• Aslam iqbal - Soql
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I am trying to achive below, need help to find if theis is possible.

1. Community portal users to login and upload scanned images /documents for verification.
2. They shoud be able do upload from their phone (from photo gallery photo)
3. They should see all images they have uploaded and approval status.

4. Salesforce Admin should be able to approve images /documents 
5. Admin should be able to upload the images /documents on behalf of portal user

need some guidance, to start with questions that come to my mind are
a. where do i store images?
b. how can I associate images with portal user (contact).
c.do I need custom development using fileupload component

I am looking for help to upload, save and display set of images for contact.
Below explained steps I am thinking of finding solution to

1. Associate an images /photos with a record (custom object)
2. Store this image into salesforce
3. Display in record details page for that record.
4. Admin should be able to upload the image/phote from phone (salesforce App?) and from computer
5. Further this upload functionality needs to be incoroporated with Salesforce communities (customer community) where portal user logs in and updates information and uploads documents (images, pdf), images should be displayed as preview mode

I am looking for an advice on batch jobs best practices.

1. We have a subscription custom object that has a lookup to contact.
2. We currently have a bach job 'nightly subscription update' that runs at 10pm to sets the status of subscription based on 'lastmodifieddate' (set status to lapsing, lapsed, and deleted),
3. There is a process builder on subscription, when changed calls flow to set the contact status (recalculates contact status based on related subscriptions).
4. there are few million subscriptions.

Now I have a 2 new requirements that
a. Delete subscriptions if today >subscription 'deletedate' and
b. Delete Contact if today > contact 's'deletedate'.

Solution that I am thinking of created 2 seperate batch classes a. 'subscription delete' and b. 'contact delete'.
And schedule/run each of this batch job without interfering one another.

i.e schedule as below
1. 'nightly subscription update' 10pm
2. 'nightly subscription Delete' 11pm
1. 'nightly contact delete' 12pm

with this approach, I am assuming the batch job will start at the exact time and finished i an hour.

Hence looking for help the better architect the solution 

Dear Team ,

Greetings !!!

Please let me know how can i integrate salesforce with NetSuite . Please make available some steps .

Thanks & Regards
Sachin Bhalerao
Hi there,

What can be possible problem in the following code ? Its giving me unexpected token on barcodeID.
My requirement is to fetch the record from Item custom object on the basis of the Barcode_ID and populate the Borrow custom object record using the information from Item object. Borrow object has lookup relationship with Item object. The values for barcode_id and employee_id are coming from the visualforce page.

public class BorrowController {
    public String employeeID {get; set;}
    public String barcodeID {get; set;}
    public BorrowController(){}
    public void createBorrowRecord() {
        Item__c item = [SELECT Name, Item_ID__c, Price__c, Status__c from Item__c where Barcode_ID__c = barcodeID];
        if(item != null) {
            Borrow__c b = new Borrow__c();
            b.Employee_ID__c = employeeID;
            b.Item_ID__c = item.Item_ID__c;
            b.Barcode_ID__c = barcodeID;
            b.Item_Price__c = item.Price__c;
    public PageReference recordCreation() {

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am looking for an advice on batch jobs best practices.

1. We have a subscription custom object that has a lookup to contact.
2. We currently have a bach job 'nightly subscription update' that runs at 10pm to sets the status of subscription based on 'lastmodifieddate' (set status to lapsing, lapsed, and deleted),
3. There is a process builder on subscription, when changed calls flow to set the contact status (recalculates contact status based on related subscriptions).
4. there are few million subscriptions.

Now I have a 2 new requirements that
a. Delete subscriptions if today >subscription 'deletedate' and
b. Delete Contact if today > contact 's'deletedate'.

Solution that I am thinking of created 2 seperate batch classes a. 'subscription delete' and b. 'contact delete'.
And schedule/run each of this batch job without interfering one another.

i.e schedule as below
1. 'nightly subscription update' 10pm
2. 'nightly subscription Delete' 11pm
1. 'nightly contact delete' 12pm

with this approach, I am assuming the batch job will start at the exact time and finished i an hour.

Hence looking for help the better architect the solution