• phyroslam2
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Is there a way to retrive the amount of an oporttunity converted in to the corporate currency insted of the default currency seted in that opportunity? or should I "convert" it down in my applicacion ? I´m using php toolkit 1.0
Where is the necessarry class LeadConvert in the phptoolkit ver php5 1.0.5 ?, I think I need it to Use te convertLead call ?
I have a hosting provider and even they have php 5.1.4 installed they don´t have activated openssl and socket extensions. Does the leatest php toolkit can work without them and which are the risk if there are any ?

Thank you
I´m using os x 10.4 and mamp (www.mamp.info) server that includes

  • Apache Version: 2.0.55
  • MySQL Version: 5.0.19
  • PHP Version: 4.4.2 & 5.1.2
  • eAccelerator: 0.9.5 beta
  • Zend Optimizer: 2.6.0
  • phpMyAdmin 2.7.0-pl2
  • SQLite Version: 2.8.16
  • SQLiteManager Version: 1.1.3
  • Freetype Version: 2.1.9
  • t1lib Version: 5.1.0
  • curl Version: 7.14.0
  • jpeg Version: 6b
  • libpng Version: 1.2.5
  • gd Version: 2.0.28
but even when mamp people says that the apache is configured with the openssl library the helloWorld.php trhows this exption:

SSL support is not available in this build

mamp people says to enable openssl i should create a certificate but I´m not sure if it is the real reason for this error or how to create it.

curl, sockets and soap are also enabled in php

any ideas ?
I´m using the php toolkit and wih the call describeSObject I can only see one field and not the array of fields that is spected. I´ve look at the server response and aal the felds are there, it seems that is an error on the parse function on the PEAR client, has anyone solved this or has a clue about what should I do? Is there a php client that has implemeted all the salesforce calls because neithere the pear version or the nusoap are complete implemented ?
I´m using the php toolkit and I can´t insert a OpportunityLineItem even when I´m providing the accountid, the quantity and the unitprice, the error I´m geting is: Bad field name 'UnitPrice', can you help me ?
I´m using the php toolkit and wih the call describeSObject I can only see one field and not the array of fields that is spected. I´ve look at the server response and aal the felds are there, it seems that is an error on the parse function on the PEAR client, has anyone solved this or has a clue about what should I do? Is there a php client that has implemeted all the salesforce calls because neithere the pear version or the nusoap are complete implemented ?