• Roland Fuchsberger_
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Hey everyone,
The EmailMessageRelation.RelationId field seems to be no longer updateable since Spring Release. Could anyone help me out here??? A customization depends unfortunately on this and it would cost us several days to rework it.... It was working perfectly before spring 19.

When I update the RelationId field on any record, I get the following error: "[object Object]: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id"

However, documentation says it is updateable: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_emailmessagerelation.htm 

I've tried to run the following query in Developer Console: SELECT Id, EmailMessageId, RelationId, RelationType, RelationAddress, RelationObjectType, CreatedDate, CreatedById, SystemModstamp, IsDeleted FROM EmailMessageRelation and then updated to RelationId field to the Id of my sys admin user. I've removed all triggers from EmailMessage and Task - so this could not cause the issue.

Hey everyone,
The EmailMessageRelation.RelationId field seems to be no longer updateable since Spring Release. Could anyone help me out here??? A customization depends unfortunately on this and it would cost us several days to rework it.... It was working perfectly before spring 19.

When I update the RelationId field on any record, I get the following error: "[object Object]: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id"

However, documentation says it is updateable: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_emailmessagerelation.htm 

I've tried to run the following query in Developer Console: SELECT Id, EmailMessageId, RelationId, RelationType, RelationAddress, RelationObjectType, CreatedDate, CreatedById, SystemModstamp, IsDeleted FROM EmailMessageRelation and then updated to RelationId field to the Id of my sys admin user. I've removed all triggers from EmailMessage and Task - so this could not cause the issue.

I am not able to complete the che challenge "Set Up and Manage Shield Platform Encryption". Everytime it shows "The Case Description field does not appear to be encrypted. Make sure you have records with data in this field." Although I encrypted the Case description filed. Anyone have any idea how to get rid of it. Please help me. I am stucked in this step for two days.
I'm passing this challenge, however when I actually test it out by clicking on an account in the account list item, I get this exception: 

"Something has gone wrong. Action failed: c$AccountMap$controller$accountSelected [TypeError: Cannot read property 'reuseTiles' of undefined] Failing descriptor: {c$AccountMap$controller$accountSelected}."

I did some debugging and found that the location and latitude of the account are indeed being capture by my event, so it looks like this might be a problem with the leaflet function map.panTo(). Does anyone know the solution to this issue? Here's my code, although it's exactly the same as the tutorial's.
    jsLoaded: function(component, event, helper) {

        setTimeout(function() {
            var map = L.map('map', {zoomControl: false}).setView([37.784173, -122.401557], 14);
                    attribution: 'Tiles © Esri'
            component.set("v.map", map);

    accountsLoaded: function(component, event, helper) {

        // Add markers
        var map = component.get('v.map');
        var accounts = event.getParam('accounts');
        for (var i=0; i<accounts.length; i++) {
            var account = accounts[i];
            var latLng = [account.Location__Latitude__s, account.Location__Longitude__s];
            L.marker(latLng, {account: account}).addTo(map);

    accountSelected: function(component, event, helper) {
        // Center the map on the account selected in the list
        var map = component.get('v.map');
        var account = event.getParam("account");
        alert(account.Location__Latitude__s + ', ' + account.Location__Longitude__s);
        map.panTo([account.Location__Latitude__s, account.Location__Longitude__s]);