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Hi all,
I'm new to VisualForce but have been told this might be the solution to my issue.
What I'm trying to achieve is pretty simple :
- Some users are allowed to see only certain types of Activities (which are identified through a custom checkbox called isPublic__c)
- I am thus trying to create a VisualForce page for cases that would filter the Activities related list based on that checkbox (isPublic__c == true).
Do I need to create a custom/extended controller for that ?
I yes, do you have any sample code that would achieve this ?
Thanks for your help that would greatly be apreciated...
  • October 29, 2008
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Hi all,

sorry if this has already been posted.

I am working on the Customer Service part of Salesforce.
When logging Cases, the system should calculate a due date based on the SLA and on the Customer Service Center Calendar (meaning, without holidays, bank holidays, week-ends, etc.).
Since there are no standard feature to enable this feature, I have been told this is feasible through Apex.

I'm pretty new in the Apex world: I've done some developments, but nothing too fancy, so if you could help me out on this one, I would really appreciate.
Not mentioning I'm sure it's the kind of issue Customers face all the time...

Thanks in advance,
  • August 29, 2008
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I'm trying to assign record ownership on custom-object records as they are created via the API.  The custom object is called "Sales Quotes".  I would like to change the owner on each record from the login username used by the API to the same owner that is set on the Opportunity (Sales Quotes being related to Opportunity via lookup relationship). 
The preferred method would have been Workflow rule but the field update does not allow dynamic selection of user.  So I'm hoping this could be an easy Apex trigger that could run after each record is created.  Does anyone have any ideas to accomplish this easily and/or some sample code that would work?
Thanks from an Apex newbie!
  • December 09, 2008
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Hi all,
I'm new to VisualForce but have been told this might be the solution to my issue.
What I'm trying to achieve is pretty simple :
- Some users are allowed to see only certain types of Activities (which are identified through a custom checkbox called isPublic__c)
- I am thus trying to create a VisualForce page for cases that would filter the Activities related list based on that checkbox (isPublic__c == true).
Do I need to create a custom/extended controller for that ?
I yes, do you have any sample code that would achieve this ?
Thanks for your help that would greatly be apreciated...
  • October 29, 2008
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I have an inputfield of type picklist. The picklist has the following values:
I need to select one of the values(e.g. Draft) as the default value whenever the new page is opened.
I tried marking Draft option as the default value in Picklist values. However it does not work.
Please suggest.
  • October 21, 2008
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I'm recreating a detail page and I'm trying to add some related lists that are currently displayed on the existing page.  I'm unable to figure out what the list names are supposed to be though.  The names that are used in the pagelayout editor are not working.  Some example list are "Notes & Attachments", "Approval History", and "Activity History".  How do you find out the names to use in visual force for related lists?
ok, here's my class (work in progress)

//version 1.1
global class productEmailCreateCase implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler {

global Messaging.InboundEmailResult
handleInboundEmail(Messaging.inboundEmail email,
Messaging.InboundEnvelope env){

// Create an inboundEmailResult object for returning
// the result of the Force.com Email Service
Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailResult();

//define your debugging email
string debugEmail = 'youremail@domain.com';

// get contents of email
string subject = email.subject;
string myPlainText = email.plainTextBody;
string emailtype = 'new';
string fromname = email.fromname;
string fromemail = email.fromaddress;
string[] toemail = email.toaddresses;
string product = '';

//print debug info
system.debug('\n\nTo: ' + toemail + '\n' + 'From: ' + fromemail + '\nSubject\n' + subject + '\nBody\n' + myPlainText);

//set the product based on the incoming email
if (toemail != null){
for (string i : toemail){
if (i.contains('logmeinfree')){
product = 'LogMeIn Free';
}else if (i.contains('logmeinpro')){
product = 'LogMeIn Pro';
}else if (i.contains('logmeinitreach')){
product = 'LogMeIn IT Reach';
}else if (i.contains('logmeinrescue')){
product = 'LogMeIn Rescue';
}else if (i.contains('logmeinbackup')){
product = 'LogMeIn Backup';
}else if (i.contains('logmeinhamachi')){
product = 'LogMeIn Hamachi';
}else if (i.contains('remotelyanywhere')){
product = 'RemotelyAnywhere';
}else if (i.contains('networkconsole')){
product = 'Network Console';
}else if (i.contains('logmeinignition')){
product = 'LogMeIn Ignition';

// First, instantiate a new Pattern object "MyPattern"
Pattern MyPattern = Pattern.compile('.*—[:]{3}[a-z0-9A-Z]{15}[:]{3}.*–');

// Then instantiate a new Matcher object "MyMatcher"
Matcher MyMatcher = MyPattern.matcher(myPlainText);

//status of the matcher
boolean reply = MyMatcher.find();
system.debug('Reply: ' + reply);

//regexp for finding caseid \[:[a-zA-Z0-9]{18}:]
//boolean reply = pattern.matches(':::[a-zA-Z0-9]{18}:::', myPlainText);

//determine if this is a new case or a reply to an existing one
if(reply == true){
emailtype = 'reply';

if(emailtype == 'new'){
// new Case object to be created
Case[] newCase = new Case[0];

// Try to lookup any contacts based on the email from address
// If there is more than 1 contact with the same email address
// an exception will be thrown and the catch statement will be called
try {
// Add a new Case to the contact record we just found above
newCase.add(new Case(Description = myPlainText,
Subject = subject,
Origin = 'Email',
SuppliedEmail = email.fromAddress,
Product__c = product,
SuppliedName = email.fromName));

// Insert the new Case and it will be created and appended to the contact record
insert newCase;
System.debug('New Case Object: ' + newCase );
// If there is an exception with the query looking up
// the contact this QueryException will be called.
// and the exception will be written to the Apex Debug logs

catch (Exception e) {
System.debug('\n\nError:: ' + e + '\n\n');
string body = 'Message: ' + e.getMessage() + '\n' + e.getCause() + '\n\n' + email.subject + '\n' + fromemail + '\n' + fromname + '\n' + toemail;
sendDebugEmail(body, 'reply');
}else if (emailtype == 'reply') { //reply handling
// new Case object to be created
Task[] newTask = new Task[0];
//get the WhatId
string match = MyMatcher.group(0);
system.debug('Match String: ' + match);
string caseId = match.replaceall(':','').trim();
system.debug('Case ID: ' + caseId);

Case[] getCase = new Case[0];
getCase = [select casenumber, id from case where id = :caseId limit 1];

// Try to lookup any contacts based on the email from address
// If there is more than 1 contact with the same email address
// an exception will be thrown and the catch statement will be called
try {
// Add a new Case to the contact record we just found above
newTask.add(new Task(Description = myPlainText,
Subject = subject,
Status = 'Completed',
WhatId = caseId));

// Insert the new Case and it will be created and appended to the contact record
insert newTask;
getCase[0].Status = 'Reply from Customer';
update getCase[0];
System.debug('New Case Object: ' + newTask );
// If there is an exception with the query looking up
// the contact this QueryException will be called.
// and the exception will be written to the Apex Debug logs

catch (Exception e) {
System.debug('\n\nError:: ' + e + '\n\n');

//set up and send debug email
string body = 'Message: ' + e.getMessage() + '\n' + e.getCause() + '\n\n' + email.subject + '\n' + fromemail + '\n' + fromname + '\n' + toemail + '\nCase ID: ' + caseid;
sendDebugEmail(body, 'reply');

// Set the result to true, no need to send an email back to the user
// with an error message
result.success = true;

// Return the result for the Force.com Email Service
return result;

static testMethod void testCases1() {

// Create a new email and envelope object
Messaging.InboundEmail email = new Messaging.InboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEnvelope env = new Messaging.InboundEnvelope();

email.plainTextBody = 'Here is my plainText body of the email';
email.fromAddress =debugEmail;
email.subject = 'My test subject';

productEmailCreateCase caseObj = new productEmailCreateCase();
caseObj.handleInboundEmail(email, env);

// Create a new email and envelope object
Messaging.InboundEmail emailReply = new Messaging.InboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEnvelope envReply = new Messaging.InboundEnvelope();

// Create the plainTextBody and fromAddres for the test
emailReply.plainTextBody = 'Here is my plainText body of the email';
emailReply.fromAddress = debugEmail;
emailReply.Subject = 'Re: LogMeIn Pro Case:00001030 - testing reply';

productEmailCreateCase caseReplyObj = new productEmailCreateCase();
caseReplyObj.handleInboundEmail(emailReply, envReply);

static testMethod void testCases2() {

// Create a new email and envelope object
Messaging.InboundEmail email = new Messaging.InboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEnvelope env = new Messaging.InboundEnvelope();

// Create the plainTextBody and fromAddres for the test
email.plainTextBody = 'Here is my plainText body of the email';
email.fromAddress ='some@email.com';
email.subject = 'My test subject';

productEmailCreateCase caseObj = new productEmailCreateCase();
caseObj.handleInboundEmail(email, env);

// Create a new email and envelope object
Messaging.InboundEmail emailReply = new Messaging.InboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEnvelope envReply = new Messaging.InboundEnvelope();

// Create the plainTextBody and fromAddress for the test
emailReply.plainTextBody = 'Here is my plainText body of the email';
emailReply.fromAddress ='some@email.com';
emailReply.Subject = 'Re: LogMeIn Pro Case:00001030 - testing reply';

productEmailCreateCase caseReplyObj = new productEmailCreateCase();
caseReplyObj.handleInboundEmail(emailReply, envReply);

public void sendDebugEmail(string emailbody, string emailtype){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'some@email.com'};
mail.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce Error Handling');
mail.setSubject('Error handling inbound email as a ' + emailtype);
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });

static testMethod void testCases3() {

// Create a new email and envelope object
Messaging.InboundEmail email = new Messaging.InboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEnvelope env = new Messaging.InboundEnvelope();

// Create the plainTextBody and fromAddres for the test
string[] to = new List<string>();
email.plainTextBody = 'This is my test body.';
email.fromAddress ='some@email.com';
email.subject = 'My test subject';
email.toaddresses = to;

productEmailCreateCase caseObj = new productEmailCreateCase();
caseObj.handleInboundEmail(email, env);

// Create a new email and envelope object
Messaging.InboundEmail emailReply = new Messaging.InboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEnvelope envReply = new Messaging.InboundEnvelope();

// Create the plainTextBody and fromAddres for the test
emailReply.plainTextBody = ':::500700000059WZP:::';
emailReply.fromAddress ='some@email.com';
emailReply.Subject = 'Re: LogMeIn Pro Case:00001030 - testing reply';

productEmailCreateCase caseReplyObj = new productEmailCreateCase();
caseReplyObj.handleInboundEmail(emailReply, envReply);

static testMethod void testEmail(){
productEmailCreateCase obj = new productEmailCreateCase();
obj.sendDebugEmail('this is the body', 'new');

you can modify to suit your own needs, as there's 'some' custom stuff particular to our org.  this email class handles both new inbound and reply inbound emails.

a couple notes:
* you need to DELIVER emails to the SF address you associate with the email service.  you cannot just forward them.  this means, you need to be able to have your email server/service deliver to the address directly.  if you don't, you'll lose contact info, which would be mapped to the webname and web email fields.
* contact autocreation is not in this revision, as I use a custom s-control for this now.  i'm open to ideas on what exactly should be done on this front.  we currently create a contact, and map it to an account based on the domain part of the email address.  i'm not interested in coding a solution to handle person accounts.
* you need to modify the 'debugEmail' value to be the one you want errors sent to.  rather than relying on the debug logs of SF, i figured this would be an easier approach.
* code coverage is 90%.  the only code that isn't covered is the catch statement exception handling, as I didn't know how to force an exception at the time I wrote this.
* you need to add the following to the bottom of all your email templates, on a line of its own.

i'm open to feedback of course.

Message Edited by paul-lmi on 03-10-2008 09:57 AM