• eleemoody
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Please help.  We are very new to using Eclipse as a deployment tool. 


We have a validation rule that is attached to a Custom Object.  When we try to deploy just the validation rule, I get an error that says:


# Deploy Results:
   File Name:    objects/Plan__c.object
   Full Name:  Plan__c
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: Must specify a non-empty label for the CustomObject


I've reviewed the Plan__c object label and plural label and they are both populated with a value, so this must be related to something different. 


We've been able to do the same kind of validation rule deployment from Standard Objects without issue. 


I got it to work by deploying the entire Custom Object (which picks up all fields, rules, etc.), which was fine in this case.  However, there may be times where we do not wish to deploy the entire object.  Can you please tell me what can be done to alleviate the error we are receiving?


Thanks for any and all help.

Message Edited by eleemoody on 07-28-2009 09:47 AM

Please help.  We are very new to using Eclipse as a deployment tool. 


We have a validation rule that is attached to a Custom Object.  When we try to deploy just the validation rule, I get an error that says:


# Deploy Results:
   File Name:    objects/Plan__c.object
   Full Name:  Plan__c
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: Must specify a non-empty label for the CustomObject


I've reviewed the Plan__c object label and plural label and they are both populated with a value, so this must be related to something different. 


We've been able to do the same kind of validation rule deployment from Standard Objects without issue. 


I got it to work by deploying the entire Custom Object (which picks up all fields, rules, etc.), which was fine in this case.  However, there may be times where we do not wish to deploy the entire object.  Can you please tell me what can be done to alleviate the error we are receiving?


Thanks for any and all help.

Message Edited by eleemoody on 07-28-2009 09:47 AM

I am having some issues connecting to our prod sfdc org.


I can connec to our sandbox from our dev infa server.  I then try to connect to the prod ord from our prod infa server and am getting the following error:

SFDC_31101 : [FATAL] Login failed.  User [intuser@healthways.com].  Fault code [32].  Reason [SOAP Error : [Version Error : Version Mismatch]. Please Contact Informatica Customer support.].


I am using the same service url: https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/12.0


in test where it works i am using https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/12.0


Is this that the prod server might have a proxy issue?


is it possible to use the Salesforce.com API to determine which fields are visible to a specified Profile and which of these are read-only?

I thought this information might be accessible from the Profile object, but as far as I can tell it isn't.

Thanks in advance


  • January 29, 2008
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