• Mustafa Khan 12
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I'm trying to create a Round Robin and are almost done i need help with one formula. I need to add a checkbox__c is true or a picklist value is <> "Value" to the formula under. I want it to loop 1,2,3 only when recordtype "US_Request_a_Quote" and if checkbox__c is true or a picklist value is not equal to ""

IF( RecordType.Name = "US_Request_a_Quote", 
MOD(VALUE(Round_Robin_Opportunity__c) ,3) +1, 
I would like to create a Round Robin on Opportunity but with 1 recordType but 2 different products. So we have 4 persons. 1 and 2 will have product A on the same recordtype and person 3 and 4 will have product B on the same recordtype. How can i create a Round Robin that can show numbers 1 and 2 for product A and 3 and 4 for product B? Do i have to create 2 RR_id fields?

I'm trying to create a Round Robin and are almost done i need help with one formula. I need to add a checkbox__c is true or a picklist value is <> "Value" to the formula under. I want it to loop 1,2,3 only when recordtype "US_Request_a_Quote" and if checkbox__c is true or a picklist value is not equal to ""

IF( RecordType.Name = "US_Request_a_Quote", 
MOD(VALUE(Round_Robin_Opportunity__c) ,3) +1, 
I would like to create a Round Robin on Opportunity but with 1 recordType but 2 different products. So we have 4 persons. 1 and 2 will have product A on the same recordtype and person 3 and 4 will have product B on the same recordtype. How can i create a Round Robin that can show numbers 1 and 2 for product A and 3 and 4 for product B? Do i have to create 2 RR_id fields?