• Eduardo De Souza 4
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I get the following message trying to install the DreamHouse app:
This app can't be installed.
There are problems that prevent this package from being installed.
Custom Field Definitions(00N6A0000098lS8) Duplicate RelationshipNameThe relationship name "Favorites__r" is already used by custom field Favorite__c.Property__c. Please rename existing relationship name.

How do I fix this?



We have a Scheduler Class for a Batch Class, both of which are working fine as evidenced by the fact that they have both successfully fired on schedule the last three days.  The Test Class, however, seems to be written incorrectly / not invoking properly.  The text class is below:



class TestStampForecastLastUpdated {
	static testMethod void testStampForecastLastUpdated() {
		// Declare Local Variables
		final string							accountRecordType = 'Distributor';
		Id										accountRecordTypeId;
		Map<String, Schema.RecordTypeInfo>		accountRecordTypes = new Map<String, Schema.RecordTypeInfo>();
		CronTrigger								cronTrigger;
		String 									jobId;
		final Date								monthEnd = date.valueOf('2008-02-29 00:00:00');
		final Date								today = System.today();
		Product2								product;
		// Get Account Record Type Ids
		accountRecordTypes = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName();
		accountRecordTypeId = accountRecordTypes.get(accountRecordType).getRecordTypeId();

		// Create an Account
		Account a1 = new Account (Name = 'Acme', Product_Discount_Amount__c = 9, RecordTypeId = accountRecordTypeId);
		Insert a1;
		// Get a Product
		product = [SELECT Id FROM Product2 WHERE IsActive = true AND Forecast__c = true LIMIT 1];
		// Create a Forecast record in the past and one in the future
		Forecast__c f1 = new Forecast__c (Account__c = a1.id, Backlog_Quantity__c = 1, Backlog_Amount__c = 100, Est_Forecast_Rev__c = 100, Last_Updated__c = date.valueOf('2008-02-15 00:00:00'), Month_End_Date__c = monthEnd, Product__c = product.Id, Quantity__c = 1, Shipped__c = 1, Shipped_Amount__c = 100, Shipped_and_Backlog__c = 150);
		Forecast__c f2 = new Forecast__c (Account__c = a1.id, Backlog_Quantity__c = 1, Backlog_Amount__c = 100, Est_Forecast_Rev__c = 100, Last_Updated__c = date.valueOf('2008-02-15 00:00:00'), Month_End_Date__c = today, Product__c = product.Id, Quantity__c = 1, Shipped__c = 1, Shipped_Amount__c = 100, Shipped_and_Backlog__c = 150);
		insert f1;
		insert f2;
		// Execute the batchable test

		// Schedule the test job
		String scheduleExpression = '0 0 0 3 9 ? 2022';
		jobId = System.schedule('testScheduleStampForecastLastUpdated', scheduleExpression, new ScheduleStampForecastLastUpdated());
		// Get the CronTrigger info
		cronTrigger = [SELECT Id, CronExpression, TimesTriggered, NextFireTime FROM CronTrigger WHERE Id = :jobId];
		// Assert that the expressions are the same
		System.assertEquals(scheduleExpression, cronTrigger.CronExpression);
		// Assert that the Cron job has not started
		System.assertEquals(cronTrigger.TimesTriggered, 0);
		// Assert that the Forecasts have their original values
		System.assertEquals([SELECT Last_Updated__c FROM Forecast__c WHERE Id = :f1.Id].Last_Updated__c, date.valueOf('2008-02-15 00:00:00'));
		System.assertEquals([SELECT Last_Updated__c FROM Forecast__c WHERE Id = :f2.Id].Last_Updated__c, date.valueOf('2008-02-15 00:00:00'));
		// Stop the test
		// Assert that the Forecasts have their proper values
		System.assertEquals([SELECT Last_Updated__c FROM Forecast__c WHERE Id = :f1.Id].Last_Updated__c, date.valueOf('2008-02-15 00:00:00'));
System.debug('f2 = ' + [SELECT Status__c FROM Forecast__c WHERE Id = :f2.Id]);
		System.assertEquals([SELECT Last_Updated__c FROM Forecast__c WHERE Id = :f2.Id].Last_Updated__c, System.today());


The last assertion fails, although the System.debug line shows that it should have been processed.  Again, the Scheduler and Batch are working properly, which leads me to believe that this Test Class is constructed improperly.


Relevant code from the Scheduler and Batch below, although again, they have fired properly as scheduled every day since scheduled.


global class ScheduleStampForecastLastUpdated implements Schedulable {

	global void execute (SchedulableContext sc) {

		stampForecastLastUpdated sflu = new stampForecastLastUpdated('SELECT Last_Updated__c FROM Forecast__c WHERE Status__c = \'Active\'');


global class StampForecastLastUpdated implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{

	global final string	query;
	date				today = date.today();

	global StampForecastLastUpdated(String query) {
		this.query = query;
	global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
		return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

	global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope) {
		List<Forecast__c> forecasts = new List<Forecast__c>();

		for (sObject s : scope) {
			Forecast__c f = (Forecast__c)s;
			f.Last_Updated__c = today;
		update forecasts;

	global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {



