• Vishwas B N
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Hi Team,

I have a requirement , where we have to convert the JSON string to excel in Apex and store the file as Attachment to SObject.

Can any one suggest how to can perform transformation from JSON to excel file in apex code?


HI team,

I have a requirement to export data into .csv from salesforce app.

We are using external API's to get the data from extrenal db and display it in table using LWC.

Now we want to exoprt the data showed in LWC to .csv file.

Can anyone help how can we achieve this using LWC and Apex.

Thank you.

Hi Team,

I am getting below error when i add a custom LWC to a App page in app Builder. (The component was working perfectly eralier)

Action.prototype.finishAction Error  [Error in $A.getCallback() [Invalid observed finalpin field. Found a duplicate accessor with the same name.]
Callback failed: serviceComponent://flexipage.editor.aura.component.FlexipageComponentController/ACTION$loadComponentDefinitions]

Can you please help me in understanding what is going wrong here.

Thank you.
Hi Team,
I need to convert the date format '2021-07-20' I received from Front End to '2021-07-20 00:00:00' (Date time format). Can you help how can I do it in JS.
Thank you.
Hi Team,

I have a lightning-combobox element in my modal view. I need to make modal body little larger on clicking the lightning-combobox element and to original size when out of focus.

But i am not getting the expected behaviour. On focus of  lightning-combobox, the modal body is becoming larger but not listing the option. 

Below are my code for better under standing.


<div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-2">
              <lightning-combobox  required class="newrecordvalidation" label="Department"  name="department_id"  value={newqcchecklist.department_id}  placeholder="Departments" options={departmentlistoptions}  onchange={tracknewvaluechange} onfocus={addmodalclass} onblur={removemodalclass}></lightning-combobox>


.modalBody {
    height: 220px;




Video Clip : https://vimeo.com/571163587

Can you please help
Hi Team,
i have 2 LWC component as attached image. I have a function in operationActionExtended.js withing operationActionComponent to be reused in the newDiscrepancyComponent.js.User-added image

So how can i import the function from the component.

Below is the import statement i am using, which is not working

import {getmodifiedbuildstationlist}  from 'c/operationActionsComponent/operationActionsExtended';
Hi Team,

l have requirement for showing a warning message while saving the record.

For example:
Salary field which takes value greater than 5,00,000 should warn like "The amount fall within tax slab" while saving the record.

With the help of validation rule we can show message, but cant save record.

So can you please help, how can i achieve both the warning message( any form of highlight) and save record for my above requirement.
Hi Team,

I am navigating from page A to page B using navigationMixin.navigate and in connectedcallback of page B iam assigning values to the component propery from localStorage.

But when i call another function for logical operation the assigned value as not available.

Can you help me how can i do that..

Hi team,

I have a navigation from one app page(let A) to another app page((let B) and back to original page.

When i navigate to page B, i store current value of the properties to localstorage. When i comeback to page A i get the value form the local storage and set it to the property, but when i call a function the property values are defaulted to the original values.

Can you please help me how can i retain the assigned values.

Below are the code snippet(LWC):

connectedCallback() {
        loadStyle(this, HideLightningHeader);

    decideview() { 
        var scheduledata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('scheduledata'));
        if (scheduledata == undefined || scheduledata == null) { // works when page loaded for first time
        else { // this works whn navigated from page B to page A
            this.selectedbustype = scheduledata.selectedbustype;  //new assigned value
            this.selectedcustomer = scheduledata.selectedcustomer; //new assigned value
            this.selectedDate = scheduledata.selectedDate; //new assigned value
            this.selectedpropulsion = scheduledata.selectedpropulsion; //new assigned value
            this.selectedbusstatus = scheduledata.selectedbusstatus; //new assigned value
            this.partShortageFilter = scheduledata.partShortageFilter; //new assigned value
            this.discrepancyFilter = scheduledata.discrepancyFilter; //new assigned value
    handleallFilterchanges(event) {
    var selectedbustype = this.selectedBusType;    //value defaulted to original
    var selectedcustomer = this.selectedCustomer;  //value defaulted to original
    var selectedDate = this.dateFieldValue;          //value defaulted to original        
    var selectedpropulsion = this.selectedBusPropulsion; //value defaulted to original
    var selectedbusstatus = this.selectedBusStatus;    //value defaulted to original
    var partShortageFilter = this.partShortageFilter; //value defaulted to original
    var discrepancyFilter = this.discrepancyFilter; //value defaulted to original
    //other code for logic

Hi Team,

I have a requirement to display more than 30 records in the List view for an application ireespective of the object.

but currently with the standard list view component we can achieve only upto 30 not more than that. Can you help me how can i do that wi th standard component.

If it is not possible with standard list component, what is the alternate.

Standard List view


Hi Team,

We are trying to call a modal component with in a modal component in LWC code. The child modal component scope is limited to the component it is called from, hence we see the background parent modalChild Modalcolour difference in UI. Can you suggest how can we set the scope of the child modal to full width.

Please find the attached UI screen shot for reference.




Parent Modal

Child Modal

Hi Team,

Can you please help me understatnding the migration of the community with changeset.

- what are the configurations(metadata) we need to migrate?
- what are the component we need to migrate to Prod org if it is the first time migration
- what if  we already have community in prod org and have few chanegs in sandbox

Hi Team,

Can you help me in understatnding more details on the below community metatdata

- Network
- CustomSite
- ExperienceBundle

like what is it? what is the use of it? when we modify it? what all confoguration it can have...etc

Hi team,

I was trying to deploy Community from one Developer org to another
but the changeset option is not available in the Developer org Setup.

Is chanegset is available to developer Org? if yes how can i enable it?

Hi Team,

Can you please help me on basics of deploying Salesforce Community using below tool:

1. Changeset
2. Ant migration tool

Hi Team,

Iam new to salesforce community. I will be needing information on below details

How to deploy a community?
Deployment Plan -
- Changeset
- Package.xml(Metadata Elements involved)
Im trying to access the object value in HTML for the conditional rendering, But the error is thrown while accessing the value.

When a user selects perticulat product image, im changing the Visble value of the object, which is then used for the conditional rendering check.

This is the error show in the console -

Compiler worker caught an error CompilerError: Invalid expression {divTemplates[1].visible} - LWC1060: Template expression doesn't allow NumericLiteral

Kindly help..

Below are the code snippet


<div class="slds-align_absolute-center"><img src={product.Image_Url__c} class="product"
alt={product.name} onclick={handleSelectItem}/></div>
<p class="slds-align_absolute-center heading">{product.name}</p>
<div class="slds-grid slds-gutter" if:true={divTemplates[0].visible}>Product 1 Detail</div>
<div class="slds-grid slds-gutter" if:true={divTemplates[1].visible}>Product 2 Detail</div>
<div class="slds-grid slds-gutter" if:true={divTemplates[2].visible}>Product 3 Detail</div>

@track divTemplates=[
this.divTemplates.forEach(template => template.visible = template.name === event.target.alt);

is if:true={divTemplates[1].visible} is correct way of accessing the object value??
i have created component which display 3 product  family name. i want to capture the value of the product which is been clicked. Below are my Code

    <div class="slds-grid slds-gutter">
        <template for:each={getmyProducts.data} for:item="product" for:index='itemindex'>
            <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-3 family" key={product.id}>
                <lightning-card data-name={product.name} onclick={handleSelectItem}>
                    <div class="slds-align_absolute-center"><img src={product.Image_Url__c} class="product"
                                alt={product.Name} /></div>
                    <p class="slds-align_absolute-center heading">{product.Name}</p>

import { LightningElement, wire ,api, track} from 'lwc';

import getProductFamily from '@salesforce/apex/ProductFamilyController.getProductFamily';

export default class ProductCatalogPage extends LightningElement {

    searchKey = '';
    @wire(getProductFamily, { searchKey: '$searchKey' })

But when i select the product i get "undefined " in the alert please help.

I have Created a Lighytning Component to display all Products.
I want to make this component available in the custom application with tab.

But the component is not available for the Lightning Component Tabs.

Lightning ComponentLightning Tab window
Hi Team,

I am creating order management Lightning app.

I have 2 users in the Application.

1. Product Owners - Who post the new product released from the Org to Product Standard Object.

2. Sales user - WHo created the order for the customer requirement.

When i create the order using the salesuser profile the products are not visible under the product of the new order form. I have given the read permission of product to the salesuser. Please find below images for the reference.

New Order FormProfile SettingsRole Hierarchy

Hi Team,

I am getting below error when i add a custom LWC to a App page in app Builder. (The component was working perfectly eralier)

Action.prototype.finishAction Error  [Error in $A.getCallback() [Invalid observed finalpin field. Found a duplicate accessor with the same name.]
Callback failed: serviceComponent://flexipage.editor.aura.component.FlexipageComponentController/ACTION$loadComponentDefinitions]

Can you please help me in understanding what is going wrong here.

Thank you.
Hi Team,

I have a lightning-combobox element in my modal view. I need to make modal body little larger on clicking the lightning-combobox element and to original size when out of focus.

But i am not getting the expected behaviour. On focus of  lightning-combobox, the modal body is becoming larger but not listing the option. 

Below are my code for better under standing.


<div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-2">
              <lightning-combobox  required class="newrecordvalidation" label="Department"  name="department_id"  value={newqcchecklist.department_id}  placeholder="Departments" options={departmentlistoptions}  onchange={tracknewvaluechange} onfocus={addmodalclass} onblur={removemodalclass}></lightning-combobox>


.modalBody {
    height: 220px;




Video Clip : https://vimeo.com/571163587

Can you please help
Hi Team,

l have requirement for showing a warning message while saving the record.

For example:
Salary field which takes value greater than 5,00,000 should warn like "The amount fall within tax slab" while saving the record.

With the help of validation rule we can show message, but cant save record.

So can you please help, how can i achieve both the warning message( any form of highlight) and save record for my above requirement.
Hi team,

I was trying to deploy Community from one Developer org to another
but the changeset option is not available in the Developer org Setup.

Is chanegset is available to developer Org? if yes how can i enable it?

Hi Team,

Can you please help me on basics of deploying Salesforce Community using below tool:

1. Changeset
2. Ant migration tool

Hi Team,

Iam new to salesforce community. I will be needing information on below details

How to deploy a community?
Deployment Plan -
- Changeset
- Package.xml(Metadata Elements involved)
Hi Team,

I am creating order management Lightning app.

I have 2 users in the Application.

1. Product Owners - Who post the new product released from the Org to Product Standard Object.

2. Sales user - WHo created the order for the customer requirement.

When i create the order using the salesuser profile the products are not visible under the product of the new order form. I have given the read permission of product to the salesuser. Please find below images for the reference.

New Order FormProfile SettingsRole Hierarchy

Hi Team,

I am new to Salesforce. I am developing a lightning app, where i am using standard objects. i want to customize the fileds show as input value while creating a new recod for that object.

Is there is any page layout kind of thing for the new record creation page, to display/hide the fields to be entered by user?

I Want to scroll to top of the page to indicate that error has occured. When i am try to display the error message page is not scrolling to top when error is occured.i want to auto scroll top when error occured in lightning component.Please help me its urgent.
My issue seems to be very strange. I have created this process and when I test it, it is updating the sales price to deposit amount as said in the requirement. But when the chellenge is checked it gives me error message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly.

Chose the fullfillment object
have proper conditions:
User-added image

and update the adventure package
User-added image

I tested it and it seems to be updating the sales price to the diposit amount correctly:
User-added image

but still on checking Chellenge I get the error:
User-added image

completedly stumped!!! please let me know if anybody faced the same issue. any help.