• Mark Tyler Crawford
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  • Member since 2017
  • Solution Architect
  • EmberRock LLC

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When you deploy an inbound change set with apex code in the change set, does the validation run tests that are in the change set or those already in the org?

So lets say for example I am deploying from sandbox v1 to production. Production already has an apex class "class-v1" and a test class "test-v2". In sandbox v1, I have an apex class "class-v2" and its associated test class "test-v2". I add "class-v2" and "test-v2" to a change set and upload the change set to production. In production I click validate on the uploaded change set. When the validation runs, does the org look in the change set for "test-v2" or does it run the test that is currently on the org "test-v1"?

Our Org has a problem where the Account Record Type will switch from a Customer (or another type) to Prospect. This is causing users who can only see an Account in the Customer stage to not have access to their Accounts.

This has been happening about once a month since December. 500-1000 Accounts have been impacted by this change. There are no flows or automation rules that are impacting this. Field History Tracking is set up, but doesn't offer much detail except which Record Types changed.

I have logged a case with Salesforce and they were unable to find the cause and pointed to a Developer solution. If anyone has any insight please share!
I am creating an Email Template in Lightning. I am using a HTML tepmplate.
Email template is working all fine just that a small 1px X 1px is added at the end of the email template.

This image is added dynamically. Can anyone tell me why this image is added and how to get rid of it.

Thanks in advance
  • February 16, 2018
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Re-factored my code from previous units with base lightning components, but receiving this error.  Here's my new form component.  Any help would be much appreciated.

<aura:component >   
    <aura:attribute name="newItem" type="Camping_Item__c"    default="{ 'sobjectType': 'Camping_Item__c',
                         'Name': '',
                         'Price__c': 0,
                         'Quantity__c': 0,                         
                         'Packed__c': false
    <aura:registerEvent name="addItem" type="c:addItemEvent"/>
    <lightning:layout >
        <lightning:layoutItem padding="around-small" size="6">
<div aria-labelledby="newItemForm">

    <!-- BOXED AREA -->
    <fieldset class="slds-box slds-theme--default slds-container--small">

    <legend id="newItemForm" class="slds-text-heading--small 
      Add Camping Item

    <form class="slds-form--stacked">          
        <lightning:input aura:id="itemForm" label="Camping Item Name"
        <lightning:input type="number" aura:id="itemForm" label="Quantity"
        <lightning:input type="number" aura:id="itemForm" label="Price"
                         messageWhenRangeUnderflow="Enter an amount that's at least .01."/>
        <lightning:input type="checkbox" aura:id="itemForm" label="Packed?"  
        <lightning:button label="Create Expense" 
  <!-- / BOXED AREA -->

I'm trying to complete the Handle Record Changes and Errors module but can't seem to get past the following challenge error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'accEdit' Lightning Component JS Controller does not appear to be setting 'v.recordSaveError' with an error message.

.I've tried many different combinations of sets and am not having much luck.

I've tried several different component.set methods such as this one:
component.set('v.recordSaveError','Error: ' + saveResult.state + ', message: ' + JSON.stringify(saveResult.error));

Any ideas what this module is looking for as a valid solution?

I do see recordSaveError display after being set due to an error.

Hi Dev's

-Provide an example of when a Matrix report would be used. How about a Joined report?


I am trying to complete the challenge for the Use Org & Session Cache module on Salesforce Trailhead. Here are the instructions:

In this challenge, you’ll write an Apex class that writes and reads a bus schedule from the org cache. Your method for reading the cache has to handle cache misses.
  • Create a partition called BusSchedule with 0 MB for the size of org cache and session cache. The 0 MB allocation enables you to test cache misses.
  • Create a public Apex class called BusScheduleCache.
  • Add this variable to the class: private Cache.OrgPartition part;
  • In the constructor, create a new instance of Cache.OrgPartition by passing it the partition name (local.BusSchedule). Assign this object to the class variable (part).
  • Add two public methods. a. The first method, putSchedule(), returns void and takes these parameters: String busLine, Time[] schedule. b. The second method, getSchedule(), returns a bus schedule as a time array (Time[]) and takes this parameter: String busLine.
  • Implement the putSchedule() method so that it stores the passed-in values in the org cache by using the partition class variable (part).
  • Implement the getSchedule() method so that it returns the schedule for the specified bus line by using the partition class variable (part).
  • Add logic to the getSchedule() method to handle cache misses. If null is returned for the cached value, getSchedule() should return the following default schedule as a Time array with two Time objects: one Time object value of 8am and another of 5pm. Use the Apex Time.newInstance() method to create the Time objects.
Here is my current code:
public class BusScheduleCache {   
    // Get partition
    private Cache.OrgPartition part;
    String partitionName = 'local.BusSchedule';
    public BusScheduleCache(String partitionName) {
		Cache.OrgPartition newpart = Cache.Org.getPartition(partitionName);
        part = newpart;
    public static void putSchedule(String busLine, Time[] schedule) {
        Cache.Org.put(busline, schedule);
    public static Time[] getSchedule(String busLine) {
        Time[] schedule;
        // Get a cached value
		Object obj = Cache.Org.get(busLine);
		// Cast return value to a specific data type
		Time t2 = (Time)obj;
        if (t2 != null) {
        else {
            Time t3 = Time.newInstance(8,0,0,0);
            Time t4 = Time.newInstance(17,0,0,0);
        return schedule;

Here is the error I am receiving:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Apex Class BusScheduleCache is not properly implemented. Please follow the requirements and ensure everything is setup correctly

Can someone please help?

I can't pass the challenge (https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead/force_com_dev_intermediate/lex_dev_lc_basics/lex_dev_lc_basics_events). This is the error when check challenge:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The campingList JavaScript controller isn't adding the new record to the 'items' value provider.

I tryed in the browser add new Camping Items and it's working correctly. The item is added to database and the list is updated.

This is my code:

campingList Component
<aura:component controller="CampingListController">
    <aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doInit}" value="{!this}"/>
    <aura:handler name="addItem" event="c:addItemEvent" action="{!c.handleAddItem}"/>
    <div class="slds-page-header" role="banner">

      <div class="slds-grid">

        <div class="slds-col">

          <p class="slds-text-heading--label">Camping Items</p>

          <h1 class="slds-text-heading--medium">My Camping Items</h1>




  <div aria-labelledby="newitemform">

      <fieldset class="slds-box slds-theme--default slds-container--small">
        <c:campingListForm />

     <aura:attribute name="items" type="Camping_Item__c[]"/>

    <div class="slds-card slds-p-top--medium">
        <header class="slds-card__header">
            <h3 class="slds-text-heading--small">Camping List Items</h3>
        <section class="slds-card__body">
            <div id="list" class="row">
                <aura:iteration items="{!v.items}" var="campItem">
                    <c:campingListItem item="{!campItem}"/>


campingList Controller.js
    doInit: function(component, event, helper) {
        var action = component.get("c.getItems");
        action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
            var state = response.getState();
            if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") {
                component.set("v.items", response.getReturnValue());
            else {
                console.log("Failed with state: " + state);
    handleAddItem: function(component, event, helper) {
        var item = event.getParam("item");
        var action = component.get("c.saveItem");
            "item": item
        action.setCallback(this, function(response){
            var state = response.getState();
            if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") {        
                var theItems = component.get("v.items");

public with sharing class CampingListController {

    public static List<Camping_Item__c> getItems() {
        return [SELECT Id, Name, Price__c, Quantity__c, Packed__c FROM Camping_Item__c];
    public static Camping_Item__c saveItem(Camping_Item__c item) {
        upsert item;
        return item;

CampingListForm Component
<aura:component >
     <aura:attribute name="newItem" type="Camping_Item__c"
     default="{ 'sobjectType': 'Camping_Item__c',
                    'Name': '',
                    'Packed__c': false,
                    'Price__c': '0',
                    'Quantity__c': '0' }"/>
	<aura:registerEvent name="addItem" type="c:addItemEvent"/>
  <div aria-labelledby="newitemform">
      <fieldset class="slds-box slds-theme--default slds-container--small">
        <legend id="newitemform" class="slds-text-heading--small 
          Add Camping Item
        <form class="slds-form--stacked">
          <div class="slds-form-element slds-is-required">
              <div class="slds-form-element__control">
                  <ui:inputText aura:id="name" label="Camping Item Name"
          <div class="slds-form-element">
              <ui:inputCheckbox aura:id="packed" label="Packed?"
        <div class="slds-form-element">
              <div class="slds-form-element__control">
                  <ui:inputCurrency aura:id="price" label="Price"
                      value="{!v.newItem.Price__c}" />
         <div class="slds-form-element">
              <div class="slds-form-element__control">
                  <ui:inputNumber aura:id="quantity" label="Quantity"
          <div class="slds-form-element">
              <ui:button label="Create Camping Item"
                  class="slds-button slds-button--brand"


CampingListForm Controller.js
    clickCreateCampingItem : function(component, event, helper) {
        var validCamping = true;

        // Name must not be blank
        var nameField = component.find("name");
        var expname = nameField.get("v.value");
        if ($A.util.isEmpty(expname)){
            validCamping = false;
            nameField.set("v.errors", [{message:"Camping Item name can't be blank."}]);
        else {
            nameField.set("v.errors", null);

        var priceField = component.find("price");
        var price = priceField.get("v.value");
        if ($A.util.isEmpty(price) || isNaN(price) || (price <= 0.0)){
            validCamping = false;
            priceField.set("v.errors", [{message:"Camping Item price can't be blank."}]);
        else {
            priceField.set("v.errors", null);
        var quantityField = component.find("quantity");
        var quantity = quantityField.get("v.value");
        if ($A.util.isEmpty(quantity) || isNaN(quantity) || (quantity <= 0)){
            validCamping = false;
            quantityField.set("v.errors", [{message:"Camping Item quantity can't be blank."}]);
        else {
            quantityField.set("v.errors", null);


CampingListForm Helper.js
     createItem : function(component) {
        var newItem = component.get("v.newItem");
        var addEvent = component.getEvent("addItem");
        addEvent.setParams({"item" : newItem});
                     { 'sobjectType': 'Camping_Item__c',
                    'Name': '',
                    'Packed__c': false,
                    'Price__c': 0,
                    'Quantity__c': 0});

Could anyone help me?

Hi , I am not able to complete the trail had challenge in Visual force Mobile module . Getting the error as The page isn't displaying the name of the contact..

Can someone help me to find out the code. 

Please refer the below Requirement
Use Bootstrap to create a simple mobile friendly list of existing contact names and display the page within Salesforce1 mobile. The Visualforce page:Must be named 'MobileContactList'.
Must reference the minified Bootstrap JavaScript and CSS files from MaxCDN (see more here). Do NOT use Static Resources to reference these files.
Must use the Bootstrap List Group component (defined here).
Must use the Contact standard list controller with a recordSetVar of 'contacts'. The list of contacts must be iterated through using an apex:repeat component that's bound to a var named 'c'.
Must display the name of the contacts.
Must be made available for the Salesforce1 mobile app and added to a tab named 'MobileContacts'. The tab should be added to the Salesforce1 navigation menu.
Write a SOQL query that counts the number of active Contacts for each Account in a set.

Hi I am stuck in a point which I believe is almost 'the end', but I am not just able to write test class for this.


I have a flow, which shows a list of Opportunities, one by one based on score. This flow has been referenced in a VF page:

<apex:page controller="OppPriorityController">
    <h1>Opportunity Prioritisation Wokflow</h1>
  <flow:interview name="Opportunity_Prioritisation_Flow" interview="{!myflow}" buttonLocation="bottom">
  <apex:param name="varCurrentUserID" value="{!$User.Id}"/> 

 The OppPriorityController is below:

public class OppPriorityController {

    // Need not instantiate explicitly the Flow object using the class constructor 
    public Flow.Interview.Opportunity_Prioritisation_Flow myflow { get; set; }
    public String getPhoneNumber() {
        // Access flow variables as simple member variables with get/set methods 
             return myflow.PhoneNumber; 
    public String getAccountID() {
        // Access flow variables as simple member variables with get/set methods 
             return myflow.AccId;
     public String getAccountName() {
        // Access flow variables as simple member variables with get/set methods 
             return myflow.AccountName;
     public String getOpportunityID() {
        // Access flow variables as simple member variables with get/set methods 
             return myflow.OppId;
     public String getOpportunityName() {
        // Access flow variables as simple member variables with get/set methods 
             return myflow.OppName;

 The test class which I tried is below:

@isTest (SeeAllData=true)
private class OppPriorityControllerTest {
    public static testMethod void myTestMethodForFlow() {
        PageReference pageRef = Page.OppPriorityPage;
        OppPriorityController oppPriorityController = new OppPriorityController();        
        oppPriorityController.myflow = new Flow.Interview.Opportunity_Prioritisation_Flow(new Map<String, Object>());
        String pNumber = oppPriorityController.getPhoneNumber();
        String accountId = oppPriorityController.getAccountID() ;
        String accountName = oppPriorityController.getAccountName();
        String opportunityID = oppPriorityController.getOpportunityID();
        String opportunityName = oppPriorityController.getOpportunityName();

 I received an error: Interview not started.


Any help here would be grateful. I tried to serach in various places, but none helped me to solve this.







What is the Difference between database.query() and database.getQueryLocator()?


(Please give the answer either In Governing limits or in other point of view)


Hello all,

I am trying to write a trigger that will send out emails using a template Here is what I have.  I keep getting the "location" variable undefined.  I did use some code I found on this board, but am unsure what "location" is supposed to be:


Trigger Code:


 trigger SendActivationEmail on Contact (after insert, after update) {

for(Contact cont : trigger.new)

if(cont.Send_Activation_Email__c == true)

        string message;
        string templateName = 'Thank you for joining Aprigo';
        String[] toAddresses;
        List<Id> idsList = getEmailAddresses(location);
        EmailTemplate e = [select Id,Name,Subject,body from EmailTemplate where name like :templateName+'%'];
        if(contact.Email != null)
             Messaging.MassEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.MassEmailMessage();
            mail.saveAsActivity = false;

            // Send the email
            Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.MassEmailMessage[] { mail });
            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail1 = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            toAddresses = new String[] {'chris@eustaceconsulting.com'};
            message = 'This email will sent to you only if Template Not Found!!!';











Class Code:


 public with sharing class MailerUtils
    public static List<Id> getEmailAddresses(string groupName)

        List<String> idList = new List<String>();
        List<Id> mailToIds = new List<Id>();
        Group g = [SELECT (select userOrGroupId from groupMembers) FROM group WHERE name = :groupName];
        for (GroupMember gm : g.groupMembers) {
        User[] usr = [SELECT Id, email FROM user WHERE id IN :idList];
        for(User u : usr) {
        return mailToIds;





Can anyone help?



I am getting the below error when i try to save my Apex Controller.


line -1, column -1: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: <Namespace.ApexClassName>: <line No> Didn't understand relationship '<Custom Object Name>' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.


I checked my WSDL file and could see the field in that Object.


Can anyone help me why is this issue being faced.





while working quite a lot with campaigns and opportunities, I'm faced with the problem to create campaign influence records for opportunities in batch (not manually)

Adding an influence for an contact or lead is quite easy; add a record to the table CampaignMember and that's it... 


But - in which table are records stored that define a relationship between an opportunity and a campaign? Can't find it - the prefix is 0BG - if this might help anybody.


Many thanks in advance!

  • March 02, 2009
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Hi there,

Can we use a SWITCH control statement in the APEX class? Is it possible and supported by APEX?

I am creating an Email Template in Lightning. I am using a HTML tepmplate.
Email template is working all fine just that a small 1px X 1px is added at the end of the email template.

This image is added dynamically. Can anyone tell me why this image is added and how to get rid of it.

Thanks in advance
  • February 16, 2018
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