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Manage Package creates a schedule job using InstallHandler class. Now this schedule job is created from a ghost user and here we need sessionid to get a report related records.But the issue is the Userinfo.getSessionId() is returnign null. 
Folks need a quick help.

I am planning to use Oauth2.0 for one of the product I am working on. Issue is.. or could be my understanding is wrong. In order to start communication 2 important parameters are required with a rest call which is "ClientID and ClientSecret" which I know can be generated via creating a connected app in salesforce. 

Use case.
Some one installed my app in their org1 and have created a a connected app. now if a thrid party want to access my APEX Rest APIs installed with the package. how do that 3rd party application get to know about the ClientID and ClientSecret associated to this org ( in which a app is recently installed) 

Hope my question is clear.. cause that 3rd party will not be able to access the APEX Rest API installed by me in the current org unless they have the clientid & clientsecret.

I assume this should not be a manual process ( sharing clientid and clientsecret once with the 3rd party system.)

Kindly suggest/help

Hi folks,


I have a requirement where i have to let the portal user add more members( customer portal users) to his existing account.


I am unable to do that using Site.createPortalUser() as this method returns me null which seems obvious. but is there any option to let this loggedin customer portal create another portal user under same account.


Suggestions please!


Thanks in advance.

Please adviec if someone has used any video straming app integrated with SFDC.


We have considered bluejeans but they have not published there solution so far... any other pointers ?


Folks please help if you can.


I want my salesforce.com system as Identity provider and a 3rd party web based health repository system as Service provider. for example i want my SFDC user ( who could be user of that health repository as well) shall login to SFDC and after that if they want to access there health repository data can simply go to a web tab ( authenticated by SAML).


have configured both systems but no result so far ...


1.. is it possible as i curently trying to get this done. using fedrationid etc.

2.. if someone has done this before please guide me.



Thanks again waiting for  a reply....

I just added a new custom web tab with a simple url as http://www.google.com , after saving if I go that web tab it shows blank and no google page.



Kindly help as i am trying to do some serious work ( showing google.com is just a small thing but nfortunatly stuck here)




I know salesforce itself is on SSL .. https:// , but want to know if i can add a verisign certificate to my publi website.


Kindly Guide if anyone knows the answer.






I am trying to build integrate salesforce and Google DFP ( i am new to Google DFP)


I actually followed this link to start http://dev.bizo.com/2010/09/salesforce-and-dart-synchronization.html

but here no way to pass the authToken is mentioned.


Has any of you ever integrated DFP and salesforce , please reply if someone can show me the correct way to do this work.


Steps done so far


  1. Created a brand new google account
  2. Associted that new account with Google DFP sandbox account
  3. Unable to add network to it.


Thanks in advance.

Hi Forum members,
I am trying to use SOSL in my Customcontroller class,please help me using that cause the concept is not much clear to me .
I am currently queing data through SOQL.that i have to upgrade to SOSL
I have to fetch data from a custom object say "obj__c".
so the code is :-
String namevalue = 'Mathew' ;
String statevalue = 'GA' ;
String typevalue = 'VIP' ;
List<List<SObject>> searchList = [ FIND :namevalue IN NAME FIELDS RETURNING obj__c(Id,Name,Room WHERE  State__C like :statevalue   AND State__C like Type__C:typevalue )];
I am not able to understand this query completly:-
1). This query will fetch me records where the 3 condition met
2). What if i also heve to retrieve child records of this master object in a single go.
3). I have to fetch relational values also like : -  address__r.name  etc  s where to specify them
4). [ Select Id,Name,(Select Name,Date, From ChildObject__r)from obj__c ]  HOW to convert this query in SOSL
Please suggest and help
Folks need a quick help.

I am planning to use Oauth2.0 for one of the product I am working on. Issue is.. or could be my understanding is wrong. In order to start communication 2 important parameters are required with a rest call which is "ClientID and ClientSecret" which I know can be generated via creating a connected app in salesforce. 

Use case.
Some one installed my app in their org1 and have created a a connected app. now if a thrid party want to access my APEX Rest APIs installed with the package. how do that 3rd party application get to know about the ClientID and ClientSecret associated to this org ( in which a app is recently installed) 

Hope my question is clear.. cause that 3rd party will not be able to access the APEX Rest API installed by me in the current org unless they have the clientid & clientsecret.

I assume this should not be a manual process ( sharing clientid and clientsecret once with the 3rd party system.)

Kindly suggest/help

There is a junction object New Sponsorship between 2 Masters Recurring Gift and Child. Also, one of master record Recurring gift is related to Contact through look up. We need to create sponsorship when an opportunity (related to Recurring Gift, New Sponsorship) is created. If the child Id field on Opportunity record contains multiple ids then multiple New Sponsorship records should be created. I have a for loop for the list of Child ids.
The trigger is firing but is creating only a single record rahter than multiple records. Any help would be great !

The code is

trigger CreateNewSponsorship on Opportunity (before insert , before update) {
    RecordType rd = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE SObjectType = 'Opportunity' AND Name = 'Recurring Donation'];
    Set<Id> sponsorIds = new Set<Id>();
    for (Opportunity opp : trigger.new) {
 // R00NU0000000sKlMMAU represent relation ship between recurring gift and contact object
   Map<Id, Contact> sponsors = new Map<Id, Contact>([SELECT Id, (SELECT cv__Contact__c FROM R00NU0000000sKlMMAU) FROM Contact WHERE Id IN :sponsorIds]); 
        Map<Id, New_Sponsorship__c> sponsorships = new Map<Id, New_Sponsorship__c>();
    for (Opportunity opp : trigger.new) {
                System.debug('Inside for loop');
                System.debug('Opportunity Child Id is : '+opp.Child_ID__c);
              //  String ch  =   opp.Child_ID__c.substring(0,15);
              List<String> strChildIds = opp.Child_ID__c.split(',');
                 if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isBefore){
           if (opp.RecordTypeId == rd.Id && opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c != null && opp.cv__Contact__c != null && opp.Child_ID__c != null
         && (!sponsorships.containsKey(opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c) || sponsorships.get(opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c).Start_Date__c > opp.CloseDate)) {
            Contact sponsor = sponsors.get(opp.cv__Contact__c);
              //start the loop for multiple sponsorship creation
              for( String str : strChildIds){
                new New_Sponsorship__c(
                 //   Sponsor__c = opp.cv__Contact__c,
                      Child__c =  [SELECT Id FROM Child__c WHERE Id = :str LIMIT 1 ].Id  ,                    
                      Recurring_Gift_2__c = opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c,
                    Start_Date__c = opp.CloseDate
               //     Assignment_type__c = sponsor != null && sponsor.New_Sponsorships__r.size() > 0 ? 'Additional' : 'New Enroll'
        if(trigger.isUpdate && trigger.isBefore){
           if (opp.RecordTypeId == rd.Id && opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c != null && opp.cv__Contact__c != null && opp.Child_ID__c != null && trigger.oldmap.get(opp.id).Child_ID__c==null
         && (!sponsorships.containsKey(opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c) || sponsorships.get(opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c).Start_Date__c > opp.CloseDate)) {
            Contact sponsor = sponsors.get(opp.cv__Contact__c);
            //start the loop for multiple sponsorship creation
              for( String str : strChildIds){
                new New_Sponsorship__c(
                 //   Sponsor__c = opp.cv__Contact__c,
                      Child__c =  [SELECT Id FROM Child__c WHERE Id = :str LIMIT 1 ].Id  ,                    
                      Recurring_Gift_2__c = opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c,
                    Start_Date__c = opp.CloseDate
               //     Assignment_type__c = sponsor != null && sponsor.New_Sponsorships__r.size() > 0 ? 'Additional' : 'New Enroll'
    Map<Id, cv__Recurring_Gift__c> recurringGifts = new Map<Id, cv__Recurring_Gift__c>([SELECT Id, Sponsorship__c FROM cv__Recurring_Gift__c WHERE Id IN :sponsorships.keySet()]);

    insert sponsorships.values();
    // update gift sponsorships
  //  List<cv__Recurring_Gift__c> giftsToUpdate = new List<cv__Recurring_Gift__c>();
 //   for (Id giftId : sponsorships.keySet()) {
  //      giftsToUpdate.add(new cv__Recurring_Gift__c(Id = giftId, Sponsorship__c = sponsorships.get(giftId).Id));
 //   }
 //   update giftsToUpdate;
    // update donation sponsorships
    for (Opportunity opp : trigger.new) {
        if (sponsorships.containsKey(opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c)) {
            opp.New_Sponsorship__c = sponsorships.get(opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c).Id;
        } else if (recurringGifts.containsKey(opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c)) {
            opp.New_Sponsorship__c = recurringGifts.get(opp.cv__Recurring_Gift__c).Sponsorship__c;
public class TEST {
Map<Integer, String> m1 = new Map<Integer, String>();
m1.put(1, 'First item');
m1.put(2, 'Second item');

Why do I get this error: Expecting Right Parenthesis found '1'  ??
Here is my code:

public void selectProductsByTariff(){
        system.debug( 'Start ' +  myOpportunity.Id );
      tariffName = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('Tariff');
        system.debug( 'Tariff: ' +tariffname);
        listTariff_Bundles = [SELECT Name, (SELECT Id, Name, Product__c FROM Product2Tariff__r) from Tariff_Bundles__c WHERE Name = :tariffname LIMIT 1];
        for (Tariff_Bundles__c master : listTariff_Bundles) {
           System.debug('Here is an ObjectMaster record: '+master);
          for (Product2Tariff__c detail : master.Product2Tariff__r) {
              object productId = detail.get('Id');
              myProduct = [SELECT Id, Name from Product2 where Id = :productId];  (invalid bind expression type of object for column of type Id)
            System.debug('Here is an ObjectDetail record: '+productName);

Please help me!!


One of my Sandbox instance is upgraded to Winter 14. As per Winter 14 release notes, 'Too many code statements' limitation is removed.

But still am getting the exception.

Hi folks,


I have a requirement where i have to let the portal user add more members( customer portal users) to his existing account.


I am unable to do that using Site.createPortalUser() as this method returns me null which seems obvious. but is there any option to let this loggedin customer portal create another portal user under same account.


Suggestions please!


Thanks in advance.

Hi Folks,


I have excel file having 200 records and deleted 150 records. while uploading the data using data loader it is still showing 200 records. but when i open the excel file it is showing only 50 records.


what is the issue here, can any one suggest on this ASAP





Hi All,

I have wriiten code, which use Dynamic SOQL. & also used "String.escapeSingleQuotes(value1)".But still it is showing SOQL injection Critical Error on http://security.force.com/security/tools/forcecom/scanner

Can any one check my application, UserId=    ishibe-cms@salesforce.com

Look at class cookieentryforwidgetinpagecontroller.cls for SOQL injection

Its urgent, please help me

  • July 30, 2012
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I know salesforce itself is on SSL .. https:// , but want to know if i can add a verisign certificate to my publi website.


Kindly Guide if anyone knows the answer.




how to send email from trigger?



can any one help me how to i write trigger am new to trigger can any write code take two example and help me



thanks for advance alll.