• Stuart King
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  • Member since 2017

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Our group is changing over some code in response to a change in instance.  This code follows the methods outlined in the quick start guide. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/quickstart.htm  At the moment, we acquire an auth token by hitting the login instance, and then query our numbered instance for data.

To prevent having to keep changing the configuration parameter to point to our new ID when it changes, is it possible to still query the login instance to get data back?  I've tested on my end without any luck, but I figured I'd check to see if I'm missing anything.

We're exploring setting up a custom domain, which will likely  be our alternative, but the easier solution would be better.

Our group is changing over some code in response to a change in instance.  This code follows the methods outlined in the quick start guide. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/quickstart.htm  At the moment, we acquire an auth token by hitting the login instance, and then query our numbered instance for data.

To prevent having to keep changing the configuration parameter to point to our new ID when it changes, is it possible to still query the login instance to get data back?  I've tested on my end without any luck, but I figured I'd check to see if I'm missing anything.

We're exploring setting up a custom domain, which will likely  be our alternative, but the easier solution would be better.