• Laura Babb 4
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I am stuck on Lightning Reporting Superbadge #3 with this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  The 'SolarBot Status Averages' report doesn't show the correct fields.
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I need to nail down this invocable method (or even convert to a trigger?). Not sure. I am an Admin, not a Developer, so I need help! A kind developer wrote this method for me and I am trying to trigger it via PB, but the contact owner does not update.
The PB is:
Account object (created or edited) >>
Criteria node = Account.Demand_Gen_Owner__c IS CHANGED || Account.OwnerId IS CHANGED >>
Immediate action = Apex Class
global class UpdateContactsFromAccount {
    @InvocableMethod(label='save info' description='Update Contact Owners')
    global static void saveInformation (List<Id> accountIds) {
    	List<Account> listAccount = [Select Id, Demand_Gen_Owner__c, OwnerId FROM Account WHERE Id In :accountIds];
        List<Contact> listContact = [Select Id, AccountId, OwnerId FROM Contact WHERE AccountId In :accountIds];
        Map<Id, Account> mapIdToAccount = new Map<Id, Account>();
        System.debug('Accounts for which Contacts to be updated:: mapIdToAccount : ' + mapIdToAccount);
        for(Contact con: listContact){
            if(con.AccountId != null){
                Account acc = mapIdToAccount.get(con.AccountId);
                if(acc.Demand_Gen_Owner__c != 'Unassigned' || acc.Type != 'Current Customer'){
                	con.OwnerId = acc.Demand_Gen_Owner__c;
                else {
                    con.OwnerId = acc.OwnerId;
        update listContact;
Currently this is just a PB in production and it is causing errors intermittently (usually accounts that have a ton of contacts) or also during bulk uploads. I think it's too many contact records that it's trying to update. Also have an issue with an unrelated managed package triggering the process and causing insert/update errors on the package fields (none of these fields are part of my process). I came here with this originally and it was recommended to use an invocable method/apex class to better control the updates. Please help so I can get this into prod! As always, thanks so much!
Hi Developers!
I need help please! I have deployed a change set to production and it is failing on multiple apex tests. I looked at some of the classes that failed and they are not working/old and obsolete. I don't know how to deactivate them or modify to make them work so that the failures clear up. Also, it seems that I have a lot of exception errors since I created more complex process builders. Could this be the cause of the failures? I am the SF Admin and the only SF person here, so my resources are limited and all help is appreciated!
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I have process builder that looks at a custom lookup field on the account object and uses that to assign the related contacts to that user. The logic is that if that custom lookup field is not "unassigned" then the related contact owners are transferred to that user id. If it is "unassigned" then the related contact owners are transferred to the account owner user id.

I am getting hundreds of these flowapplication errors:

Error element myRule_4_A1 (FlowRecordUpdate).
The flow tried to update these records: null. This error occurred: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY: DSCORGPKG.DiscoverOrgCustomMapping_Contact: System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded.

I don't know how to fix this or why it is referencing a discoverorg pakage field... nothing like that is even part of the process! Please help! TIA!
I am trying to create a process builder that triggers when a specific product is added to an opp. I want the Quantity sold for that specific product to go into a custom field on the opportunity record. I feel like this should be very straightforward:
1. Process is on Opportunity Product object
2. Criteria is that the product id = "specific product id"
3. immediate action is a field update on opp record related to the opp product record and is a formula field to fill in the value for  OpportunityProduct.Quantity.

This is not firing though. The field on my opp record remains blank. What am I missing here?
I have recently created a process builder that sets the lead type based on fields, date stamps when moved through the lead process stages, and sends email alerts when criteria is met. My users cannot convert leads now. They get the error message that is is in a workflow. When I check the queue for specific leads, they are not there. Additionally, I do not have any time-based workflows set up that do not include "Cancel Workflow = FASLE".I already have the VF page that overrides the standard button to check the cancel workflow box in place. How do I resolve this? I am at a loss with troubleshooting at this point.
We have a custom LeadConvertNoWorkflow VF button that overrides the standard convert button and redirects to the standard convert page. I have created a new profile and certain users are allowed to convert, so they have the permission set to do so, however, when they use the convert button, the page is blank. I have made sure they have enabled access to the VF page in the permission set and also that the profile is added to the Security of the VF page. I am at a loss for what the issue is here. Any ideas please?
I have a field that on Opportunity Product object (Quantity Used) that I update via process builder using a field reference to a field on a custom object (Quantity Used). The field update on Opp Product is then used to formulate the Quantity Remaining by subtracting the Quantity Used from the Quantity sold on the line item. The issue I'm having is that it obviously overwrites each time instead of adding the prior value of Quantity Used with the new amount to formulate the true number of used and remaining. Please tell me there is a way to accomplish what I need! TIA, developers!
I have used this same formula in a workflow for a different object and now I'm trying to create on the Opp object and it keeps giving me a syntax error! I see nothing wrong - I need fresh eyes, please! TIA!

OR (PRIORVALUE(  Primary_CSM__c  ) = "" && ISCHANGED(Primary_CSM__) ,

PRIORVALUE(   Secondary_CSM_Specialist__c   ) = "" && ISCHANGED(Secondary_CSM_Specialist__c) , 

PRIORVALUE( Project_Coordinator__c) = "" && ISCHANGED(Project_Coordinator__c)
I have a Clone button on a custom object that clears out the field values on the newly cloned record. This works in Classic, but not Lightning. How can I edit this so that it works in both UIs? It is a URL Detail Page Button:

I have done the Trailhead on Apex Unit Tests, and I just don't seem to be getting it. I wrote a trigger that will update my Opp Stage when my DocuSign Envelope Status = Completed. I need to test this so I can move it production. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Trigger updateRelatedOpportunity on dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c(before insert,before update){
    List<Id> oppIds = new List<Id>();
    for(dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c dc:trigger.new){
    if(dc.dsfs__Envelope_Status__c =='Completed'){	
    List<Opportunity> oppList = [select StageName from Opportunity where id in:oppIds];
    List<Opportunity> oppListnew  = new List<Opportunity>();
    for(Opportunity op : oppList){
    op.StageName ='SOW Received';
    update oppListnew;

I inadvertantly refreshed my partial copy sandbox to a developer type sandbox. What is the impact of this and how do I reverse it? We are currently testing a couple things in the sandbox and so I will have to wait to refresh it again. Can I wait until my next refresh cycle to do it or is this something that will need to be fixed immediately?
I cannot get the Convert button to be visible on the lead layout in lightning. All the correct permissions are set and the standard button is on the layout. It is visible in Classic, just not lightning. I cannot move it to Salesforce Mobile & Lightning Experience Actions, because it is standard. This is imperative and I cannot figure out the problem! Please help! 
I am stuck on Lightning Reporting Superbadge #3 with this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  The 'SolarBot Status Averages' report doesn't show the correct fields.
User-added image
I need to nail down this invocable method (or even convert to a trigger?). Not sure. I am an Admin, not a Developer, so I need help! A kind developer wrote this method for me and I am trying to trigger it via PB, but the contact owner does not update.
The PB is:
Account object (created or edited) >>
Criteria node = Account.Demand_Gen_Owner__c IS CHANGED || Account.OwnerId IS CHANGED >>
Immediate action = Apex Class
global class UpdateContactsFromAccount {
    @InvocableMethod(label='save info' description='Update Contact Owners')
    global static void saveInformation (List<Id> accountIds) {
    	List<Account> listAccount = [Select Id, Demand_Gen_Owner__c, OwnerId FROM Account WHERE Id In :accountIds];
        List<Contact> listContact = [Select Id, AccountId, OwnerId FROM Contact WHERE AccountId In :accountIds];
        Map<Id, Account> mapIdToAccount = new Map<Id, Account>();
        System.debug('Accounts for which Contacts to be updated:: mapIdToAccount : ' + mapIdToAccount);
        for(Contact con: listContact){
            if(con.AccountId != null){
                Account acc = mapIdToAccount.get(con.AccountId);
                if(acc.Demand_Gen_Owner__c != 'Unassigned' || acc.Type != 'Current Customer'){
                	con.OwnerId = acc.Demand_Gen_Owner__c;
                else {
                    con.OwnerId = acc.OwnerId;
        update listContact;
Currently this is just a PB in production and it is causing errors intermittently (usually accounts that have a ton of contacts) or also during bulk uploads. I think it's too many contact records that it's trying to update. Also have an issue with an unrelated managed package triggering the process and causing insert/update errors on the package fields (none of these fields are part of my process). I came here with this originally and it was recommended to use an invocable method/apex class to better control the updates. Please help so I can get this into prod! As always, thanks so much!
Hi Developers!
I need help please! I have deployed a change set to production and it is failing on multiple apex tests. I looked at some of the classes that failed and they are not working/old and obsolete. I don't know how to deactivate them or modify to make them work so that the failures clear up. Also, it seems that I have a lot of exception errors since I created more complex process builders. Could this be the cause of the failures? I am the SF Admin and the only SF person here, so my resources are limited and all help is appreciated!
User-added image
I have process builder that looks at a custom lookup field on the account object and uses that to assign the related contacts to that user. The logic is that if that custom lookup field is not "unassigned" then the related contact owners are transferred to that user id. If it is "unassigned" then the related contact owners are transferred to the account owner user id.

I am getting hundreds of these flowapplication errors:

Error element myRule_4_A1 (FlowRecordUpdate).
The flow tried to update these records: null. This error occurred: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY: DSCORGPKG.DiscoverOrgCustomMapping_Contact: System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded.

I don't know how to fix this or why it is referencing a discoverorg pakage field... nothing like that is even part of the process! Please help! TIA!
I am trying to create a process builder that triggers when a specific product is added to an opp. I want the Quantity sold for that specific product to go into a custom field on the opportunity record. I feel like this should be very straightforward:
1. Process is on Opportunity Product object
2. Criteria is that the product id = "specific product id"
3. immediate action is a field update on opp record related to the opp product record and is a formula field to fill in the value for  OpportunityProduct.Quantity.

This is not firing though. The field on my opp record remains blank. What am I missing here?
I have recently created a process builder that sets the lead type based on fields, date stamps when moved through the lead process stages, and sends email alerts when criteria is met. My users cannot convert leads now. They get the error message that is is in a workflow. When I check the queue for specific leads, they are not there. Additionally, I do not have any time-based workflows set up that do not include "Cancel Workflow = FASLE".I already have the VF page that overrides the standard button to check the cancel workflow box in place. How do I resolve this? I am at a loss with troubleshooting at this point.
I have a field that on Opportunity Product object (Quantity Used) that I update via process builder using a field reference to a field on a custom object (Quantity Used). The field update on Opp Product is then used to formulate the Quantity Remaining by subtracting the Quantity Used from the Quantity sold on the line item. The issue I'm having is that it obviously overwrites each time instead of adding the prior value of Quantity Used with the new amount to formulate the true number of used and remaining. Please tell me there is a way to accomplish what I need! TIA, developers!
I have a Clone button on a custom object that clears out the field values on the newly cloned record. This works in Classic, but not Lightning. How can I edit this so that it works in both UIs? It is a URL Detail Page Button:

I have done the Trailhead on Apex Unit Tests, and I just don't seem to be getting it. I wrote a trigger that will update my Opp Stage when my DocuSign Envelope Status = Completed. I need to test this so I can move it production. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Trigger updateRelatedOpportunity on dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c(before insert,before update){
    List<Id> oppIds = new List<Id>();
    for(dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c dc:trigger.new){
    if(dc.dsfs__Envelope_Status__c =='Completed'){	
    List<Opportunity> oppList = [select StageName from Opportunity where id in:oppIds];
    List<Opportunity> oppListnew  = new List<Opportunity>();
    for(Opportunity op : oppList){
    op.StageName ='SOW Received';
    update oppListnew;
