• Rebekah Castillo 7
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I have created custom fields, page layouts & one user profile in my Sandbox. I have then deployed these changes (via a Change Set) to my Production Org.

The issue that I am having is that the custom page layouts are only visible for the user profile I had included in my Change Set. For all other user profiles the new custom page layouts are not visable.

I have verified that the custom page layouts are assigned to all user profiles in my Production Org and a high level comparison of my Sandbox & Production Org show the 2 seem identical.

Should I have included all user profiles in my Sandbox into the Change Set? What can I do now to allow the custom Page Layouts to display for all user profiles in my Production Org?

Note: I have also tried to Save As the custom page layout in my Production Org as a 'Copy of...' and assgined it to all user profiles, but this disn't work either.

Thanks in advance


I have created custom fields, page layouts & one user profile in my Sandbox. I have then deployed these changes (via a Change Set) to my Production Org.

The issue that I am having is that the custom page layouts are only visible for the user profile I had included in my Change Set. For all other user profiles the new custom page layouts are not visable.

I have verified that the custom page layouts are assigned to all user profiles in my Production Org and a high level comparison of my Sandbox & Production Org show the 2 seem identical.

Should I have included all user profiles in my Sandbox into the Change Set? What can I do now to allow the custom Page Layouts to display for all user profiles in my Production Org?

Note: I have also tried to Save As the custom page layout in my Production Org as a 'Copy of...' and assgined it to all user profiles, but this disn't work either.

Thanks in advance