• Hemendra Singh Rajawat
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  • Member since 2017
  • Salesforce Developer
  • Grazitti Interactive

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I have two scratch orgs, one has data(both on local and on remote) and other is empty. Then, I pushed the data from my first org to second one using "sfdx force:source:push" command. The data is available online(remotely) on the second org, but when I tried to pull data from the second org to the local folder it shows "No result found(that there is no difference b/w remote and local)". 

Does anyone have any idea how can I sync my data?

When using the commandButton's onClick attribute the URL changed but the in the case of <a> tag's onClick the URL doesn't change, both the onClick attribute are calling a javascript function and that function is calling an apex controller function with the help of actionFunction.
As I have to do work on the same page using rerender attribute, how can I resolve this issue?

I am facing the issue in pageSize attribute in <apex:relatedList />. Please help me out.

My code - 
<apex:page standardController="Account">
    <apex:detail relatedList="false" />
    <apex:relatedList list="Contacts" pageSize="3"/>
Output - 
User-added image

As you can see in the image in the related list it is showing all the 10 records irrespective of value in pageSize attribute. 

According to the documentation, pageSize is used to define "The number of records to display by default in the related list. If not specified, this value defaults to 5." 


Can anyone tell me that why the font-size of all heading tags(i.e h1 to h6) are same in Visualforce Page?

Can anyone tell me that why the font-size of all heading tags(i.e h1 to h6) are same in Visualforce Page?