• ncix007
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    hi everyone,

I have s-control page As
 Example  >>(http://aspen.salesforce.com:7921/servlet/servlet.Integration?ic=1&scontrolCaching=1&lid=00bx0000000k1Gg&eid=a00x0000000448j)

when i clicked "save" button it will save the value should redirect to this page
Example >> (http://aspen.salesforce.com:7921/a00x0000000448j)

i have written code as
 in my s-control And happily :) page redirected to provided URL but :( it is displaying inside the frame
i.e:As shown in figure

Please how can i show it :)
hello everyone,
I want help for the updating picklist value from s-control
In my s-control I am showing list of 10 user  with selected picklist value for each user and if i changed  picklist value of anyone and have to save

I have shown all the user and their picklist value and  i changed picklist value  of any one of them.now i have to save them  what  should i do?
how can i save each changes value of the picklist .

plz help me :)


Here i want to alert My Custom Object field Name:But it is not working :(


<script type="text/javascript" src="/soap/ajax/8.0/connection.js"></script>
<script src="https://www.salesforce.com/services/lib/ajax/beta3.3/sforceclient.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    function initPage() {

var sfObject = sforceClient.describeSObject("Application__c");

for (var a = 0; a < sfObject.fields.length; a++)

<body onload="initPage()">

<div id="outputcheck"></div>

Please Any one I want help
Here i want to alert My Custom Object field Name:But it is not working :(


<script type="text/javascript" src="/soap/ajax/8.0/connection.js"></script>
<script src="https://www.salesforce.com/services/lib/ajax/beta3.3/sforceclient.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    function initPage() {

var sfObject = sforceClient.describeSObject("Application__c");

for (var a = 0; a < sfObject.fields.length; a++)

<body onload="initPage()">

<div id="outputcheck"></div>

Please Any one I want help
So, I've found a roundabout way of getting what I'm looking for, but I'm wondering if anyone can help me with a more direct way.  Basically, I'm trying to get the picklist values from a specific (custom) field in the Case object & so far I have this:

function buildDivisionSelector() {
 HTML = "<select id='divisionSelector' style='width:170px;'>";
 HTML += "<option value='all'>All Servicing Divisions</option>";
 var sfObject = sforceClient.describeSObject("Case");
 var array = new Array();
 for (var a = 0; a < sfObject.fields.length; a++) {
  if (sfObject.fields[a].name == "Servicing_Division__c") {
   array = sfObject.fields[a].picklistValues;
 for (var a = 0; a < array.length; a++) {
  HTML += "<option value='"+array[a].value+"'>"+array[a].value+"</option>";
 HTML += "</select>";
 document.getElementById("divisionSelectorContainer").innerHTML = HTML;


Obviously, I don't need to loop through all of the fields since I know which field's picklist values I want to get... I just don't know how to reference an individual field.


Message Edited by zach on 07-28-2006 02:48 PM

  • July 28, 2006
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