• Ricardo Aguilar 4
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  • Member since 2019

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Hello everybody,
Is it possible to create a Lightning Datatable using Aura or Web component, but querying data from other sources different than Salesforce? In order to show data in the Lightning Page from this sources? If so, could you share information or any help page with an Example. Specifically, I need to query data from Microsoft Azure and from IBM AS/400 and show it using a component. Thans for any help!
I want to get the MULTIPLE contacts records form the field WhoID in a Task and store them in a record variable, using Flows. The thing is that the "Get records" element seems not to be able store records in a Record Collection Variable. I wonder if I am doing anything wrong or if there is any other easier way to achieve this. I'd appreciate any help!

PD: What I finally want to achieve is to get all contact emails from the WhoID field and use them to update a field or send a notification.

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Good morning, I have enabled the "Allow users to relate multiple contacts to tasks and events" in Activity settings, and I want to create an automation process or flow to send an email notification to contacts related to tasks and events every time a new activity is created. ¿How can I achive this development? I tried to create a Process Builder but I haven't been able to create the Email Alert because when I select "Related contact" in recipient type it doesn't show any option to select. What are other ways to achieve this? I'll appreciate any help. Regards
Email Alert to contacts related
Good morning,
I have enabled the "Allow users to relate multiple contacts to tasks and events" in Activity settings, and I want to create an automation process or flow to send an email notification to contacts related to tasks and events every time a new activity is created. ¿How can I achive this development? I tried to create a Process Builder but I haven't been able to create the Email Alert because when I select "Related contact" in recipient type it doesn't show any option to select. What are other ways to achieve this? I'll appreciate any help. RegardsEmail Alert to contacts related 
Hello, I am trying to create a flow to identify the name of the Task "Related To" record. Particularlly for those tasks related to one Custom object. So, I created a flow followed from a process builder which starts every time a Task is created. The flow has been created with two data elements "Get records" and "Update records".
Get records: in order to identify the ID of the custom object from the task "Related To" ID and store the Variable.
Update records: in order to update the task field "Related to (name)" (Text) with the Name of the custom object.
But I think I am missing something or doing something wrong because my flow is not working. I would appreciate any help in this development.User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image 
I have created two visualforce pages A and B and assign them to 2 record types, using an apex class. It works properly, the only problem I have is when clicking save button on the visualforce page, both save the record in the same record type (A). Is anyone able to identify what am I missing? Thank you. 

<apex:page standardController="ADELTESurvey__c" lightningstylesheets="true">
  <apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock title="Customer Information">
  <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
   <apex:inputField value="{! ADELTESurvey__c.Contact__c}"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{! ADELTESurvey__c.Account__c}"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{! ADELTESurvey__c.Opportunity__c}"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{! ADELTESurvey__c.Survey_date__c}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{! save }" value="Save" />

<apex:page standardController="ADELTESurvey__c" lightningstylesheets="true">
  <apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock title="Customer Information">
  <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
   <apex:inputField value="{! ADELTESurvey__c.Contact__c}"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{! ADELTESurvey__c.Account__c}"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{! ADELTESurvey__c.Opportunity__c}"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{! ADELTESurvey__c.Survey_date__c}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{! save }" value="Save" />


<apex:page standardController="ADELTESurvey__c" extensions="NewSurveyExtension" action="{!redirectToNewVFPage}" lightningstylesheets="true">

public class NewSurveyExtension {

    public String recordTypeId;

    public NewSurveyExtension(ApexPages.StandardController std) {


    public Pagereference redirectToNewVFPage(){
        Pagereference pg = null;
        if(ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('RecordType') != null){
            recordTypeId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('RecordType');
            if(recordTypeId == Schema.SObjectType.ADELTESurvey__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Delivery').getRecordTypeId()){
                pg = new Pagereference('/apex/Satisfaction_Survey_Delivery'); // Add Parameters to Page if Needed

            }else if(recordTypeId == Schema.SObjectType.ADELTESurvey__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Operation').getRecordTypeId()){
                pg = new Pagereference('/apex/Satisfaction_Survey_Operation'); // Add Parameters to Page if Needed
            return pg;
        return null;
Good morning, 
I have created two visualforce pages A and B and assign them to 2 record types, using an apex class. The only problem I have is when clicking save button on the visualforce page, both save the record in the same record type. I mean, the apex class works redirecting the user to the specific record type, but is not working when saving the information because for both visualforce pages they save the information in record type A. Do I need to create another controller for the save button? I'd appreciate any help for this.
Please, I am trying to find a way to change the alignment of number and percent fields in list views and related lists to the right side of the column, in Lightning Experience**. In Salesforce Classic we had to uncheked the enhanced lists and inline editing, so that way values align to the right, but it is doesn't work th same in Lightning. Does anyone know how is the easiest way to solve this? I would appreciate any help. Regards! 
How can I redirect users when clicking the edit button on a custom object, to a specific page layout. Just to hide some fields on the Edit Page. Thanks for your help.
Hello, I am trying to create a custom list buttom to call a Visualforce Page, but I can't see the VF on the list when creating the button. I've checked out other similar questions in the developers Forums and I made sure the standardController for the object is already created. What else am I missing to call this VF page from the custom button? How can I can add this action/button to each record on the Master related list?
User-added image
I want the new custom button to apper in the related list for each record. See image below.

User-added image
in advance for your help!
What change do I need to do in the following codes, in order to make the "Edit" standard button redirect to a Visualforce Pages based on record type for a custom object?

The user should edit the record on the Visualforce Page.

Apex Class and VF page works properly when creating a new record with the "New" standard button, configurated with the following codes:

VF code
<apex:page standardController="ADELTESurvey__c" extensions="NewSurveyExtension" action="{!redirectToNewVFPage}"> </apex:page>

Apex Class
public class NewSurveyExtension {     public String recordTypeId;     public NewSurveyExtension(ApexPages.StandardController std) {     }     public Pagereference redirectToNewVFPage(){         Pagereference pg = null;         if(ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('RecordType') != null){             recordTypeId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('RecordType');             if(recordTypeId == Schema.SObjectType.ADELTESurvey__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Delivery').getRecordTypeId()){                 pg = new Pagereference('/apex/Satisfaction_Survey_Delivery'); // Add Parameters to Page if Needed             }else if(recordTypeId == Schema.SObjectType.ADELTESurvey__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Operation').getRecordTypeId()){                 pg = new Pagereference('/apex/Satisfaction_Survey_Operation'); // Add Parameters to Page if Needed             }             pg.setRedirect(true);             return pg;         }         return null;     } }

Any help would be appreciated,

I need to redirect the edit button to a VF page, based on a custom object record type.

Following a similar case on the forum, I created a VF page to override the standard Edit button, but I am receiving the following error.

VF Code:

<apex:page> standardController="ADELTESurvey__c" action="{!URLFOR (ADELTESurvey__c (ADELTESurvey__c.RecordType.Name, 'Delvery', $Action.ADELTESurvey__c.Edit, ADELTESurvey__c.Id, [id=ADELTESurvey__c.Id], true))}" >
<apex:variable value="{ADELTESurvey__c.RecordType.Name}" var="recTypeName"/>
<apex:pageMessages escape="false"/>

Error Message:
Error: Unknown property 'ADELTESurvey__c.RecordType.Name' referenced in Survey_Edit_Redirect

It should be noted that "ADELTESurvey__c" is the custom object.

Any help would be appreciated,

I have assigned two Visualforce Pages to two different record types using the following code and controller.

Codes work properly when creating a new record, using the "New Survey" button. (See image below)

I also have overriden the Edit button to launch the Visualforce Page to edit the record, but when clicking the edit button it doesn't show anything. It is not working.

"Edit" button actually used to work properly in the past, but now it turn out to be that I have might forgotten something in the code for this button.

Any help would be appreciated!
VF Code
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Apex code
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Edit button 
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I am trying to deploy an Apex Class in Production, but I haven't been able to succeed. The apex class runs properly in sandbox but when I deploy the code in production, I received the following error message:

System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: 2, Actual: 0 
Stack Trace: Class.CloneListTest.testCloneListControllerFive: line 159, column 1

This error message belong to a Class Name "CloneListTest" which is different from the one I'm trying to deploy.

Any help is appreciated! Regards.
Please, I'm traying to deploy an Apex Class using change set, but I received the following error:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Email, Phone or MobilePhone cannot be unfilled. Please, fill someone of those fields.:

The same happen to any Apex Class is going to be deployed.
Does anyone know what this is all about? How can I fix the error?

I would appreciate any help, Regards.
I have created a custom object with two different record types A and B. And I also have two Visualforce Pages, X and Y.

I want to display VF page X with the A record type and VF page Y with the B record type.

Any help is appreciated,


Hello, I am trying to create a custom list buttom to call a Visualforce Page, but I can't see the VF on the list when creating the button. I've checked out other similar questions in the developers Forums and I made sure the standardController for the object is already created. What else am I missing to call this VF page from the custom button? How can I can add this action/button to each record on the Master related list?
User-added image
I want the new custom button to apper in the related list for each record. See image below.

User-added image
in advance for your help!
Good morning, 
I have created two visualforce pages A and B and assign them to 2 record types, using an apex class. The only problem I have is when clicking save button on the visualforce page, both save the record in the same record type. I mean, the apex class works redirecting the user to the specific record type, but is not working when saving the information because for both visualforce pages they save the information in record type A. Do I need to create another controller for the save button? I'd appreciate any help for this.
What change do I need to do in the following codes, in order to make the "Edit" standard button redirect to a Visualforce Pages based on record type for a custom object?

The user should edit the record on the Visualforce Page.

Apex Class and VF page works properly when creating a new record with the "New" standard button, configurated with the following codes:

VF code
<apex:page standardController="ADELTESurvey__c" extensions="NewSurveyExtension" action="{!redirectToNewVFPage}"> </apex:page>

Apex Class
public class NewSurveyExtension {     public String recordTypeId;     public NewSurveyExtension(ApexPages.StandardController std) {     }     public Pagereference redirectToNewVFPage(){         Pagereference pg = null;         if(ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('RecordType') != null){             recordTypeId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('RecordType');             if(recordTypeId == Schema.SObjectType.ADELTESurvey__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Delivery').getRecordTypeId()){                 pg = new Pagereference('/apex/Satisfaction_Survey_Delivery'); // Add Parameters to Page if Needed             }else if(recordTypeId == Schema.SObjectType.ADELTESurvey__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Operation').getRecordTypeId()){                 pg = new Pagereference('/apex/Satisfaction_Survey_Operation'); // Add Parameters to Page if Needed             }             pg.setRedirect(true);             return pg;         }         return null;     } }

Any help would be appreciated,

I need to redirect the edit button to a VF page, based on a custom object record type.

Following a similar case on the forum, I created a VF page to override the standard Edit button, but I am receiving the following error.

VF Code:

<apex:page> standardController="ADELTESurvey__c" action="{!URLFOR (ADELTESurvey__c (ADELTESurvey__c.RecordType.Name, 'Delvery', $Action.ADELTESurvey__c.Edit, ADELTESurvey__c.Id, [id=ADELTESurvey__c.Id], true))}" >
<apex:variable value="{ADELTESurvey__c.RecordType.Name}" var="recTypeName"/>
<apex:pageMessages escape="false"/>

Error Message:
Error: Unknown property 'ADELTESurvey__c.RecordType.Name' referenced in Survey_Edit_Redirect

It should be noted that "ADELTESurvey__c" is the custom object.

Any help would be appreciated,

I have assigned two Visualforce Pages to two different record types using the following code and controller.

Codes work properly when creating a new record, using the "New Survey" button. (See image below)

I also have overriden the Edit button to launch the Visualforce Page to edit the record, but when clicking the edit button it doesn't show anything. It is not working.

"Edit" button actually used to work properly in the past, but now it turn out to be that I have might forgotten something in the code for this button.

Any help would be appreciated!
VF Code
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Apex code
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Edit button 
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