegal Assignment error from Integer to String?  My code is below, thank you in advance.
private class ContactDNCOpportunityTest {
    private static testMethod void testCloseOpps(){
        //Create Account
        Account newAcc = FlowTestUtils.createHouseholdAccount();
    		insert newAcc;  
       //Create Contacts
           List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact> {
		new Contact(FirstName='test1',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test1@testing.com', Phone = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'),  //Has Phone Number - Do not call, Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test2',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test2@testing.com'), //Blank No Numbers  Closed Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test3',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test3@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = 1234567891,Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), // Has Work Number, Active, Do Not Close Opp
		new Contact(FirstName='test4',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test4@testing.com', Phone = 1234567891, Phone_Status__c = 'Active'), //Has Phone Number, Active, Do not Close Opp
        new Contact(FirstName='test5',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test5@testing.com', Normalized_Mobile_Phone__c = 1234567891, Mobile_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call'), //Has mobile number, DNC, Close Opp      
        new Contact(FirstName='test6',LastName='tester',AccountId = newAcc.Id, Email = 'test6@testing.com', Normalized_Work_Phone__c = 1234567891, Work_Phone_Status__c = 'Do Not Call') //Has Worknumber DNC is checked
            insert conList;
            Opportunity opptest1 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp1', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test1']);
            insert opptest1;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest1.StageName);
     		Opportunity opptest2 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp2', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test2']);
            insert opptest2;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest2.StageName);
     		Opportunity opptest3 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp3', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Primary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test3']);
            insert opptest3;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest3.StageName);
      		Opportunity opptest4 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp4', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test4']);
            insert opptest4;
        System.assertNotEquals('Closed', opptest4.StageName);
      		Opportunity opptest5 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp5', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test5']);
            insert opptest5;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest5.StageName);
      		Opportunity opptest6 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp6', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today(), Secondary_Contact__c = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'test6']);
            insert opptest6;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest6.StageName);
  			Opportunity opptest7 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp7', AccountId = newACC.id, StageName = 'Ready to Call/Schedule', CloseDate = Date.today());    
            insert opptest7;
        System.assertEquals('Closed', opptest7.StageName);


My Errors:
User-added image
When I run my test class the first few lines will execute but then the logs seem to show it stops executing for no reason.  I get the first two system.debugs so I know it is partially executing.

This Trigger will send an email message if an Account has 8 or more cases created within 7 days. Depending on the status of the four fields in the If/Else block will dictate the destination of the email. If the status is "Active" 1 email is sent to a set email address. If the status is "Implementation" then 2 emails are sent, addresses are grabbed from SOQL.
Any help is appreciated.
trigger CaseCountAlertTrigger on Case (before insert) {
List<String> emailAdds = new List<String>();                            // Holds '2' ToAddresses from Milestone1_project__c object
Set <Id> AcctIds = new Set <Id>();                                      //Holds Account Ids from this Case Trigger  
String messageToSend;                                                   //Email body sent in email (will be in HTML format)
Map < Id, String > accountIdEmailmessageMap = new Map < Id, String > (); // map of AccountId and Email body per Account/AccountId to be sent

List < AggregateResult > AggregateResultList = [SELECT AccountId, Account.Name name, COUNT(Id) co
                                                    FROM Case
                                                    WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:7 AND Id in :Trigger.New 
                                                    GROUP BY Account.Name, AccountId
                                                    HAVING COUNT(Id) >= 8

System.debug('AggregateResult:  ' + AggregateResultList);  // debugs:    'AggregateResult: ()'  --emtpy aggregate list
  System.debug('Trigger Results' + Trigger.new);           // This line will print the Case that comes in as Trigger.New, debugs as expected.

//  ******** It seems to exit here***************

for (AggregateResult aggr: AggregateResultList){
                       messageToSend = 'You are receiving this email alert due to an account ';
                       messageToSend += 'activity rule has exceeded 8 cases created within 5 business days.<br><br>';
                       messageToSend += 'Please, follow up with the account and provide guidance and assistance.<br><br>';
                       messageToSend += '<b>Account Name:  </b>' + aggr.get('name') + '<br> <br>';
                       messageToSend +=  'Thank you, <br>';
                       messageToSend +=  'Salesforce Team';

             //Crete Map of <AccountId, Message to serve as body in Email
             //                         for each accountId>       
                Id accId = (Id) aggr.get('AccountId');
                accountIdEmailmessageMap.put(accId, messageToSend);

            //Create List of AccountId's to grab email addresses
            // from child Object for 'Implementation Status 



    List < Case > caseList = [SELECT Id, AccountId, Account.Name, Account.Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c,
                              Account.Eyefinity_PM_Status__c, Account.OfficeMate_Status__c,
                              FROM Case
                              WHERE AccountId IN: AcctIds];

    // SOQL to grab the four status fields on Account to check status either 'Active' or 'Implementation'
    // also grab two email addresses for use in ifElse block
    List<Account> accList = [SELECT Id, Name, Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c, Eyefinity_PM_Status__c,
                                    Project_Imp_Status__c, OfficeMate_Status__c,(select Client_Advisor_Email__c,
                                                                                 from Projects__r) 

                             FROM Account
                             WHERE Id IN :AcctIds];

    List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstASingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
    List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstBSingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();

    for (Account al: accList) {

        if (al.Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c == 'Active' ||
            al.Eyefinity_PM_Status__c == 'Active' ||
            al.Project_Imp_Status__c == 'Active'  ||
            al.OfficeMate_Status__c == 'Active') {

               // String messageBody = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(al.accId);

                //Send Email to CustomerService if Active
                List<String> emailaddr = new List<String>();

                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                mail.setSenderDisplayName(' Support');
                mail.Subject = 'Notification:  Account Case activity rule exceeded';

            else if (al.Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c == 'Implementation' ||
                     al.Eyefinity_PM_Status__c == 'Implementation' ||
                     al.Project_Imp_Status__c == 'Implementation' ||
                     al.OfficeMate_Status__c == 'Implementation'){
                String messageBody1 = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);        

                System.debug('Accounts: ' + al);

               //Send email to Coordinator and Advisor if in Implementation

                for(Account a : accList)
                    for(Milestone1_Project__c p : a.Projects__r)

                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage amail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                amail.Subject = 'Notification:  Account Case activity rule exceeded';



    Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(lstASingleEmailMessage); 


Test Class:
private class TestCaseHandlerAlert {

  @testSetup static void setup(){
      List<Account> testAccounts = new List<Account>();

        Account a = new Account();
            a.name = 'AccountEHRImplement';
            a.RecordTypeId = '01230000000v58OAAQ';
            a.Eyefinity_EHR_Status__c = 'Implementation';
            a.Tax_Id__c = '123456789';

        //Insert Account
            insert testAccounts;

         //Create User:  THis user will fill required fields on the Milestone1_Project1 allowing for a an email address to populate
        User tuser = new User(  firstname = 'tuserFname',
                            lastName = 'tuserLastname',
                            email = 'test@tester.com',
                            Username = 'tuserleielkwl@test18278391.org',
                            EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1',
                            Alias ='Blah',
                            TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
                            LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',
                            LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
                            ProfileId =[Select Id From Profile Where Name='Eyefinity Managers'].id
        insert tuser;

      //Create Project
        Milestone1_Project__c project1 = new Milestone1_Project__c();
            project1.Customer_Account__c = [Select Id FROM Account Where Name ='AccountEHRImplement'].id;
            project1.Name = 'triggerProject';
            project1.Client_Advisor__c = [Select Id FROM User Where Username ='tuserleielkwl@test18278391.org'].id;
            project1.Resource_Coordinator__c = [Select Id FROM User Where Username ='tuserleielkwl@test18278391.org'].id;  
            project1.RecordTypeId = '01214000001RYp7AAG';    
                insert project1;

    @isTest static void AccountEHRImplement (){

          //Create and insert more than more than 8 cases  
            List<Case> casestoInsert = new List<Case>();     
        for (Integer i=1; i<10; i++){
            Case cas1 = new Case();
                cas1.RecordTypeId = '01214000001NcOYAA0';
                cas1.AccountId = [Select Id FROM Account Where name ='AccountEHRImplement'].id;
                cas1.Origin = 'Phone';
                cas1.Impact__c = 'Low';
                cas1.Severity__c = 'Minor';
                cas1.Type = 'Bridge';

            insert casesToInsert; 

        System.debug('Expected: 2, actual: ' + Limits.getEmailInvocations());  

User-added image​​​​​​​
This email will send an email alert when an account has 8 cases open within 7 days.  The email is being sent, but multiple emails for the Same account are being sent.  What is wrong with my code that it is creating multiple emails for the same account?

trigger CaseHandlerCountAlert on Case (after insert, after update) {
    //Case trigger that will send email alert when 8 cases are created within 7 days.
    String messageToSend;
    List <String> ListOfMessages = new List <String>();
    Set <Id> AcctIds = new Set <Id>();
    String messageBody;
    List < AggregateResult > AggregateResultList = [SELECT AccountId, Account.Name name, COUNT(Id) co
                                                    FROM Case
                                                    WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:7 AND Id IN :Trigger.New
                                                    GROUP BY AccountId, Account.Name
                                                    HAVING COUNT(Id) >= 8
    Map < Id, String > accountIdEmailmessageMap = new Map < Id, String > ();
    for (AggregateResult aggr: AggregateResultList) {
        String messageToSend = 'Account name: ' + aggr.get('name') +
            ' has ' + (Integer) aggr.get('co') +
            ' cases opened in the last 8 days.';
        Id accId = (Id) aggr.get('AccountId');
        accountIdEmailmessageMap.put(accId, messageToSend);
    List < Case > caseList = [SELECT Id, AccountId, Account.Name, Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c,
                              FROM Case
                              WHERE AccountId IN: AcctIds];
    List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstASingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
    List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lstBSingleEmailMessage = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
    for (Case cl: caseList) {
        if (cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c == 'Live - Closed Project' ||
            cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.PM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project' ||
            cl.Parent_Project_If_Applicable__r.RCM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project') {
                String messageBody = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);
                List<String> emailaddr = new List<String>();
                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                mail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';
                String messageBody1 = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);        
                List<String> emailAdds = new List<String>();
                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage amail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                amail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';
    Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(lstASingleEmailMessage);   
    Messaging.SendEmailResult[] rb = Messaging.sendEmail(lstBSingleEmailMessage);

I need to send an email to one of two Public Groups depending on the value of the 3 fields in the `If Statement`. Within the the If and Else blocks I have a `String mailGroup` with the value of the Public Class.Now that I need the Else statement to access that private class with a different Public class name, I am having issues inserting `String mailGroup` , into the Private class `getAddresses()`. The Variable `emailAdds` declared at the top holds the email address values from the `getAddresses()` function. Is it my syntax? I am receiving numerous errors:

`Unexpected token 'private'`
 `Unexpected token '<'`
`Unexpected token '>'`

`Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void getAddresses(String) from type CaseHandlerCountAlert`

trigger CaseHandlerCountAlert on Case (after insert) {
 				String messageToSend;
   				List<String> ListOfMessages = new List<String>();
   		     	Set<Id> AcctIds = new Set<Id>();
				List<String> clientEmail;
				String messageBody;
    			String mailGroup;
    			List<String> emailAdds = getAddresses(mailGroup);
List<AggregateResult> AggregateResultList = [SELECT AccountId, Account.Name name, COUNT(Id) co
                                             FROM Case
                                             WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:1 AND 
                                             Id IN :Trigger.New
                                             GROUP BY AccountId, Account.Name
                                             HAVING COUNT(Id)  >= 5 ];
            Map<Id, String> accountIdEmailmessageMap = new Map<Id, String>();
				for(AggregateResult aggr: AggregateResultList){
                String messageToSend = 'Account name: ' + aggr.get('name') +
                    ' has ' + (Integer)aggr.get('co') +
                    ' cases opened in the last 8 days.';
                Id accId = (Id)aggr.get('AccountId');
List<Case> caseList = [SELECT Id, AccountId, Account.Name,Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c,
                       FROM Case
                       WHERE AccountId IN :AcctIds];

for(Case cl:caseList){ 
    if(cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c == 'Live - Closed Project'||
       cl.Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.PM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project'||
       cl.Parent_Project_If_Applicable__r.RCM_Implementation_Status__c == 'Live - Closed Project'){    
            mailGroup = 'Customer Success Managers'; 
	String messageBody = accountIdEmailmessageMap.get(cl.AccountId);
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
	  mail.setSenderDisplayName('IT Support'); 
          mail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';
         if(messageToSend != null){
          Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
         mailGroup = 'BI Team';
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
	  mail.SetSenderDisplayName('IT Support');
          mail.Subject = 'Multiple cases created alert message';
        if(messageToSend != null){
          Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });


private List<String> getAddresses(mailGroup){
    List<User> UserList =
        [SELECT id, name, email
         FROM User 
         WHERE id 
         IN (SELECT userorgroupid 
             FROM groupmember
             WHERE group.name = :mailGroup)];
    List<String> emailString = new List<String>();
    for(User u: UserList){
    return (emailString);



Syntax help please.  I am trying to access the fields in my SOQL search.  I am receiving error message:

`System.SObjectException: Invalid field Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c for Case`

I verified Relationship name through WorkBench.

My code is:

List<Case> caseList = [SELECT Id, AccountId, Account.Name,Parent_Project_if_applicable__r.Implementation_status__c,
                       FROM Case
                       WHERE AccountId IN :AcctIds];

for(Case cl:caseList){ 
The field,  Milestone1_Project__c.Implementation_status__c,  is a Picklist in my If/Else statement used for comparison.  To my understanding I would treat it as a String.  However I am receiving:
Comparison arguments must be compatible types: Schema.SObjectField, String
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                            if(Milestone1_Project__c.Implementation_status__c == 'LIVE - TRANSITION'){    
                                // Set Outgoing Email to Implementation Coordinator
                                //message.toAddresses = new String[] { 'test@test.com' }; 
                            else if (Milestone1_Project__c.Implementation_status__c == 'Live'){  
                                // Private method *** getAddresses() *** retrieves email address from Customer_Success_Managers Public Group
                                //message.toAddresses = new String[] { 'test@test.com' };

Help with syntax for 2 WHERE Clauses please.
List<AggregateResult> AggregateResultList = [SELECT AccountId, Account.Name name, COUNT(Id) co,  Milestone1_Project__c.id,
                                    Milestone1_Project__c.Implementation_status__c, Milestone1_Project__c.Client_Advisor_Email__c
                                    FROM Case
                                    WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:5 AND Id IN :Trigger.New
                                    GROUP BY AccountId, Account.Name
                                    HAVING COUNT(Id)  >= 8

Account - Standard Object
Case - Child of Account
Milestone__Project__c - Child of Case

The After-Insert Trigger will send an email message anytime an account has 8 cases or more created in a 5 day period.  The email will be sent to one of two addresses (depending on Project.status).  How do I access the Milestone__Project__c.Status field?  I cannot get the syntax correct.
public class CaseHandlerCountAlert{
public static void CaseCounter(){

    List<AggregateResult> AggregateResultList = [SELECT AccountId, Account.Name name, COUNT(Id) co, (Id FROM Milestone1_Project__c mi)
                                FROM Case
                                WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:5
                                GROUP BY AccountId, Account.Name
                                HAVING COUNT(Id)  >= 8
                                WHERE Id IN :Trigger.new];

            for(AggregateResult aggr:AggregateResultList){ 

                    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                        if((aggr.get(mi.status) == "Transition"){    // If Status = Transition
                            // Set Outgoing Email to Implementation Coordinator "Implementation.Consultalt "
                            message.toAddresses = new String[] { Milestone1_Project__c.Client_Advisor_Email__c };
                        else if ((aggr.get(mi.status) == "Live"){  // If Status equals "Live" - Out Of Transition
                            // Private method retrieves email address from Customer Success Managers
                            message.toAddresses = new String[] { getAddresses() };
                            // Set Email Template Id
                    //EmailTemplate templateId = [Select id from EmailTemplate where name = 'Template Name'];  
                    message.setSubject = 'Subject Test Message';
                    message.setPlainTextBody = 'Account name: ' + aggr.get('name') + ' has ' + (Integer)aggr.get('co') + ' cases opened in the last 8 days.';
                    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] messages =   new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> {message};
                    Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(messages);
                System.debug('Account Name: ' + aggr.get('name'));           

            private List<String> getAddresses(){
            List<User> UserList =
                    [SELECT id, name, email, isactive, profile.name, userrole.name, usertype
                    FROM User 
                    WHERE id 
                    IN (SELECT userorgroupid 
                    FROM groupmember
                    WHERE group.name = 'Customer Success Managers')];

            Set<String> emailString = new Set<String>();

            for(User u: UserList){
                // System.debug(u.email);
            //System.debug('The list ' + emailstring);
            return (emailString);

To find my TLS 1.1 logins I ran the SOQL search and followed instuctions from:


I received no records found:

User-added imageDoes this mean, I don't have any issues with the update?  Anything else I should check?
I would like to send an email anytime an account has created 8 cases in the last 8 days.  The email is sending, but within the email, the AccountId (id) is showing.  How would I get the much more readable Account.Name field to show.   
Line: 1, Column: 44
Field must be grouped or aggregated: Name
List<AggregateResult> AggregateResultList =[SELECT AccountId, Account.name, COUNT(Id) co
					    FROM Case
					    WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:8
					    GROUP BY AccountId
					    HAVING COUNT(Id) > 1];

	for(AggregateResult aggr:AggregateResultList){ 
      		  //Send Email to Implementation Coordinator
  		  Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
   		 message.toAddresses = new String[] { 'test@test.com' };   
   		 message.subject = 'Subject Test Message';
   		 message.plainTextBody = 'Account name: ' + (id)aggr.get('AccountId') + ' has ' + (Integer)aggr.get('co') + ' cases opened in the last 8 days.';
   		 Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] messages =   new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> {message};
   		 Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(messages);
  		  if (results[0].success) {
    		    System.debug('The email was sent successfully.');
   		 } else {
    		    System.debug('The email failed to send: ' + results[0].errors[0].message);


We deployed My Domain this morning and some of our users are having issues logging in. When they try to login from both login.salesforce.com and our custom domain they are redirected back to the login screen after they enter their credentials and press submit. On our admin side, it shows their log ins as successful, but they cannot actually get into the instance. 

We have tried clearing caches, disabling extensions, etc. but nothing has allowed them to log in. 

Has any one ever encountered this problem? Do you know a solution? 
Hello all,

I am trying to write a batch class (MY FIRST EVER), to take in the AsyncApexJob object and create a csv file of the errors and send to an email address.  I'm sure that some of my syntax is not correct (I would appreciate any input), but I can't even execute to see if it works.  I am receiving the above message when I open a second anonymous window and enter:

AriaBatchErrors objClass=new AriaBatchErrors();

So that I can execute:

global class AriaBatchErrors implements Database.Batchable<Sobject>
    global string[] email=new String[] {'myEmail@address.com'};
    string[] Lines;
    //start method
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
        lines = new String[0];
        return Database.getQueryLocator('SELECT Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed,TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE NumberOfErrors > 0');


    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<String> scope)
        // process
           for(String record: scope) 
        String line = '';
        // header row
        if ( lines.size() == 0 ) {
            line = 'ID, Status, Number of Errors, Job Items Processed, Total Job Items, Created By';
        else {
            // build csv lines here
            line +='"' + record.get('Id')  +'"'
            +',' + '"' + record.get('Status') + '"'
            +',' + '"' + record.get('NumberOfErrors') +'"'
            +',' + '"' + record.get('JobItemsProcessed') + '"'
            +',' + '"' + record.get('TotalJobItems') + '"' 
            +',' + '"' + record.get('CreatedBy.Email') + '"'   ;               

            system.debug('Line No >>> ' + line); 
         }  // end of for loop   

    global void finish (Database.BatchableContext BC)
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail=new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        AsyncApexJob a =[select a.TotalJobItems,a.Status,a.NumberOfErrors,a.JobItemsProcessed,a.ExtendedStatus,a.createdById,a.completedDate from AsynchApexJob];
        System.debug('Job Id')+BC.getJobId());
        mail.setSenderDisplayName('Apex Batch Processing Errors');
        mail.setSubject('Batch Errors');
        mail.setPlainTextBody('This will be the body of the email' + a.TotalJobItems + 'batches with '+ a.NumberOfErrors);

Please help, I am so so new. 
