• efazendin
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I'm using the partner.wsdl to make a soap request from Java to the API to get information about a user based on their session id.  One of the things I'm retrieving is an Org ID to make sure its within a known and trusted set.  Just recently it seems that something may have changed with what is returned from the getOrganizationId() call.  The value returned no longer seems to match the Org ID listed in Salesforce.com under Setup > Company Information.  I am now seeing 3 characters appended to the valid org id string; EA0 in one case and EA2 in another.  Has anyone else seen this? 

Message Edited by efazendin on 06-24-2009 04:36 PM

I'm using the partner.wsdl to make a soap request from Java to the API to get information about a user based on their session id.  One of the things I'm retrieving is an Org ID to make sure its within a known and trusted set.  Just recently it seems that something may have changed with what is returned from the getOrganizationId() call.  The value returned no longer seems to match the Org ID listed in Salesforce.com under Setup > Company Information.  I am now seeing 3 characters appended to the valid org id string; EA0 in one case and EA2 in another.  Has anyone else seen this? 

Message Edited by efazendin on 06-24-2009 04:36 PM