• nikitha kambam
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A.Long myLevel = acct . Level _c;
B. Decimal myLevel = acct .Level_c
C. Integer myLevel = acct .Level _c;
D. Object rayLevel = acct . Level _C;
E. Double myLevel = erect .Level _c
B,D,E which are correct
how can a developer get the label for the stageName field?
A. Call "Opportunity.StageNamelabel";.
B. Call "Opportunity.StageName.getDescribe0.getLabel()"
C. Call -opp.StageName.getDescrIbe0.getLabel()"
D. Call opp.StageName.Label
Create a lookup relationship to indicate that a person has an employer.
B. Create a master -detail relationship to indicate that a person has an employer.
A. Parallel blocks can reuse the same variable name.
B. A sub -block can reuse a parent block variable name if it is static.
C. A variable can be declared at any point In a block.
D.A sub -block can reuse a parent block's variable name if it is not static
is it correct
A. Static Resources
B. Documents
C. HttpCalloutMocks
D. WebServiceTests
I think answer is 1 is it correct