• Abhishek patil 26
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Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Ensure that after you clear test data, you run your tests once and the required test coverage is achieved.
here is my code for AnnouncementQueueable covage 58 % for this:-

 * @name AnnouncementQueueable
 * @description This class posts Chatter Announcements
public class AnnouncementQueueable implements Queueable{

public List<ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput> toPost;

    //ToDo: Modify this class to implement the Queueable interface and call the postAnnouncements method

    public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
     * @name postAnnouncements
     * @description This method is provided for you to facilitate the Super Badge
    public static void PostAnnouncements(List<ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput> announcements){
        while ( announcements.size() > 0 ){
            if ( Limits.getDMLStatements() < Limits.getLimitDMLStatements() && !test.isRunningTest() ){
                ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput a = announcements.remove(0);
                ConnectApi.Announcements.postAnnouncement('Internal', a);
            } else {
        if ( announcements.size() > 0 && !test.isRunningTest() ){
            AnnouncementQueueable q = new AnnouncementQueueable();
            q.toPost = announcements;

            //ToDo: Enqueue the above instance of announcementQueueable
In Step 7 of Data Integration Specialist, even though code is working as expected ( project status changing from Billable to Bill), I keep on getting the following error :
The SOAP call to the BillingService did not return the correct response. Please check your configurations and code

I know that a similar discussion has been opened but as there's a best answer related to this and that it was initially about the Web Service being down, I want this trail to be dedicated to this issue only. Trying several ways to complete the challenge didn't give any result.

Please don't answer if you only want to say you face the same issue (click on like). Just reply if you resolved the issue or opened a case and mention it. Maybe if a lot of people open a case, Salesforce will fix the issue or be more specific on the issue.

Has someone passed step 7 of Superbadge "Data Integration Specialist" since 20 august 2018 ?
For information, I opened a case 00010194 but still no answer.