• hamad_amaral
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Can I create a combobox for a custom object withou code a new VS page?



Hi guys,


When I use the following piece of code  I get the error "Field expression not allowed for generic SObject". Can you tell me why even after cast the generic sObject to the correct class I get the error? Is there any solution to get properties from a generic sObject after cast it to a specific sObject type (example an Account or Lead)?


    public static void setCode(sObject[] objs){

        for (sObject o:objs)
            if (o.getSObjectType() == Account.sObjectType)
                o = (Account) o;
            else if (o.getSObjectType() == Lead.sObjectType)
                o = (Lead) o;


            tempCode = generateNewCode(o.Name);




Thanks in advance.

Hi All,

I need export reports results from salesforce.com to my intranet database.

I know I can, for example, create a "page" with a report, add a button to call an APEX class to export the report to my database via web service. But I need this functionality available to all reports (existing and new reports) so I think the best approach is:

1. add a button "export to intranet" to the default set of report buttons (Run Report, Hide Details, Save As etc);

2. that "export to intranet" button should call an APEX class and send the report data from salesforce.com to my intranet (xml? csv?)

Is that approach possible? What do I need to do that? Do I need create an salesforce application? 

I appreciate any help. 

Thanks in advance.

Hi All,


I need export reports results from salesforce.com to my intranet database.


I know I can, for example, create a "page" with a report, add a button to call an APEX class to export the report to my database via web service. But I need this functionality available to all reports (existing and new reports) so I think the best approach is:


1. add a button "export to intranet" to the default set of report buttons (Run Report, Hide Details, Save As etc);


2. that "export to intranet" button should call an APEX class and send the report data (xml?)


3. the APEX class will run a web service on my intranet


Is that approach possible? What do I need to do that? Do I need create an salesforce application? 



I appreciate any help. 


Thanks in advance.

Hi all,


I'm testing a deployment process from a sandbox environment to my dev environment. I'm using Force.com IDE to create a new project from the sandbox to deploy on the dev environment.


I don't see any issues when I deploy custom fields created on default objects or custom objects but the tabs I create using these custom objects don't work. The tabs do appear on setup > create > tabs but they don't appear on "customize my tabs" screen.


If I try create a new custom object tab, the combobox "object" doesn't list the custom objects.


Can you help me find the best way to deploy my changes using Force.com IDE?


Thanks in advance. 

Hi guys,


When I use the following piece of code  I get the error "Field expression not allowed for generic SObject". Can you tell me why even after cast the generic sObject to the correct class I get the error? Is there any solution to get properties from a generic sObject after cast it to a specific sObject type (example an Account or Lead)?


    public static void setCode(sObject[] objs){

        for (sObject o:objs)
            if (o.getSObjectType() == Account.sObjectType)
                o = (Account) o;
            else if (o.getSObjectType() == Lead.sObjectType)
                o = (Lead) o;


            tempCode = generateNewCode(o.Name);




Thanks in advance.

Can I create a combobox for a custom object withou code a new VS page?



Hi guys,


When I use the following piece of code  I get the error "Field expression not allowed for generic SObject". Can you tell me why even after cast the generic sObject to the correct class I get the error? Is there any solution to get properties from a generic sObject after cast it to a specific sObject type (example an Account or Lead)?


    public static void setCode(sObject[] objs){

        for (sObject o:objs)
            if (o.getSObjectType() == Account.sObjectType)
                o = (Account) o;
            else if (o.getSObjectType() == Lead.sObjectType)
                o = (Lead) o;


            tempCode = generateNewCode(o.Name);




Thanks in advance.

Hi all,


I'm testing a deployment process from a sandbox environment to my dev environment. I'm using Force.com IDE to create a new project from the sandbox to deploy on the dev environment.


I don't see any issues when I deploy custom fields created on default objects or custom objects but the tabs I create using these custom objects don't work. The tabs do appear on setup > create > tabs but they don't appear on "customize my tabs" screen.


If I try create a new custom object tab, the combobox "object" doesn't list the custom objects.


Can you help me find the best way to deploy my changes using Force.com IDE?


Thanks in advance. 

Hai All, 

Editing the Opportunity Contact Roles related list changes the Last Modified date on the Opportunity, But Opportunity update trigger is not also fired at that time.I want to fire the update trigger in Opportunity while editing contact role in Opportunity.


  • August 24, 2009
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